Appeals for calm

Democrats are the enemy. The very best thing to happen to this country would be to tear the nation apart. Because democrats are so evil they are a great boil on the ass of the United States. It needs to be lanced and drained.

YAWN....I can say the same thing about everyone on the right. Republicans are EVILLLLL....sigh..
Except, they aren't. A lot of Republicans I know wish the party would dump Trump and get back to the basics of conservatism (without the bible thumping abortionists).
Unfortunately, his support in the Republican party is approaching 95%. Rock and a hard place for true conservatives.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
I figured the retarded right would cook up some fantasy years after Obama left office. Drumpf is consumed with Obama. Obama takes up space free of rent in Drumpfs little orange brain.
no one has cooked up anything about obama what obama did happened and was 10 times worse than Watergate.

Well, you haven't given any (fantasy) examples of what Obama did that was worse than Watergate. I don't remember Obama ordering any break ins at RNC offices, and then covering it up. I don't remember Obama having any secret recording devices and then erasing any of the conversations...aww...jeez..why am I even going down this rat hole? LOL.

Tell us honestly...what is it that you REALLY didn't like about him?
Wiretapping the political opposition
The Flynn criminal hit
Trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ
using a politically motivated dossier as evidence in the FISA courts.
Using foreign intelligence to influence the 2016 election

1) Didn't happen. No evidence. No matter how much Trump screamed.
2) You only know this because the information was released by people on the right with a political agenda. Wasn't really an unmasking. Flynn was the subject of an inquiry. Geez, the picture of him on his phone on Inauguration Day says it all. :)
3) If this was a criminal hit, why did Flynn plead guilty?? If you are not guilty, you don't plead...unless, you actually have something to hide.
4) Fantasy. All he had to do is direct the DOJ to release the information about the accusations of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and DJT is burnt, cripsy toast in 2016!!
5) The dossier wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Stop parroting this lie. The Inspector General quibbled with the process, not the actual issuing.
6) Huh?? See Point #4.
1. happened or are you calling the FBI liars?
2. unmasking happened you're lying doesn't change the fact it happened Flynn was unmasked you dumb ass.
3. It was a politically motivated hit Flynn was advised by his lawyer and never was shown the findings of the investigation why is the DOJ dropping the charges?
4. you're lying if you call it a fantasy
5. Christopher Steele openly admitted his hate for Trump the dossier was a politically motivated pile of shit used in the FSIA COURTS AND THE JUDGE NEVER WAS ADVISED THAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THE DOSSIER.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
I figured the retarded right would cook up some fantasy years after Obama left office. Drumpf is consumed with Obama. Obama takes up space free of rent in Drumpfs little orange brain.
no one has cooked up anything about obama what obama did happened and was 10 times worse than Watergate.

Well, you haven't given any (fantasy) examples of what Obama did that was worse than Watergate. I don't remember Obama ordering any break ins at RNC offices, and then covering it up. I don't remember Obama having any secret recording devices and then erasing any of the conversations...aww...jeez..why am I even going down this rat hole? LOL.

Tell us honestly...what is it that you REALLY didn't like about him?
Wiretapping the political opposition
The Flynn criminal hit
Trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ
using a politically motivated dossier as evidence in the FISA courts.
Using foreign intelligence to influence the 2016 election
So I guess you have a valid link to all this right?
Where in the fuck have you been for the last three years? What was the impeachment over?
What was the Mueller investigation about?
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
I figured the retarded right would cook up some fantasy years after Obama left office. Drumpf is consumed with Obama. Obama takes up space free of rent in Drumpfs little orange brain.
no one has cooked up anything about obama what obama did happened and was 10 times worse than Watergate.

Well, you haven't given any (fantasy) examples of what Obama did that was worse than Watergate. I don't remember Obama ordering any break ins at RNC offices, and then covering it up. I don't remember Obama having any secret recording devices and then erasing any of the conversations...aww...jeez..why am I even going down this rat hole? LOL.

Tell us honestly...what is it that you REALLY didn't like about him?
Wiretapping the political opposition
The Flynn criminal hit
Trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ
using a politically motivated dossier as evidence in the FISA courts.
Using foreign intelligence to influence the 2016 election

1) Didn't happen. No evidence. No matter how much Trump screamed.
2) You only know this because the information was released by people on the right with a political agenda. Wasn't really an unmasking. Flynn was the subject of an inquiry. Geez, the picture of him on his phone on Inauguration Day says it all. :)
3) If this was a criminal hit, why did Flynn plead guilty?? If you are not guilty, you don't plead...unless, you actually have something to hide.
4) Fantasy. All he had to do is direct the DOJ to release the information about the accusations of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and DJT is burnt, cripsy toast in 2016!!
5) The dossier wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Stop parroting this lie. The Inspector General quibbled with the process, not the actual issuing.
6) Huh?? See Point #4.
1. happened or are you calling the FBI liars?
2. unmasking happened you're lying doesn't change the fact it happened Flynn was unmasked you dumb ass.
3. It was a politically motivated hit Flynn was advised by his lawyer and never was shown the findings of the investigation why is the DOJ dropping the charges?
4. you're lying if you call it a fantasy
5. Christopher Steele openly admitted his hate for Trump the dossier was a politically motivated pile of shit used in the FSIA COURTS AND THE JUDGE NEVER WAS ADVISED THAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THE DOSSIER.

1) your savior. Just a figment of your imagination.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
I figured the retarded right would cook up some fantasy years after Obama left office. Drumpf is consumed with Obama. Obama takes up space free of rent in Drumpfs little orange brain.
no one has cooked up anything about obama what obama did happened and was 10 times worse than Watergate.

Well, you haven't given any (fantasy) examples of what Obama did that was worse than Watergate. I don't remember Obama ordering any break ins at RNC offices, and then covering it up. I don't remember Obama having any secret recording devices and then erasing any of the conversations...aww...jeez..why am I even going down this rat hole? LOL.

Tell us honestly...what is it that you REALLY didn't like about him?
Wiretapping the political opposition
The Flynn criminal hit
Trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ
using a politically motivated dossier as evidence in the FISA courts.
Using foreign intelligence to influence the 2016 election
So I guess you have a valid link to all this right?
Where in the fuck have you been for the last three years? What was the impeachment over?
What was the Mueller investigation about?
The impeachment was about Drumpf trying to abuse power and cover shit up. Where have you been?

Now again concerning the charges you listed. Please supply a link to all the charges against Obama.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
I figured the retarded right would cook up some fantasy years after Obama left office. Drumpf is consumed with Obama. Obama takes up space free of rent in Drumpfs little orange brain.
no one has cooked up anything about obama what obama did happened and was 10 times worse than Watergate.

Well, you haven't given any (fantasy) examples of what Obama did that was worse than Watergate. I don't remember Obama ordering any break ins at RNC offices, and then covering it up. I don't remember Obama having any secret recording devices and then erasing any of the conversations...aww...jeez..why am I even going down this rat hole? LOL.

Tell us honestly...what is it that you REALLY didn't like about him?
Wiretapping the political opposition
The Flynn criminal hit
Trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ
using a politically motivated dossier as evidence in the FISA courts.
Using foreign intelligence to influence the 2016 election
So I guess you have a valid link to all this right?
Where in the fuck have you been for the last three years? What was the impeachment over?
What was the Mueller investigation about?

Impeachment was over on February 5th (actually February 3rd). Impeachment was over his attempt to leverage the Ukraine government to dig up dirt on his perceived chief political rival.
The Mueller investigation was prompted by his firing of the then FBI director and his subsequent attempts to suppress the inquiries into why he did so.
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

--President Donald Trump, Speech Transcript at Kennedy Space Center After SpaceX NASA Launch

Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts

No one is protecting him..because there's nothing to protect him from. If Obama really wanted to influence the 2016 election, he would have told McConnell to go pound sand and had the DOJ release the full details of the Trump campaign's attempt to collude with the Russians to try and influence the election. If that information comes out in full a week or two ahead of the election, Trump loses by double digits. Just admit it. You got nothing on Obama. Just a lot of alt-right fantasy.
The media protected obama you're stupid if you claim otherwise

They didn't. But any examples I ask of you are shaded by your right wing bias. And way off the OP topic.
Oh yeah..Trump has only provided division and leadership when it comes to calming the tensions in this country.
But, again, as always, it's because he really has no interest in actually being President..but he'll use Twitter to gaslight....something he's a pro at. :)
Dude if what Nixon did during Watergate was illegal what obama did using the DOJ against the political opposition is 10 times worse

Again...alt-right fantasy. If he was so inclined, Obama could have enviscerated Trump's campaign for President. Just tell Mitch to GFY and direct the DOJ to release the information they had on Trump's apparent attempt to collude with the Russians to influence the election. Instant dagger in the Trump campaign and he goes down by double digits. Yet...crickets from both Obama...and Clinton's campaign....damn...if it were me, I'd have let loose on his campaign with them-a-blazin!! :)
I figured the retarded right would cook up some fantasy years after Obama left office. Drumpf is consumed with Obama. Obama takes up space free of rent in Drumpfs little orange brain.
no one has cooked up anything about obama what obama did happened and was 10 times worse than Watergate.

Well, you haven't given any (fantasy) examples of what Obama did that was worse than Watergate. I don't remember Obama ordering any break ins at RNC offices, and then covering it up. I don't remember Obama having any secret recording devices and then erasing any of the conversations...aww...jeez..why am I even going down this rat hole? LOL.

Tell us honestly...what is it that you REALLY didn't like about him?
Wiretapping the political opposition
The Flynn criminal hit
Trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ
using a politically motivated dossier as evidence in the FISA courts.
Using foreign intelligence to influence the 2016 election
So I guess you have a valid link to all this right?
Where in the fuck have you been for the last three years? What was the impeachment over?
What was the Mueller investigation about?

Impeachment was over on February 5th (actually February 3rd). Impeachment was over his attempt to leverage the Ukraine government to dig up dirt on his perceived chief political rival.
The Mueller investigation was prompted by his firing of the then FBI director and his subsequent attempts to suppress the inquiries into why he did so.
Red is so into Drumpf he doesnt know his ass from his face right about now.
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

So, in reality, he did show "leadership" as you so define it, Asclepias. I'm guessing you conveniently ignored it.
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

Yeah he fucked it up. Looks like he went off script halfway through this paragraph.
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

So, in reality, he did show "leadership" as you so define it, Asclepias. I'm guessing you conveniently ignored it.
Well at least he finally said something. I can give him that.
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

Yeah he fucked it up. Looks like he went off script halfway through this paragraph.

Now you can't admit he did what you wanted him to do. What you've been demanding he do for the great majority of this thread.
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

So, in reality, he did show "leadership" as you so define it, Asclepias. I'm guessing you conveniently ignored it.
Well at least he finally said something. I can give him that.

He said that yesterday. Where were you? How far was your head planted up your backside?
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

So, in reality, he did show "leadership" as you so define it, Asclepias. I'm guessing you conveniently ignored it.
Well at least he finally said something. I can give him that.

Can you also admit you made a fool of yourself in this thread? Or do we need to review?
I will see you out now. Asclepias

"The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against sadly, the other three. In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it. I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protestors and we hear their pleas, but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings."

So, in reality, he did show "leadership" as you so define it, Asclepias. I'm guessing you conveniently ignored it.
Well at least he finally said something. I can give him that.

He said that yesterday. Where were you? How far was your head planted up your backside?
A couple of days too late as usual.

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