AOC Wasn’t Even in Capitol During Protest

AOC Wasn’t Even IN the Capitol Building During Her ‘Near Death’ Experience

BREAKING: AOC Wasn’t Even IN the Capitol Building During Her ‘Near Death’ Experience (
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jason Samson
Socialist Democrat Alexandria Cortez came out as a sexual abuse survivor in an emotional Instagram video on Monday night. Then she berated Republicans and shared her horrific experience in the US Capitol as a mob of Trump supporters stormed her hall and threatened her. She says she was forced to hide in the bathroom in the “near-death experience” and that the terrorists were screaming, “Where is she!?”
"Ocasio-Cortez said that rioters actually entered her office, forcing her to take refuge inside her bathroom after her legislative director Geraldo Bonilla-Chavez told her to “hide, hide, run and hide.”​

“And so I run back into my office,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I slam my door. There’s another kind of like back area to my office, and I open it, and there’s a closet and a bathroom. And I jump into my bathroom.”​
But now it appears AOC embellished the entire “near-death experience.”
She was never in any danger at all — nor was she even in the U.S. Capitol itself!

Sara Carter also discussed the latest from AOC:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was not in the U.S. Capitol Building when a mob violently stormed it on January 6 but rather in her Cannon Office Building office. The second-term congresswoman has since recanted her experience during the deadly siege, which she has described as “near-death.” However, no rioters broke into Cannon, a Wednesday report from the conservative publication RedState claims.​
The story, as it was initially related by AOC, suggested that she was about to be assassinated by rioters in her office in a video that has been viewed over 6 million times.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
This is certainly not the first time AOC has been caught in a massive lie.
Remember when AOC had a breakdown at the border as they were walking children into detention centers. She screamed at border guards and then broke down crying at the atrocities she saw before her. She even used language typically associated with the Holocaust to describe what was going on at the border with these poor immigrants being herded around into cages.
Interestingly, a photographer was ready to capture the drama as a camera-ready AOC and her companions, all bedecked in white, gathered at the fence to scream and cry as these children were helplessly led into their prisons, separated from their parents.
Only it later came out that what AOC was screaming and crying at was an empty road.

Should AOC now be removed from all committees and censured. Unfortunately it won’t happen, this is a badge of honor for them.
She was in another building hiding in a closet?
With whom?
Its interesting how many of these fools knew of the false flag operation ahead of time and made sure to not be present. Obviously San Fran Nan knew and wasn't there when Antifa/BLM broke into the Capitol.
Doc7505 garners best Detective award for ferreting out the TRUTH of the matter, I mean this revelation is as good as it can get!!! Now we know that AOC also goes by other handles like; Fibber MacGee, Cried Wolf, Joe Goebbels, Pinocchio, etc! I mean the CIA in it's best effort could not have discredited AOC any better than you have done in this post of yours! Excellent D5 simply EXCELLENT!!!
AOC Wasn’t Even IN the Capitol Building During Her ‘Near Death’ Experience

BREAKING: AOC Wasn’t Even IN the Capitol Building During Her ‘Near Death’ Experience (
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jason Samson
Socialist Democrat Alexandria Cortez came out as a sexual abuse survivor in an emotional Instagram video on Monday night. Then she berated Republicans and shared her horrific experience in the US Capitol as a mob of Trump supporters stormed her hall and threatened her. She says she was forced to hide in the bathroom in the “near-death experience” and that the terrorists were screaming, “Where is she!?”
"Ocasio-Cortez said that rioters actually entered her office, forcing her to take refuge inside her bathroom after her legislative director Geraldo Bonilla-Chavez told her to “hide, hide, run and hide.”​

“And so I run back into my office,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I slam my door. There’s another kind of like back area to my office, and I open it, and there’s a closet and a bathroom. And I jump into my bathroom.”​
But now it appears AOC embellished the entire “near-death experience.”
She was never in any danger at all — nor was she even in the U.S. Capitol itself!

Sara Carter also discussed the latest from AOC:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was not in the U.S. Capitol Building when a mob violently stormed it on January 6 but rather in her Cannon Office Building office. The second-term congresswoman has since recanted her experience during the deadly siege, which she has described as “near-death.” However, no rioters broke into Cannon, a Wednesday report from the conservative publication RedState claims.​
The story, as it was initially related by AOC, suggested that she was about to be assassinated by rioters in her office in a video that has been viewed over 6 million times.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
This is certainly not the first time AOC has been caught in a massive lie.
Remember when AOC had a breakdown at the border as they were walking children into detention centers. She screamed at border guards and then broke down crying at the atrocities she saw before her. She even used language typically associated with the Holocaust to describe what was going on at the border with these poor immigrants being herded around into cages.
Interestingly, a photographer was ready to capture the drama as a camera-ready AOC and her companions, all bedecked in white, gathered at the fence to scream and cry as these children were helplessly led into their prisons, separated from their parents.
Only it later came out that what AOC was screaming and crying at was an empty road.

Should AOC now be removed from all committees and censured. Unfortunately it won’t happen, this is a badge of honor for them.
She was in another building hiding in a closet?
With whom?
Its interesting how many of these fools knew of the false flag operation ahead of time and made sure to not be present. Obviously San Fran Nan knew and wasn't there when Antifa/BLM broke into the Capitol.
She has not had her brain on line for about 10 years now.
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.

Especially this stupid little b*tch

She is dumb as a box of rocks. What is it about Dems why are they so stupid? Is it some kind of genetic deformity? Seriously, lets get John Hopkins working on this.
I do believe liberals are born this way. They shouldnt have the "right" to vote
She absolutely WAS in the Capitol when the attack began. She was in the House Chambers as were all the other members of the House.

She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
But while a lie, you’re morally right like AOC!
(Her office is not in the Capitol building, shitforbrains.)
She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
Not according to the witness.
Pay attention


AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.

According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
Not according to the witness.
Pay attention


AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.

According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
AOC was (as were all the House Members) in the Capitol until they were evacuated.
Interesting how people upset with how these government are acting and showing up to protest it is a life traumatizing event. Yet they throw down executive orders eliminating your livelihood and you’re just supposed to shut up and deal with it.

After all they sent you 600 bucks you ungrateful plebe.
She absolutely WAS in the Capitol when the attack began. She was in the House Chambers as were all the other members of the House.

She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
Since you’re geographically challenged.
She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
Not according to the witness.
Pay attention


AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.

According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
AOC was (as were all the House Members) in the Capitol until they were evacuated.
I was almost killed in the towers on 9-11. I was on 2,585 miles away after having been there 12 years prior.
She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
Not according to the witness.
Pay attention


AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.

According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
AOC was (as were all the House Members) in the Capitol until they were evacuated.

AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building.

Someone sure ought to learn how to pay attention, or learn to read...dumbass.
Pay attention tard..


Do you get paid to lie for AOC or do you hope you’ll get a card of appreciation from her?

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