
I know who you are, and your knee-jerk defensiveness about your prefessiom....Stop the coy act.
It's a lot more than just public school teachers that will think you're completely insane for wanting to end public schooling.
I know who you are, and your knee-jerk defensiveness about your prefessiom [sic]....Stop the coy act.
Are you saying you cannot respond to the OP honestly and directly without indulging in furious ranting?
Useful and marketable skills could be prioritized more than they are.
Sounds great, but at the expense of what? There are only so many hours in a school day. I'd be all for extending the school day.
unkotare said:
You can't see the potential problems involved in having a very large population of uneducated youths in the country? Economically? Socially? Politically?

that's what we have now. Do you know, really know, what is going on in a LOT of these public school systems?
If you're a teacher, your eyes are shut to what you're doing to these kids. Teachers sure as hell ARE NOT teaching them what they need to know. There is censorship in school rooms and on school computers and i'm not talking about porn either. Most of the staff are liberals and conservatives have to keep their political views under wraps while the school hierarchy and the superintendent's offices promote liberalism, radicalism and general misinformation to kids WHILE keeping everything from the parents.
It is the PARENT's responsibility to make sure their kids are educated. TO EDUCATE THEIR children themselves when necessary and MOST of the time it IS necessary on the part of the parents. Having lived it myself, through my kids and gone through the program of college education and teaching courses...which let me tell you are damn pathetic at best, I KNOW what is going on.

This is only partial. The movie...Monumental. What the founders believed about education for our people.

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It's nice to find things we can agree on. It's ridiculous that bright students so often have to be stuck at the pace of normal students. I think that's why a lot of gifted people act out so much in school; they're fucking bored.
I know I was. I grew up poor.

I had my parents sign a waiver.

I attended an accelerated, self paced, 'secondary school' where I could graduate years ahead of my peers.

Why? I needed to work, and there were no illusions, or desire to be a poor, debt ridden college student for years on end.

Additionally, I saw the absolute waste of energy most HS curriculum was.

I saw how slow classes had to move to compensate for the lowest of learners.

The inane question after question.

There was an option to cut through all of that utter, useless, bullshit, and I took it.

I wanted done, I wanted gone.

By 16 I was done, attended trade school, worked, and then off to the military at 18.
Well then segregate based on testing.

They do this all over Asia to great effect.

Education should be, in part competitive.

Students should be placed, and challenged based upon their peer group.

Students with an 85 IQ are not scholastic peers to students with 115 IQ.

Our culture loves competition in athletics, but when it comes to scholastic competition, that is verboten.

I think we know why.

Don't we?
I am just pointing out that your view will floor a lot of people, not just teachers. I'm not attacking you.
A lot of poeple are being "floored" right now, at a tremendous expense to everyone, including those who have nothing at all to do with the system.....And don't try to peddle that "if you think education is expensive, try ignorance" bromide bullshit.....The current system is nothing more than a middle class welfare monopoly, with the exorbitant costs and poor product/service always -yes, always- associated with monopolies.

Also, you're presuming that schools and teachers would just vanish, which is the fallacy of government solipitence (i.e. if gubmint didn't do X, nobody would)....Free enterprise will step in and fill the role very nicely....It always does.
Maybe that should depend on the student.
That brings up another tricky point. A school has to have a schedule for all students. A school with 3000 different schedules would be all but impossible to organize and staff.

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