Apparent majority for Jordan Valley Sovereignty vote


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
Smotrich calls for vote next week on Jordan Valley sovereignty
Transportation Minister writes to PM calling for Knesset plenum to use discussion of immunity to push for vote on sovereignty.

Transportation Minister and National Union chief MK Bezalel Smotrich sent a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu requesting that the plenum be convened next week to vote to apply sovereignty in the Jordan Valley.

The plenary is expected to convene at the request of the Blue and White party to discuss setting up a committee for Netanyahu's immunity hearings. Smotrich suggested taking this opportunity to examine how Benny Gantz's party will respond to a proposal to apply Israeli law to the Jordan Valley.

"Yisrael Beytenu and Blue and White think that important and fundamental decisions can be made during a transitional government. I am in favor of this. But not for politics, but for essential matters. Applying sovereignty over the Jordan Valley is one of the important Zionist measures that are on the agenda and if Blue and White wink at the right, it will be given the chance to prove it," the transportation minister wrote.

"The political timing is ripe to back such a move. With a true friend of Israel, President Donald Trump, combined with the 'urgent' plenary conference on Tuesday, this is a historic opportunity. We have no excuse for missing it," he added.

"There are those who demand a plenary convening for populist needs of immunity, we must take advantage of this to implement an historic historic step in the Jordan Valley," he stressed.


Israel National News


Basically today there's already enough votes in favor to apply the Israeli law,
it's more a matter of how big the majority can be during this political and security situation.

Overall a smart strategic move to draw political rivals on board, and fulfill what most major players holding the keys to coalition already pronounced their political platform for the elections.
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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Declaration of
Commitment to Israeli Sovereignty

RE: Apparent majority for Jordan Valley Sovereignty vote
⁜→ rylah, et al,

Many times in our discussions, we skate over the amputated injuries that the Arab Palestinians (although it is not unique to them) have inflicted upon themselves. Of the original Arab League state that engaged in the 1948Israeli War for Independence, their type and kind of status are today:

◈ Lebanon (2019 HDI Ranking → 93) is a parliamentary democratic republic
◈ Syria (2019 HDI Ranking → 154) is formally a unitary republic
◈ Jordan (2019 HDI Ranking → 102) is a parliamentary monarchy,
◈ Egypt's government (2019 HDI Ranking → 116) is based on the principle of republicanism,
◈ Saudi Arabia (2019 HDI Ranking → 36) is one of the few countries in the world which has an absolute monarchy system of government.
◈ Iraq’s federal government (2019 HDI Ranking → 120) (executive, judicial, and legislative branches) uses the Constitution, approved 2006, establishing it as an Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic.
◈ Yemen (2019 HDI Ranking → 177) is a failed state. In 2005, the year in which established it as an Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic. Prior to the 2014–15 coup d'état, Yemen was a semi-presidential representative democratic republic.
On the other hand, defending against the Arab League, the status is today:

₪ Israel (2019 HDI Ranking → 22) is a parliamentary democracy wherein top executive power is exercised by the Cabinet of Ministers, legislative power by the Knesset, and law interpretation overseen by a judicial selection committee.
No Arab League state has reached the level of development higher than that of Israel. The former territory under the Mandate for Palestine, less Sovereign Israel and Sovereign Jordan, has been in a constant status of corruption and ineffective government since 1967.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Declaration of
Commitment to Israeli Sovereignty

We often talk about the Rule of Law and the illegal actions that the Fatah and HAMAS governments have taken. But we rarely talk about what it means to be a functional government that would be ready for statehood (inhabited by peoples that are able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world → an Article 22 concept).

Beyond the distinctions made by the Convention of Montevideo (1933), in the "strenuous conditions of the modern world, " we find that there are uncodified, yet important, characteristics of government that has stood the test of time.

10 responsibilities of Government towards Business.png

Whereas Israel places a very high priority on the protection of its people and territorial integrity, most of the Arab League Countries involved indirectly attempting to overturn Israel have a significantly retarded advancement in their Human Development (most notably different is Saudi Arabia which also ranked higher than the others by a significantly greater ranking). But what is really noticeable is that the State of Palestine (2019 HDI Ranking → 119 - only marginally better than Iraq) devote virtually no effect in the areas of the "Top 10 Responsibilities of Government Towards Business."

Most Respectfully,


  • Duties & Responsibilities of a Government.png
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RE: Apparent majority for Jordan Valley Sovereignty vote
⁜→ rylah, et al,

Many times in our discussions, we skate over the amputated injuries that the Arab Palestinians (although it is not unique to them) have inflicted upon themselves. Of the original Arab League state that engaged in the 1948Israeli War for Independence, their type and kind of status are today:

◈ Lebanon (2019 HDI Ranking → 93) is a parliamentary democratic republic
◈ Syria (2019 HDI Ranking → 154) is formally a unitary republic
◈ Jordan (2019 HDI Ranking → 102) is a parliamentary monarchy,
◈ Egypt's government (2019 HDI Ranking → 116) is based on the principle of republicanism,
◈ Saudi Arabia (2019 HDI Ranking → 36) is one of the few countries in the world which has an absolute monarchy system of government.
◈ Iraq’s federal government (2019 HDI Ranking → 120) (executive, judicial, and legislative branches) uses the Constitution, approved 2006, establishing it as an Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic.
◈ Yemen (2019 HDI Ranking → 177) is a failed state. In 2005, the year in which established it as an Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic. Prior to the 2014–15 coup d'état, Yemen was a semi-presidential representative democratic republic.
On the other hand, defending against the Arab League, the status is today:

₪ Israel (2019 HDI Ranking → 22) is a parliamentary democracy wherein top executive power is exercised by the Cabinet of Ministers, legislative power by the Knesset, and law interpretation overseen by a judicial selection committee.
No Arab League state has reached the level of development higher than that of Israel. The former territory under the Mandate for Palestine, less Sovereign Israel and Sovereign Jordan, has been in a constant status of corruption and ineffective government since 1967.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Declaration of
Commitment to Israeli Sovereignty

We often talk about the Rule of Law and the illegal actions that the Fatah and HAMAS governments have taken. But we rarely talk about what it means to be a functional government that would be ready for statehood (inhabited by peoples that are able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world → an Article 22 concept).

Beyond the distinctions made by the Convention of Montevideo (1933), in the "strenuous conditions of the modern world, " we find that there are uncodified, yet important, characteristics of government that has stood the test of time.

Whereas Israel places a very high priority on the protection of its people and territorial integrity, most of the Arab League Countries involved indirectly attempting to overturn Israel have a significantly retarded advancement in their Human Development (most notably different is Saudi Arabia which also ranked higher than the others by a significantly greater ranking). But what is really noticeable is that the State of Palestine (2019 HDI Ranking → 119 - only marginally better than Iraq) devote virtually no effect in the areas of the "Top 10 Responsibilities of Government Towards Business."

Most Respectfully,

Israeli sovereignty automatically improves business RGTB and market competence.
I agree it should be translated into business terms when introduced as a policy,
this would be very relevant for the the Yeminah camp.

But I think its pretty much a given, before we gave them a separate autonomy, business was much better...with the Yahud. Today when Arab Joint List in Israel tries to raise riots, the Nazareth mayor kicks them out of the town on live TV...because where are the Yahud?

RE: Apparent majority for Jordan Valley Sovereignty vote
⁜→ rylah, et al,

You just have to love this guy!

And this is a constant reminder to me that the Regional Arab Leaders are, when unshackled by the burden of war and divisive politics, can be very accomplished.

Today when Arab Joint List in Israel tries to raise riots, the Nazareth mayor kicks them out of the town on live TV...because where are the Yahud?

Most Respectfully,
RE: Apparent majority for Jordan Valley Sovereignty vote
⁜→ rylah, et al,

You just have to love this guy!

And this is a constant reminder to me that the Regional Arab Leaders are, when unshackled by the burden of war and divisive politics, can be very accomplished.

Today when Arab Joint List in Israel tries to raise riots, the Nazareth mayor kicks them out of the town on live TV...because where are the Yahud?

Most Respectfully,

MK Smotrich is the Trasport Minister, as far as I read, a couple month ago already included Judea in the national transportation system, and just recent announcement was additional way of payment trough a phone application.


Those Bus companies except Egged are anyway virtually all, with rare exceptions, owned by Arab companies. And they all get a govt contract, private owners from this or that Arab village and town. Arabs in the PA and Gaza usually only employ private or 12 seat taxis.

There's big economic potential in unifying the transportation system for villages that are less confrontational but not in any way of less significance for tourism. As a business model, could be a great example if chosen strategically. Many quiet spots on the sides of the hills with no more than 5 streets and a restaurant.
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600 Schools Remember Gush Katif

Students at Orot Etzion Banot recreate the Gush Katif Human Chain Protest. Feb. 17, 2020

600 schools marked Gush Katif Education Day all across Israel, on Monday.

Students learned about the Jewish communities that once lived in Gaza and their subsequent shameful expulsion at the hands of the Israeli government.

Within the town of Efrat, hundreds of students recreated the human chain protest that in July 25, 2004 reached all the way from Gush Katif in Gaza to Jerusalem.

The original Gush Katif human chain:


‘Within Weeks’ US Could Recognize Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, Says US Ambassador

Ambassador David Friedman emphasized that Washington does not plan to impose any new conditions on the move.

The United States is ready to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria in the coming weeks, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said on Tuesday.

In a special interview with Israel Hayom on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of the relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Friedman explained that several processes must be completed prior to this move, the timetable for which he said depended mainly on Israel. He emphasized that Washington does not plan to impose any new conditions for the move.

According to the ambassador, when the process of mapping the area is completed, the Israeli government agrees to halt settlement construction in the part of Area C that will be excluded from the annexation plan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agrees to negotiate with the Palestinians on the basis of the Trump administration’s Middle East peace plan—which he already has—the United States will recognize Israel’s sovereignty in areas outlined in the plan.

Friedman stressed that the key element is that Israel has to be the one to make the move. It’s not the United States that is declaring sovereignty but the Israeli government, he said, and once it does the United States is ready to recognize it.

The ambassador added that places like Beit El and Hebron are the historical heart of Judea and Samaria, noting that many Israelis have told him they have no interest in handing them over to the Palestinians as part of a peace agreement.


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Poll: Most Jewish Israelis Support Applying Sovereignty

A majority of Jewish Israelis (52 percent) support Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, according to a poll published on Sunday.

However, only 32 percent of Jewish Israelis actually think the government will actually go through with it and annex any territory, according to the Israeli Voice Index for April carried out by The Israel Democracy Institute.

Among Jews, 71 percent of those on the right support annexation of parts of Judea and Samaria, while in the center the figure is 31 percent and on the left only 8 percent.

On security issues, the most optimistic were Jews on the right (82 percent), followed by the center (69 percent) and the left (53 percent).

As to what rights the PA Arabs living in the annexed areas should have, most Jews (37 percent) said they their status should not be changed, while among Arabs, the most common opinion (47 percent) was that these former Palestinian Authority Arabs should be given citizenship.

With regard to national security issues, optimism among Jews was at 75 percent, while among Arabs it stood at only 43 percent.

The survey was conducted by the Guttman Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research at the Israel Democracy Institute online and by telephone from April 30 to May 3. Of the 769 respondents, 615 were interviewed in Hebrew and 154 in Arabic.


Pres. Trump and PM Netanyahu, are you ready to create history in Judea and Samaria?

History is preparing a new page for the day on which Israel restores - yes, restores - Jewish sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.

President Trump and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are readying to create history together on 1 July when Israel restores Jewish sovereignty after 3000 years in 1697km² of territory comprising 30% of Judea and Samaria - the Jewish People's biblical and ancient heartland.

About 65000 Arabs – 5% of the Arab population of Judea and Samaria – and 450000 Jews live in the area proposed for Jewish sovereignty.

The road forward has been made possible after Netanyahu was unanimously confirmed as Israel’s next Prime Minister by 11 judges of Israel’s Supreme Court.

Trump’s map (below) gives practical expression to the following international treaties and documents justifying Israel’s proposed action:


The San Remo Resolution and Treaty of Sevres in 1920

The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine in 1922

Article 80 of the UN Charter

Trump’s translation of a dream - begun 100 years ago at San Remo - into a miraculous reality for the Jewish people in July 2020 - should be welcomed by every Jew worldwide - privileged to be the generation to see this amazing reaffirmation of the Jewish People’s past history coming alive again.

Instead this momentous occasion is being met with opposition by many Jewish organisations, media and individuals concerned at what they call “West Bank Annexation” – the identical language used by the UN and EU, PLO and Arab League in opposing Israel’s action.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Restoring Jewish sovereignty in Judea and Samaria - designated for reconstitution of the Jewish National Home by the international community 100 years ago - is not “West Bank annexation”.

Trump and Netanyahu - therefore - would certainly not have welcomed the publication in the New York Times of an op-ed article by Middle East Forum President - Daniel Pipes – headlined “Annexing the West Bank would hurt Israel”.

Pipes opposes Israel’s decision for six reasons:

-President Trump could well erupt in fury at Israel for “unilaterally acting” on 1 July
-“Annexation” would alienate and weaken Israel’s diminishing number of friends in the Democratic Party and in Europe
- “Unilateral Israeli annexation” could end Israel’s expanding ties with Sunni Arab states.
-“Annexation” could destabilize “Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza”.
-“Annexation” is sure to alienate Israel’s Left which would lead probably to a contingent of Israeli Zionists turning anti-Zionist, with some Israelis leaving the country in disgust.
-“Annexation” would be likely to make more Palestinian Arabs eligible to become citizens of Israel.

Two of Pipes’ reasons suggesting “unilateral action” by Israel are simply untrue.
The remaining four will not deter Netanyahu from proceeding to realise this epic milestone in the history of the Jewish People – simultaneously strengthening Israel’s ability to protect the safety and security of its citizens against those Arab neighbours who seek its destruction.

Pipes asks:
“And what does annexation actually achieve?”

His answer indicates he has no conception of the miracle unfolding before his very eyes:

“It is a symbolic move, a gesture toward Israelis living on the West Bank in legal limbo. But annexation does not extricate them from that limbo, since it is likely that no important government in the world would recognize their change in legal status.”

This is no symbolic move. The territory involved may be miniscule but this moment in the timeline of the Jewish people is also highly significant for mankind.

Those Jews who returned to reclaim Judea and Samaria following the Six Day War in 1967 - after every Jew living there was driven out in 1948 - will be finally recognized and vindicated.

Words count.

Pipes - like so many other critical Jews – is sadly missing the big picture.


RE: Apparent majority for Jordan Valley Sovereignty vote
⁜→ rylah, et al,

I have to admit, I was wrong on this issue
(extending Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria).

Poll: Most Jewish Israelis Support Applying Sovereignty

A majority of Jewish Israelis (52 percent) support Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, according to a poll published on Sunday.

If you would have asked me my thoughts on this, and settlements in general, a year ago
(and I think that someone actually did) I would have said that Israel must know that at some point, they will have to give back much of the territory ceased in the wake of the Jordanian withdrawal. They would have to do this in the interest of peace on a more formal negotiation process and conflict resolution format. BUT that doesn't seem to be the case. It is not all Israel's fault. The Arab Palestinians own a lion's share of the outcome here.

What is really going to be the taste of the pudding, is the reaction of the Area Palestinians residing inside of the annexed Judea and Samaria, in comparison to those living outside.

There will be a Paradox here. Traditionally, the residents (Arab Palestinian) of an Annexed Territory (Judea and Samaria) are offered a new nationality. And if they accept, they become Israeli citizens with all the rights, protections, and privileges that come with that. Once that happens, the new Arab Israeli citizens will be allowed to move freely anywhere under the sovereignty of Israel in the same way the Israelis are allowed. Of course, each of the new citizens will have to avail themselves of the process that issues Israeli Identity Documents. They will have to register with the new subdivision office of the Israeli Central Elections Committee. I'm sure the Netanyahu government has thought all this out. The Israelis are going to have to provide police, fire, and emergency care facilities and infrastructure • to the same standard (even new drivers licenses and vehicle registration plate) and schools for the new areas.

Every Ministry across the government are going to have to plan and be ready to execute the transition. And it is going to have to be well executed; Israel cannot afford to screw this up. Even the Lishkat Hataasuka
(employment services) are going to have to get in the act. This is not a very easy task. And there are no second chances. The better these actions are carried out, the more the Arab Palestinians on the outside are going to see what it means to be under the umbrella of Israeli sovereignty. Again, this is a very huge task and enormously complex. Even a local police and fire academies are going to be established; as well as vocational education and apprenticeship programs plugged into the communities. Meaning they have to put the unemplyed to

This is NOT a snap of your fingers, and like magic, it happens and everyone is happy. I'm wondering if the Knesset knows, or even has an idea, of what the consequences and obligations are in this undertaking. This is going to cost, a billion shekels - easily. It is not just a political question, but the intervention on a human development scale.

Just my thought.

Most Respectfully,

majority of Jewish Israelis (52 percent) support Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, according to a poll published on Sunday.
Majority is majority, but I would expect that this majority would be more overwhelming.

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