Are aliens really going to have to land on this planet

Abiogenesis - Wikipedia

Notice I posted Abiogenesis. The origin of life is NOT Evolution. Evolution occurs AFTER Creation.

Carbon and water are magic. It is like they were designed to create life.

"Abiogenesis" the word every dumb liberal runs to when they can't show or explain how life was created.

The link you provided lists several theories that never panned out what is the stunning conclusion according to your own link:

"There is no single, generally accepted model for the origin of life. Scientists have proposed several plausible theories, which share some common elements."

Yup, that's the best they got folks. There is not one generally accepted model for the origin of life because all the models are complete hokum.

Never once has spontaneous creation been replicated in a lab, and scientists don't even have a theory on how to even attempt it.
We evolutionary biologists are waay too lazy to stare at a test tube or petri dish for a billion years

So it takes a billion years for a bunch of inorganic molecules to suddenly form complex DNA strands. Great cop out, I'll give you that.
Not exactly. It takes that long for simple organics to accumulate in order to come in contact and interact.

The first life was very simple. Complex DNA & multicellular life came much much later.
An interesting, but unproved, theory.

Atheists loved the Oscillating Universe theory, but now that all the evidence points to a One-Shot Universe ending in "The Big Chill", it begs the question "How and Why did it all begin?"
You apparently do not understand science. Science does not prove anything. Science is a negative endeavor. We disprove previous guesses and make a new guess to fit the data.

The guess we call an hypothesis. We then submit our hypothesis to peer review and they do their best to rip it to shreds.

Once a hypothesis has survived a scientific food fight, it becomes a theory.

Theories are difficult to destroy, but it does happen.
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Ah, you are a follower of the earth-moon hypothesis. Perhaps that makes it easier, but I am not a student of that one.

Chimps and dogs are very advanced creatures, chimps especially so.

There is no proof that intelligence is a positive selective trait. We just might turn out to be the shortest-lived species of any this planet has ever seen. The punchline of this is that the absence of alien visitors means nothing.

I got into a very heated argument with other evolutionary biologists once about Planet of the Apes. They claimed it was bogus cuz they had horses. I argued the why not position.

I am, because we can see that in our own solar system. The planets that can possibly support life other than earth (and 2 others are on the fringes of the habitable zone) do not have life, and the evidence of multiple massive impacts are huge.

Now I do believe that Mars had the great potential for life. But the death of it's molten core doomed any life that had been there at one time millions of years ago.

If nothing else, the Moon protects us from such events. Either the gravity of the Moon nudging the rock into another orbit, or impacting it instead. And the evidence on a high number of craters on the backside backs that up also.

And how long would it take for any intelligent species to go from their planet to say another body like Mars? It has been almost 50 years since we stepped on the moon, but we have yet to go to Mars. These are not straight line steps from one progression to the other, but expand greatly from one step to the next. Without one step, it will take that much longer to reach the next one.

Humans had the mental capability to read and write since Neanderthal, but it is only fairly recently that Homo Sapiens Sapiens developed that degree of technology.

And by "Intelligent Life", I mean having the capability to recognize a sense of self, and to recognize both cause and consequences. Other than humans, no other animals fully have that capability.

And this goes back to the lack of Extinction Level Events. The most common on our planet are collisions. It took 65 million years for life to fully recover from the last such event, and if one was to happen again tomorrow it will likely be another 65 million years until it happened again.

Or it can even be a non-cosmic event. Just look at Tambora.
I am a believer of many organisms on earth having intelligence. I think it is a fallacy to claim that it must be human-like intelligence, or more ~ egocentric. Technology requires the physical ability to create things. We have evolved such mechanisms with bipedalism & the opposible thumb for grasping tools and writing.

Man, in a very real sense, has beaten evolution and is no longer under its influence. We control our environments. We control our gene pools. Last but not least, we have a breeding problem. Evolutionarily, these are not necessarily good things.

Enough humans would survive an extinction level event, but it would be ugly. Evolution would come back into play for humans and other species.
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I got into a very heated argument with other evolutionary biologists once about Planet of the Apes. They claimed it was bogus cuz they had horses. I argued the why not position.

Then they were speaking from a preconceived position and not looking at it logically.

Even insects have been shown to "breed" other insects to work for them.

Taming another life form is not evolution, it is adaptation. And in most cases, it is a 2 way street. Horses could not carry humans, until humans first domesticated them and bred them for long enough through selective breeding to create the modern horse. Not unlike we could not have dogs until we domesticated and bread the unwanted traits out of wolves.

Interestingly, in almost every case of domestication I can think of except 2 (pigs and cats), we harnessed their genetics to make them over in our image. The animals we now know did not even exist before we started to tinker with them.
Sorry, I was not clear enough. The argument was whether a different planet would evolve horses, as an aside. Nevermind that the movie was about earth which already had horses.

I argued that there are several evolutionary trends like cephalization, bilaterial symmetry, quadrapedilism that are not special earth-like inventions. Put them together you get horses. They might not look identical, but they would exist. In this argument, a camel, for example, is still a "horse".

You could say that as an evolutionary biologist I am a conservative. I am also a lumper and not a splitter. I do not believe in silicon-based life. Silicon cannot form chains.

In a very real sense, when we find life elsewhere, it will be a letdown. It will look like earth's.
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Long distance space travel is no viable currently. We can probably make a manned trip to Mars but that is about it. Technology has a long way to go to get even close to being able to travel near the speed of light which is what would be required before thinking of interstellar travel. The closest star is 4 light years away. Even at the speed of light it would take a ship 4 years to get there. Oxygen, water, waste recycle/disposal, life support, for 4 years for a flight that is likely to not find another habitable planet. Even if they arrived and did find a livable planet it would take the message four years to get back here and at minimum another 4 years for another ship to travel there. 12 years.

There is likely a way to travel through space at faster than light speed, but until it is found, if ever, we're stuck here. Unmanned spacecraft will have to lead the way.
Matthew has an agenda.

While I fully support the space program, even if there is intelligent life out there (besides God), there is NO way for them to travel across the galaxy. The distances are far too vast.

He's been watching too much science FICTION.
We didn't think anything lived on the ocean floor where photosynthesis can't reach but damn there are.

Did I ever claim that? No.

Next red herring.
All humans believed that. Turns out life can happen in places we didn't think could harbor life

You keep side-stepping the issue. This isn't about places that can "support life", I have no doubt there are plenty of worlds out there that can support life.

The creation of life, and a habitable zone that can support life are two entirely different topics. Life does not spontaneously manifest itself just because there is a habitable environment. Because of that fact, there is no grounds to believe life exists out on other planets simply because there is an environment that supports life.

How do you think life manifests? I say all the ingredients for life come from the inside of stars that died. They blew up and blew chunks of all the ingredients for life into the universe and when those microbes get frozen out in space they stay dormant until they crash into a planet that can harbor life.

Life is inside comets. Plant that life seed on a planet and look at what happened on earth. You get the diversity you see here. We know how life gets started on other planets because of what happened here. We don't have all the answers but we are pretty sure god didn't poof fully grown animals into existence.

There are lots of scientific theories I'd go with before the religious story of creation.

LMAO. Wow, microbes form in space after a super nova? Gawd you're a retard. The only thing that forms out of a super nova are heavier elements such as iron, as heavier elements can only be made my lesser elements combining at the atomic level during such an event.

"Life is inside comets"? Comets are made up of frozen water and rock. There has never been any scientific discovery to show otherwise.

"We don't have all the answers". Thanks Captain Obvious, you clearly don't have any answers.

Even the simplest life forms are very complex with so much DNA code our scientists today still can't decipher it all. Show us how atoms and molecules would ever naturally form such complex and intelligent code fond in the simplest DNA.
Every moon rock planet and person comes from inside stars. Look it up
We need to destroy Islam and Marxism before we spread humanity around the galaxy.
If Christianity says we're alone we need to drop it too the minute we find other life.

We are likely alone, there isn't so much as a microbe in the rest of the universe. Unless of course scientists can prove life can spring out of an inorganic environment by natural means.
It did here. Science is the same everywhere. Every Earthlike planet will have life.
The hawk is a caveman with an agenda
We need to destroy Islam and Marxism before we spread humanity around the galaxy.
If Christianity says we're alone we need to drop it too the minute we find other life.

We are likely alone, there isn't so much as a microbe in the rest of the universe. Unless of course scientists can prove life can spring out of an inorganic environment by natural means.
The Universe is teeming with life.
And the only reason we don't know is we aren't smart enough yet. We don't have enough information.

Certain types will say there isn't. Is it that they believe that or they want to believe that? Those are different things.
Long distance space travel is no viable currently. We can probably make a manned trip to Mars but that is about it. Technology has a long way to go to get even close to being able to travel near the speed of light which is what would be required before thinking of interstellar travel. The closest star is 4 light years away. Even at the speed of light it would take a ship 4 years to get there. Oxygen, water, waste recycle/disposal, life support, for 4 years for a flight that is likely to not find another habitable planet. Even if they arrived and did find a livable planet it would take the message four years to get back here and at minimum another 4 years for another ship to travel there. 12 years.

There is likely a way to travel through space at faster than light speed, but until it is found, if ever, we're stuck here. Unmanned spacecraft will have to lead the way.
Matthew has an agenda.

While I fully support the space program, even if there is intelligent life out there (besides God), there is NO way for them to travel across the galaxy. The distances are far too vast.

He's been watching too much science FICTION.
And I've already heard the christian defense when other intelligent life is found. Christians will say it doesn't matter. What's important is the Jesus experience is unique.

I would love to hear their religion/creation stories. I wonder if they would have one religion or 1000 like us.
If Christianity says we're alone we need to drop it too the minute we find other life.

We are likely alone, there isn't so much as a microbe in the rest of the universe. Unless of course scientists can prove life can spring out of an inorganic environment by natural means.
There isn't? We know that? Show me a link that this has been proven.

If the old testament doesn't say we are alone why do ignorant Christians all think we are? It's always the nutters who believe it like retardedgysgt

Yes we do know that. There hasn't been a shred of evidence of life outside our planet.
We have not looked very hard. We haven't even collected soil samples from Mars yet for fossil microbes.

Trust me, the Universe is BIG.

Probes did look at Martian rock. They had drilling tools to look. What did they find: bupkis.
I don't think we know yet bro. In fact I think Mars had life on it billions of years before earth.
Are aliens really going to have to land on this planet right in front of us all before we take space travel seriously?
For someone who's handle declares science rocks you really don't seem to understand it much. I suggest Fermi's Paradox as a starting point and stop treating things like Star Trek as hard science.
His statement is actually very good.

He implies we need proof that our current physics is wrong. A UFO landing here would imply that warp or faster than light travel was possible. It would definitely spur space travel, in that case.

You liberals claim you're all about science, but all you got are sci-fi fantasies.

Not one of you has a coherent scientific arguement for the creation of life.
Agreed. We don't know. It's YOU who claims to know.
Cling to your fantasies.

There is intelligent life out there who's already revealed Himself, but the ignorant have rejected Him for their fantasies.
Based on recent exoplanet discoveries, Frank and Sullivan assume that one-fifth of all stars have habitable planets in orbit around them. This leads them to conclude that there should be other advanced technological civilization out there, unless the chance for developing such a civilization on a habitable planet in the observable universe is less than 1 in 1024 (a 1 with 24 zeros!). For our own Milky Way galaxy, the odds of being the only technologically advanced civilization are 1 in 60 billion. Thus, it’s very likely that other intelligent, technologically advanced species evolved before us. Even if only one in every million stars hosts a technologically advanced species today, that would still yield a total of about 300,000 such civilizations in the whole galaxy.

The Odds That We’re the Only Advanced Species in the Galaxy Are One in 60 Billion | Daily Planet | Air & Space Magazine
So it's not hard to imagine there are at least 5 other planets in the universe as advanced as us.

Maybe not only are they smarter they may be faster stronger and more humane. They may be able to withstand temperatures like tardigrades.

It's also very possible a meteor never hit those planets so they have dinosaurs
Cling to your fantasies.

There is intelligent life out there who's already revealed Himself, but the ignorant have rejected Him for their fantasies.
Why did he only reveal himself in the most primitive part of the world 2000 years ago?

It's ignorant to doubt that nonsense? Never mind. I went to church last week and heard what nonsense they have you all repeat every week. You're brainwashed
"Abiogenesis" the word every dumb liberal runs to when they can't show or explain how life was created.

The link you provided lists several theories that never panned out what is the stunning conclusion according to your own link:

"There is no single, generally accepted model for the origin of life. Scientists have proposed several plausible theories, which share some common elements."

Yup, that's the best they got folks. There is not one generally accepted model for the origin of life because all the models are complete hokum.

Never once has spontaneous creation been replicated in a lab, and scientists don't even have a theory on how to even attempt it.
We evolutionary biologists are waay too lazy to stare at a test tube or petri dish for a billion years

So it takes a billion years for a bunch of inorganic molecules to suddenly form complex DNA strands. Great cop out, I'll give you that.
Not exactly. It takes that long for simple organics to accumulate in order to come in contact and interact.

The first life was very simple. Complex DNA & multicellular life came much much later.
An interesting, but unproved, theory.

Atheists loved the Oscillating Universe theory, but now that all the evidence points to a One-Shot Universe ending in "The Big Chill", it begs the question "How and Why did it all begin?"
You apparently do not understand science. Science does not prove anything. Science is a negative endeavor. We disprove previous guesses and make a new guess to fit the data.

The guess we call an hypothesis. We then submit our hypothesis to peer review and they do their best to rip it to shreds.

Once a hypothesis has survived a scientific food fight, it becomes a theory.

Theories are difficult to destroy, but it does happen.
So the creation story is no theory?
Exploring Matthew's sci-fi fantasies, please explain HOW any other intelligent life could travel here.

All the sci-fi nonsense is pure nonsense by those living in their own fantasy world. They cannot get here from there.

Damn it, I know you are up there, you can't hide from me forever.

Pay your fair share of universal health care!
Long distance space travel is no viable currently. We can probably make a manned trip to Mars but that is about it. Technology has a long way to go to get even close to being able to travel near the speed of light which is what would be required before thinking of interstellar travel. The closest star is 4 light years away. Even at the speed of light it would take a ship 4 years to get there. Oxygen, water, waste recycle/disposal, life support, for 4 years for a flight that is likely to not find another habitable planet. Even if they arrived and did find a livable planet it would take the message four years to get back here and at minimum another 4 years for another ship to travel there. 12 years.

There is likely a way to travel through space at faster than light speed, but until it is found, if ever, we're stuck here. Unmanned spacecraft will have to lead the way.
Matthew has an agenda.

While I fully support the space program, even if there is intelligent life out there (besides God), there is NO way for them to travel across the galaxy. The distances are far too vast.

He's been watching too much science FICTION.
It's always the religions who've held back scientific progress. We will never. It can't be done. We are the only ones.

If we listened to religion we wouldn't know the big bang theory or that evolution is how we happened.

Damn it, I know you are up there, you can't hide from me forever.

Pay your fair share of universal health care!
Imagine if we put all the money we piss away on nukes and war into getting to Mars and mining the meteor belt. Us china North Korea Israel Russia Europe. All the money we all spend. We'd be so much better off if we taught science instead of religion. Religion is how the elite control the masses. Who are we at war with now? Christians vs Muslims.

There's a smarter species out there
Exploring Matthew's sci-fi fantasies, please explain HOW any other intelligent life could travel here.

All the sci-fi nonsense is pure nonsense by those living in their own fantasy world. They cannot get here from there.

You don't know. Nobody knows yet. It may be that we are stuck here and there is no travel faster than light, which I highly doubt as space itself is expanding fast than the speed of light so it is possible. Whether we or any intelligent civilization can survive long enough to figure out how to do that remains to be seen. There may be a galaxy 3 billion light years away that has millions of planets with intelligent life. Nobody knows yet and we may never know.

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