Are American Voters Stupid?

Maybe having a poll quiz before allowing people to vote isn't such a bad idea.

---Are American Voters Stupid?---

---Are American Voters Stupid or Just Ill-Informed?---

American voters are stupid because they think they must vote for the establishment duopoly.
American voters re-elected Obama, that's all that's necessary to prove how stupid they are. Add in Biden, and idiots voting for more inflation, higher gas prices, and other lunacy and one might well believe this country is doomed if the madness doesn't end soon.
Look at our candidates over the last 30 years, and ask again if voters are stupid.

Are American Voters Stupid?​

Surely their leaders in D.C. are.


This is a start for a new poll quiz.

1. There are how many genders?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 or more

Social Security will lead to?
A. Federal bankruptcy B. Financial ruin C. Economic troubles D. A, B, and C

The best way to improve America is to?
A. Build a wall on our southern border to protect Americans.
B. To import more voters

A place that was doomed based on the behavior of it's citizens was?
A. Sodom B. Gomorah C. A and B
Maybe having a poll quiz before allowing people to vote isn't such a bad idea.

---Are American Voters Stupid?---

---Are American Voters Stupid or Just Ill-Informed?---

Before Tuesday, I might have said yes.
But after people largely came to their senses....I'll say...not as stupid as I thought they were. :)
This is a start for a new poll quiz.

1. There are how many genders?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 or more

Social Security will lead to?
A. Federal bankruptcy B. Financial ruin C. Economic troubles D. A, B, and C

The best way to improve America is to?
A. Build a wall on our southern border to protect Americans.
B. To import more voters

A place that was doomed based on the behavior of it's citizens was?
A. Sodom B. Gomorah C. A and B
1) Lots. There are three sexes but multiple genders.
2) E. None of the Above. It leads to retirement. So fix it.
3) C. Banish MAGA....forever. It's a cancer.
4) D. None of the Above. BTW, what's your fascination with sodomy? :auiqs.jpg:
1) Lots. There are three sexes but multiple genders.
2) E. None of the Above. It leads to retirement. So fix it.
3) C. Banish MAGA....forever. It's a cancer.
4) D. None of the Above. BTW, what's your fascination with sodomy? :auiqs.jpg:
You and your ilk are a cancer.
1) Lots. There are three sexes but multiple genders.
2) E. None of the Above. It leads to retirement. So fix it.
3) C. Banish MAGA....forever. It's a cancer.
4) D. None of the Above. BTW, what's your fascination with sodomy? :auiqs.jpg:
Egads. Anyone who can't get question one right should be banned from voting.
Early 20th century philosopher Will Rogers said it best. "I only know what I read in the papers". Americans today are stuck in an era where the entire mainstream media has become a willing participant in democrat party propaganda. Americans aren't stupid, just misinformed and educated poorly.
Setting Trumpism aside, the direction of the country, policies adopted, positions embraced, will have a detrimental long term effect on the way of life, standard of living, of what remains of the middle class and Constitution. To focus and vote against the fears of the intrenched media and bureaucracy indicates the economy, standard of living, and personal freedoms are no longer relevant which leads me to conclude most voters are the product of the nanny state and ignorant, furthermore unfit to be entrusted with the freedoms so many have sacrificed so much too preserve. The question remains are they stupid or is it a case that they just don’t know otherwise or have a backbone and sense of self reliance previous generations possessed? Fascism has many shapes and forms, apparently it’s now acceptable provided the government takes care of all your needs. As Franklyn stated “ a republic provided you can keep it”, apparently it’s disposable.
A very simple civics & issues testing requirement would disqualify about 80-90% of the public from voting.
Dems would never win a single election anywhere if we could require some measure of basic knowledge to exercise the right to vote

I don’t think you want to go that route.

More educated individuals voted Democrat. That’s why Lake is losing.
American voters re-elected Obama, that's all that's necessary to prove how stupid they are. Add in Biden, and idiots voting for more inflation, higher gas prices, and other lunacy and one might well believe this country is doomed if the madness doesn't end soon.
Indeed,I voted him for him the first time but like the educated infirmed American,i wised up and did not vote fir him the second time when he lied to the people on reversing bush’s dreconian policys not only continuing them but expanding them.all the people who re-elected him need to be kicked out of America and shipped off to a foreign country.

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