any reason 'being offended' is protected?


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
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Enterprise, Alabama
Was reading today about the Anti-Christian Leftists Union's sueing the City of Los Angeles because their seal has a 'cross' image contained in the diagram.,2933,121039,00.html

"Because some members of the community are offended" is there reason.

Why are people bowing to the wills of the few in cases like this?

Why do people feel they have the right to not be offended?

"Here you have this radical left-wing organization whose own symbol should be the hammer and sickle," said Mike Antonovich (search), one of five Los Angeles County supervisors. "They are using pressure tactics trying to rewrite history."

Some local officials argue that the cross simply reflects history. The ACLU says that shouldn't matter because some members of the public find it offensive.

Need we say more?
O'Reilly kept hounding the ACLU chick last night asking her if they were going to try and force LA to change their name next.... (you all know, City of Angels). Of course, she wouldn't really answer the question.
Well a whole bunch of people find things like peep-show theaters offensive... but wait, that's free speech. And a bunch of us find Islamic calls-to-prayer offensive... oh wait, that's freedom of religion.

Just goes to show that, to the hard-core Left, freedom of religion does not apply to Christianity.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Well a whole bunch of people find things like peep-show theaters offensive... but wait, that's free speech. And a bunch of us find Islamic calls-to-prayer offensive... oh wait, that's freedom of religion.

Just goes to show that, to the hard-core Left, freedom of religion does not apply to Christianity.

Millions of Christians are free to practice without persecution in America. Do you think its important to God that a cross stays on a seal in L.A. ?
Originally posted by dilloduck
Millions of Christians are free to practice without persecution in America. Do you think its important to God that a cross stays on a seal in L.A. ?

No, but since the symbol is of historic significance, why do we have to re-write history? Why not leave it alone? That is the point.
Originally posted by dilloduck
Millions of Christians are free to practice without persecution in America. Do you think its important to God that a cross stays on a seal in L.A. ?

It's important to 'people'. It 'means something' - it displays some portion of the city's history and culture.


Christians are free to practice christianity except when others are offended.
Originally posted by dilloduck
So is the swastika

Dildo you're a joke if you don't see the obvious difference between those two symbols.

I believe you are anti-Christian for some twisted reason.
Originally posted by OCA
Dildo you're a joke if you don't see the obvious difference between those two symbols.

I believe you are anti-Christian for some twisted reason.

Arguing boosts his ego. He has a need to feel superior, so he constantly has to jump on others for their beliefs. It is quite sad honestly.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
do you know the true meaning of the swastika?

It's been so maligned since hitler.
So true. Anybody visiting Asia would think they are all Nazis!
and why do you argue, free? Point is that some Christians are offended by symbols too. Do the Christians try to get rid of these. Yes

All this time I thought the left never tried to impose their beliefs on anyone.
Originally posted by dilloduck
and why do you argue, free? Point is that some Christians are offended by symbols too. Do the Christians try to get rid of these. Yes


Point to a historical emblem in the USA that Christians have tried to remove a symbol from! Don't just say it, prove it. Here we have a clear example of a historic emblem being changed by the left to help their agenda. C'mon, show me!
Originally posted by freeandfun1
Point to a historical symbol in the USA that Christians have tried to ban. Don't just say it, prove it. Here we have a clear example of a historic symbol being replaced by the left to help their agenda. C'mon, show me!

the pentagram. pentacle. celtic cross.
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