ANY Jew That Votes dim........??


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Yeah, this is a shocker...

Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice Warns Netanyahu: Your Visit To America Will Be “Destructive”…

Not-so-veiled threat.

Via HuffPo:

Susan Rice, President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned speech in front of a joint session of Congress will be “destructive” to U.S.-Israel relations.

“What has happened over the last several weeks, by virtue of the invitation that was issued by the Speaker [John Boehner] and the acceptance of it by Prime Minister Netanyahu two weeks in advance of his election, is that on both sides, there has now been injected a degree of partisanship, which is not only unfortunate, I think it’s destructive of the fabric of the relationship,” Rice told PBS’ Charlie Rose.

“It’s always been bipartisan,” Rice added. “We need to keep it that way. We want it that way. I think Israel wants it that way. The American people want it that way. When it becomes injected or infused with politics, that’s a problem.”

Obama has said he will not meet with Netanyahu ahead of his speech in March, saying it would be “inappropriate” to meet with the leader two weeks before the Israeli elections. Netanyahu was invited to speak in front of a joint session of Congress by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who did not seek approval from the White House before sending the invitation.


An isolated incident? A misunderstood gesture?

Not a chance in Hell people. The entire DNC, the entire dimocrap movement is Anti-Semitic.

I wrote about this for years and opined on it eveer since -- The hatred of Jews by groups like the National Socialists, Bruno Bauer, Karl Marx and socialists and communists everywhere isn't racial... Only simple-minded fools believe that.

It is political. socialist scum, communists, Nazis (like there's a difference) hate Jews for one simple reason -- They HATE CAPITALISM and they see Jews as the main purveyors of it.

Report: UCLA Students Objected To Undergrad’s Appointment To Governing Body Because She’s Jewish…

According to the students on the council, being Jewish is a “conflict of interest.”

Via Daily Bruin:

Last week, I attended a council meeting to support my roommate, sorority sister and best friend, Rachel Beyda, as she went through the last step of being confirmed by the council as an appointed justice to the Judicial Board of the Undergraduate Students Association Council. I greatly admire Rachel’s academic success and the passion and determination she has demonstrated toward her goal of becoming a lawyer. I have seen her accrue immense leadership skills and experience in the legal field, both at UCLA, as the current law clerk for the Judicial Board and beyond. Therefore, as I ascended the stairs to Kerckhoff 417, I incorrectly assumed the confirmation of Rachel’s appointment would be quick and simple.

Rachel had been unanimously approved by the Appointments Review Committee consisting of three council members before she flawlessly introduced herself to the council. However, the first question directed at her by General Representative 3 Fabienne Roth was an attack on Rachel’s ability to be a justice based on her involvement in the Jewish community. At President Avinoam Baral’s insistence, the question was phrased slightly more considerately by Transfer Student Representative Negeen Sadeghi-Movahed, but this first question set the tone. Rachel finished the interview, making two important points: first, anyone qualified for the position would be a critical thinker who is knowledgeable about campus issues and therefore, has his or her own opinions and second, she has no significant political affiliations. Furthermore, she demonstrated an understanding of what actually having a conflict of interest means and acknowledged that a justice should remove herself from the decision-making process under those circumstances. Rachel was asked to leave the room for council discussion. What followed was a disgusting 40 minutes of what can only be described as unequivocal anti-Semitism during which some of our council members resorted to some of the oldest accusations against Jews, including divided loyalties and dishonesty.

All council members swiftly agreed Rachel was amply qualified for the position, but half of the council had strong reservations stemming from Rachel’s Jewish identity. “My issue is, I’m going to be upfront about it, I think she’s pretty great. She’s smart, she like knows her stuff, she’s like probably going to be a really great lawyer. But I’m like not going to pretend this isn’t about conflict of interest. … It’s not her fault … but she’s part of a community that’s very invested in USAC. … Even if she’s the right person for the job,” claimed Roth. Sadeghi-Movahed added, “For some reason, I’m not 100 percent comfortable. I don’t know why. I’ll go through her application again. I’ve been going through it constantly, but I definitely can see that she’s qualified for sure.” Throughout this discussion, Rachel anxiously paced outside, where, she later informed me, she could hear “conflict of interest” being yelled and concluded that it could only be about her being Jewish. Undoubtedly, the Israeli-Palestinan conflict is one of the most contentious issues on our campus. However, Israel was not mentioned during the discussion of Rachel’s appointment, only her affiliation with Jewish organizations, making the extensive deliberation a definitive act of discrimination.

Keep reading…


I could find another hundred examples but what would be the point? Only the stupid aren't aware of the dimocrap hatred of Jews
Edgetho is merely a fear mongering hack of the far reactionary right.

Let's put this in perspective: "Historically, Republicans have had mixed success with this strategy. Jewish support for Democratic presidential candidates peaked during World War II; 90 percent of Jews voted for Franklin Roosevelt in 1940 and 1944, who won 55 and 53 percent of the overall popular vote in each of those years, respectively. Barry Goldwater, by contrast, was wildly unpopular among the Chosen People, winning only 10 percent of the Jewish vote in the 1964 presidential election. Almost three decades later, George H.W. Bush won only 11 percent of the Jewish vote in the 1992 presidential race. At times, Republicans have also had a bad habit of saying and doing things that seem anti-Semitic—like Bush Senior's secretary of state, James Baker, who infamously said"fuck the Jews" in a private conversation about Israel with a co-worker, or Richard Nixon, who had one of his staff members count the number of Jews who worked at the Bureau of Labor Statistics." Are Democrats Losing the Jews - The Atlantic

Now what is intesting is that Bush received about 11% of Jewish vote in 1992. In the bi-elections, the Dems received only 66% of the votes.

I doubt the decrease was worry about Israel not being supported by the Democratic Party but rather because of economic matters, and the imperial reach of the President.

To suggest anti-Semitic opposition in the Dems to Israel, as argued by Edge tho, is merely the wankery of fear mongering for political gain, nothing more.
Arabs are also Semites. Sooo, anti-Semitism applies equally to Arabs. Look it up...
You're an idiopt. Anti Semitism means anti Jewish. Always has, always will. Obfuscating with word games doesnt change it.

Anti Semtiism is always, and has always been, a phenomenon of the Left. People mistakenly took Hitler for a right winger, so attributed his anti semitism to right wing philosophy. But it isnt so. The Progresssives have a long history of jew-hatred, starting with Father Charles Coughlin (OK he didnt start it). It continues to today.
Yep, the little Jewish Nazi should stay home but never impede your enemy when he's making a mistake.

Oh look, it's SuckMyCock, another leftist JOOOOOOOO hater.

Not all dimocraps are Jooooo hating fucktards - but virtually all Joooo hating fucktards are dimocraps.
Anti-Zionist isn't anti-Jew.. Even many Jews are anti-Zionists little friend.

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