AP blames Pamela Geller for deaths of two jihadis who attacked and tried to kill her

That's the common narrative.
And it's a dangerous approach.
The opposite approach would be appeasement. We all know how that works out.
The Coptics in Egypt are being run out of their homes and in some instances the women raped and the children slaughtered.
Don't go thinking there is not a double standard.
Not insulting a person's religion isn't appeasement......it is just being civil.

Also, this alleged shooting took place in the US and has zero to do with Egypt. ...... :cool:
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.

What do you think the AP is trying to convey with this stupid statement:

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015​

Looks to me that the AP considers the killed armed terrorists were victims....

What were they trying to convey? Ms. Geller's feelings and why it's being discussed at all.
Is this carton offensive too?


Pamela Geller Is This Carton Offensive Too BB4SP

I hope this one isn't:

Would have been better if it was George Washington or even Jesse James or Clyde Barrow.
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.

What do you think the AP is trying to convey with this stupid statement:

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015​

Looks to me that the AP considers the killed armed terrorists were victims....
how can one regret the death of two crazed killers..you do not need to be overjoyed but to be expected to feel regret seems a bit much

Liberals consider them innocent as long as they failed to murder anyone.

And if they had murdered someone with their AK-47s the wails for gun control would drown out the identity of the victims....um....I mean assailants.

I'd like to know how those two chunks of muzzie shit got their hands on machine guns
Neither of the alleged shooters had machine guns. ... :cool:

I am not a muslimah-----I do not know much about the kind of instruments muslim pimps use to kill people in order to excite the muslimah sluts-------some reports described the muslim pimps as holding ASSAULT (for the glory of lump of shit, allah in the sky) RIFLES. I simply assumed that ASSAULT rifles are something like machine guns----I do not have the expertise that muslimah whores have-----in these matters. In any case------the sisters of the pimps in Pakistan-----are wiggling their whore asses in joy over the fact that their brothers are in JANNAH with lump of shit "allah" ---how nice. Now they are HONORABLE WHORES OF MECCA----
More .."lol terrorist"
terror_trial (1).jpg

Accused terrorist John Nuttall nearly killed himself with strychnine-contaminated samosas six weeks before he planted phoney bombs at the B.C. Legislature.

After accidentally ingesting the colourless, odourless crystal pesticide that he had spilled on a counter while poisoning ants — and then putting his food on it — he refused to call 9-1-1 and accept help from the “infidels.”

Alleged terrorist almost killed himself with poisoned samosas six weeks before planned Canada Day attack National Post
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.

Acorn has a history of lying. It's seldom I click on any of the threads she/he starts.
Please point out the lie. Then support your accusation
That's the common narrative.
And it's a dangerous approach.
The opposite approach would be appeasement. We all know how that works out.
The Coptics in Egypt are being run out of their homes and in some instances the women raped and the children slaughtered.
Don't go thinking there is not a double standard.
Not insulting a person's religion isn't appeasement......it is just being civil.

Also, this alleged shooting took place in the US and has zero to do with Egypt. ...... :cool:
Don't play mind checkers here.
My focus is on the existence of the double standard.
Discuss THAT.
Personally, I think Geller is a cvnt. What if innocent people got killed? She wanted her 15 minutes of fame and didn't care what the outcome COULD have been. Yes, free speech. Draw all the cartoons you want. Just don't invite the public who could take the bullet over your drama queen antics.
AND..I bet Geller would be singing a different tune of "I don't regret what happened" if it were one of her kids attending it.
That's the common narrative.
And it's a dangerous approach.
The opposite approach would be appeasement. We all know how that works out.
The Coptics in Egypt are being run out of their homes and in some instances the women raped and the children slaughtered.
Don't go thinking there is not a double standard.
Not insulting a person's religion isn't appeasement......it is just being civil.

Also, this alleged shooting took place in the US and has zero to do with Egypt. ...... :cool:

So slaughtering Christians is civil? WTF?
You know sometimes you come across as intelligent....this isnt one of those times.
Personally, I think Geller is a cvnt. What if innocent people got killed? She wanted her 15 minutes of fame and didn't care what the outcome COULD have been. Yes, free speech. Draw all the cartoons you want. Just don't invite the public who could take the bullet over your drama queen antics.

What if innocent people got killed?

Well, if we need to outlaw Islam, that's a step I'm willing to take.
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.
Yes it most certainly does....
"Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths".....
AP is implying the event itself caused the death of the two terrorists.
Why do you libs sympathize with Islamist terror groups and individuals?
Wrong. You and the other retards have made a faulty inference.
Anyone who says "I believe in the First Amendment, but..." in describing Pam Geller has totalitarian tendencies.

Just sayin'.
No one said that and this incident has nothing to do with the first amendment as no government tried to stop her.

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