AOC Hasn't DONE Anything, But She's Pushing For A Raise

A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences
What kind of raise would you give them?

$200,000 with $25,000 bonus for chairmen
$250,000 for speaker and Senate Majority Leader
$50 to get you to stop sucking the Democrat Donkey Dick.
Have you always had these oral fetishes?
A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences

How about the perks of fame, speaking circuit, book deals, etc.? You’re such a troll.

Not many rank and file Congressmen have those perks

How many books and big speaking engagements do your Congressmen get?
I think we should hold Congress' paychecks until they actually do something. Like fix the asylum law for starters.
I think we should insist they support President Trump and resolve their hatred for the universe in doing good for America, starting with getting off President Trump's back, and stop the lying about him and his supporters.
Read My Hips





A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences

How about the perks of fame, speaking circuit, book deals, etc.? You’re such a troll.

Not many rank and file Congressmen have those perks

How many books and big speaking engagements do your Congressmen get?

A shitload. A ton. Massive amounts. Talking about Liz Warren.
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

They get the same health insurance and pension as anyone else in government and it comes out of their paycheck

The only perk is having to maintain two residences
What kind of raise would you give them?

$200,000 with $25,000 bonus for chairmen
$250,000 for speaker and Senate Majority Leader
$50 to get you to stop sucking the Democrat Donkey Dick.
Have you always had these oral fetishes?
Have you always offered to shave Chuck Schummer's Pubes for free?
They haven't DONE a fucking thing.

They shouldn't get a paycheck until they show that they have produced work and done something for the American people.

A plumber doesn't get paid just because he shows up and throws pipe down on the front yard. So why should congress get paid for showing up?
You can put lipstick on a pig - even a brand new, younger pig - and it's still a pig.

The Democrats - especially Freshman AOC - have done nothing they were elected to do / have done nothing to help Americans...but the biggest legislation / issue they want to push for is a pay raise for themselves....

Some things never change...

Dems halt effort to secure pay increase for lawmakers, as contempt votes, funding drama loom


...but they are smart enough to know pushing for a pay raise and a phony contempt charge at the same time is a bad idea.
AOC has voted. That's her job. To vote.
And she advocates pay increases for minimum wage, and you don't.
I think we should hold Congress' paychecks until they actually do something. Like fix the asylum law for starters.
I think we should insist they support President Trump and resolve their hatred for the universe in doing good for America, starting with getting off President Trump's back, and stop the lying about him and his supporters.

Like an oath of allegiance to the leader? Hmm, where has that ever happened before?

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