AOC Declares Illegals In Her Distriect Who Can Not Legally Vote Are Her 'Constituents'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-CA) said during a Thursday House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing that illegal aliens residing in her district were her “constituents.”

“Mr. Kobach later emailed to you on July 14 writing that the lack of the citizenship question ‘leads to the problem that aliens who do not actually reside in the United States are still counted for congressional apportionment services,’” she said at the Thursday

“Of course they do reside in the United States. They reside in my district. They’re my constituents,” she added."


That is as STUPID as 'YOU' declaring 'you' now consider a criminal who illegally broke into your house, is eating tour food, and is taking money out of your wallet to suddenly be ONE OF YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS!

NO! They are CRIMINALS who are in this country ILLEGALLY after VIOLATING EXISTING US IMMIGRATION LAW. They do NOT share the same legal status as US Citizens.

Ocasio-Cortez: Illegal Aliens in My District Are 'My Constituents'

Democrats think we’re afraid of her lol

We want her as the face of the democrat party!
Just goes to show one and all what a dingbat she is.

And boy is she a fucking dingbat.

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