Arbery’s Father Says “All Lives Matter”

The wages of my enslaved ancestors and then the value of the property stolen from my other ancestors by whites. Why do you ask? You know you are too poor to do anything about it personally. Go talk to your white government if you really would like to help pay back the debt.
You want to take money for a strangers trials and tribulations? What does him being enslaved have to do with you? Fuck it, I want reparations for slavery too then.
Obviously you only think this is news because your brain has no comprehension of what BLM means. Next time dont open your mouth and confirm to the world you are an idiot.
That truly is one the OPs dumbest posts among a crowded field but he forgot to tell us about the Klan and Democrats of old days. Had he been around in those days he would`ve had a Go Fund Me site for Booth when he was on the run.
The wages of my enslaved ancestors and then the value of the property stolen from my other ancestors by whites. Why do you ask? You know you are too poor to do anything about it personally. Go talk to your white government if you really would like to help pay back the debt.
You and I both know the establishment will never do it.

I can see now how you would perceive it as a white government and I understand it, but, D.C. doesn't give a shit about us either. We're just the peasants they take money from and give us no value in return.

You and I have the same enemy.
You want to take money for a strangers trials and tribulations? What does him being enslaved have to do with you? Fuck it, I want reparations for slavery too then.
My ancestors are not strangers to me. I know that your DNA derived dishonesty causes you to make that feeble excuse. Fact is that the debt is owed. No amount of bullshit from you will change that fact.
My ancestors are not strangers to me. I know that your DNA derived dishonesty causes you to make that feeble excuse. Fact is that the debt is owed. No amount of bullshit from you will change that fact.
Your ansecestors are strangers by definition and you still havent explained why anyone would give you money for slavery. What about giving ME money for slavery? Why shouldnt i be paid for slavery too?
Does anyone know where the slogan Black Lives Matter came from and what brought it into being.
It was obviously a reaction to the fact that black lives don't matter to so many Americans.
The civil war loss, etc., everybody should understand.
It’s crystal clear that the decedents dad is a thinker and guilty of not fulfilling the lefts racist agenda. Has he himself been called Uncle Tom or racist yet.? What’s the over/under on that? I say 10 more hours.
Seen some newer insipid signs which say “All lives can’t matter until black lives do”
BLM-who in the fucking world does not know that already. Create a non existent fake cause and then run with it. Liberals always have causes but rarely seek solutions.

It was a made up moniker to promote a non existent cause.
Of course it is non existent to racist who are not on the receiving end of it.
He is grieving father who lost his son to 3 racist rednecks.
So is you point that his grief is making him incompetently or incorrectly point out that All Lives Matter
The FACTS are that Because he can say that under the current circumstances then it Certifies in Cement the validity of his heartfelt Comments, Shame On YOU for trying to discredit snd discolor that man. That’s worse than racism to disparage him so and it’s solely based on him not complying with your own very special and sinister racism.
How is it that the very folks who are on the receiving end of racism are accused of causing the racism in this country.

I dont believe that most black people in the U.S. are down for rioting, stealing, looting, beating people up and attacking police. But it sure seems that the ones.. and white Antifa included, who are associated with BLM protests
I never said black people are causing racism in this country. Thats something some divisive organizations, and politicians do using the media. People on the street become pawns. The statement of black lives matter is true but it shouldn't be in opposition to the statement all lives matter, and vice versa. Some people would like to control our language and tell us what is ok to say or not to say.. and that we are wrong, or racist simply by speaking a simple truth.
So is you point that his grief is making him incompetently or incorrectly point out that All Lives Matter.
If he wants to choose the slogan "All Lives Matter" I am cool with that. His son's life did matter and a jury just told him so.
The FACTS are that Because he can say that under the current circumstances then it Certifies in Cement the validity of his heartfelt Comments, Shame On YOU for trying to discredit snd discolor that man. That’s worse than racism to disparage him so and it’s solely based on him not complying with your own very special and sinister racism.
When did I discredit or discolor him? That man is a grieving father whose son was taken by 3 racist rednecks, sorry get somebody else to play your little game of name calling. I stand with that father of a murdered son.
You retards think this is remarkable because you don't understand what black lives matter means.
We know EXACTLY what Black Lives Matter means. It means if you are Black and get killed by a Cop or a white guy, your life matters. If you are Black and get shot by Black gang members, your life does not matter. Go check out the long, long, long list of names and faces of Black lives that didn't matter in my Black Death's Matter thread for some education on the subject.
I dont believe that most black people in the U.S. are down for rioting, stealing, looting, beating people up and attacking police. But it sure seems that the ones.. and white Antifa included, who are associated with BLM protests
We aren't, we are down for peaceful protests. We have seen black and whites rioting, stealing, looting and attacking police.
I never said black people are causing racism in this country. Thats something some divisive organizations, and politicians do using the media. People on the street become pawns. The statement of black lives matter is true but it shouldn't be in opposition to the statement all lives matter, and vice versa. Some people would like to control our language and tell us what is ok to say or not to say.. and that we are wrong, or racist simply by speaking a simple truth.
It is not in opposition to All Lives Matter, they emphasize on black lives because that is who is on the receiving end of racism and police brutality in this country.

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