Zone1 Appreciating/Loving Jesus


Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
This is for people of all faiths/beliefs and of no belief. It is about Jesus’ basic teachings.

A well-known teaching from Leviticus was wonderfully put into these words by Hillel: What is hateful to you, do not do to others. What a great proverb, a terrific slogan.

Ever try opposites to see how that works. I have had fun doing that all my life, and as a young adult first reading about Hillel, I was delighted with the idea Jesus perhaps enjoyed playing with opposites as well. Jesus remarked, Do to others what you would like others to do for you.

Another thought that was presented in Jewish writing is that love of the law leads to love of God. Christianity took the opposite approach of love of God leads to love of God’s Laws/Ways.

Without letting religion get into the way—at least overly much--what is it that draws you not only to Jesus, but to any religious figure? What is loved and appreciated about them?
Matthew 7:12, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

Matthw 22:39b, "... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
Some things are just universally true. All religions expouse the same basic truths. Honesty, fairness, compassion. You don't need a religion to tell you those are things to emulate.
Matthew 7:12, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

Matthw 22:39b, "... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

Every religion I know of teaches the golden rule.
Some things are just universally true. All religions expouse the same basic truths. Honesty, fairness, compassion. You don't need a religion to tell you those are things to emulate.
Are you suggesting religions should not do this? Or, that key religious figures should be buried and forgotten? What would you have religion do?
Are you suggesting religions should not do this? Or, that key religious figures should be buried and forgotten? What would you have religion do?
I'm suggesting it's the absolute minimum a religion should do. The vast majority of religious figures were dead and buried long ago, if they ever actually existed in the first place. I'm not saying all those old stories should be forgotten. I'm just saying what was actually said and done should take precedent over all the made up shit that they are credited with.
Growing up in the 1960s and all the turmoil happening then My parents and grand parents and the pastor and Sunday school teachers teaching the word of God to me as it is in the KJV1611 made sense to me. As a child I use to say to myself if the human race followed the teachings Of Jesus Christ the world would be so fine. During my teen years I studied the best I could and during a difficult time for me I was Baptised by The Holy Spirit and sense then I have done my best to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ and to share it wih others who I have met in my life who were troubled .
Every religion I know of teaches the golden rule.

Matthew 5 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
I'm suggesting it's the absolute minimum a religion should do. The vast majority of religious figures were dead and buried long ago, if they ever actually existed in the first place. I'm not saying all those old stories should be forgotten. I'm just saying what was actually said and done should take precedent over all the made up shit that they are credited with.
I would have to better understand what you consider "Made up." Perhaps we could discuss one or two examples?
The concept was around long before your preferred god was invented
Yes. The spiritual world and its actions is much like the physical world and its acts. There is much that is observable , even when it is not actually seen. Gravity, wind, heat in the physical world and golden rules in the spiritual world.

Perspectives are unique and explanations differ. Some are creative and make vivid points; some are as dull as dust but quite factual. In the physical world we have Aesop's Fables and Old Mother West Wind and her merry little breezes explaining what we see around us. Or we could choose a science text.

In the spiritual world we observe that to avoid harming is desirable, or that loving those we meet brings about good. Or, another culture might not so much focus on avoiding harm or doing good, but maintaining balance in our surroundings, both our physical surroundings and our spiritual surroundings.

This thread was not intended to shoot down different perspectives, but to take note of all perspectives and enjoy the distinctness and disparate presentations of all. I chose as an example the distinct differences of the way Hillel and Jesus essentially said the same thing. I am betting there are other different ways other people made that same point.
Some things are just universally true. All religions expouse the same basic truths. Honesty, fairness, compassion. You don't need a religion to tell you those are things to emulate.
And all those basic ideas were around before there were any organized religions.
The Story of The Good Samaritan may be the point some of the posters are making. He was neither Christian, jew or Muslim but he is mentioned in all three scriptures and told we should emulate him.
All the Jesus material is old hat in terms of its historical roots. Way, way before his time .
But it took extremists from his circle to then invent a News story to promote what became a Cult.
Mainly the nonsense about the Crucifixion, Resurrection and the notion of theTrinity .
Without those fabrications it is just a tale about a nice chap who had picked up eastern traditions and tried to apply them.
Now in more enlightened times its popularity is fast disappearing as its untruths become self evidently false .
A rare example of the species growing in stature .

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