CDZ ANTIFA: World View, Manipulation of the Media and Their Goals (It isnt Communism)


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
IT is way worse than even communism.

I do not have the time to type up all this, so I am just going to link to the various videos and give them titles describing my take on the videos.

First Laura Logan, excellent journalist BTW, describes what she has dug up on ANTIFA, starting at the 0:44 mark.

At the time, a pro-Trump group had organized an event and Antifa was staging a counter-demonstration.
"We tried to talk to members of the militant wing movement Antifa who showed up to drown out a handful of Trump supporters trying to hold what they called a rally against racism and bigotry," narrated Logan in the Fox Nation show.
The footage showed at least one person repeatedly shouting, "Nazi Out!" in Logan's face. Other masked Antifa members, dressed in black, blew whistles in her face and largely refused to engage in constructive conversation.
According to journalist Andy Ngo, who was one of the first media professionals to provide critical coverage of Antifa, the group is intent on the radical overthrow of American society.
"Anti-Fascism as they use it was a misnomer," Ngo told Logan in the Fox Nation series. "It was far-left extremism masquerading as opposing hate but what it was advocating for violence against citizens, advocating for killing law enforcement, for the overthrow of the government and the destruction of property."
"These are all parts of Antifa's ideology, its history and how they organize," said Ngo, who was attacked and severely beaten by alleged Antifa members during a demonstration in June 2019.

ANTIFA's hardcore site

They now hide their stated goals, but among them are the destruction of America, all law enforcement, all prisons and jails, and abolition of all property and modern technology.

Critique of the ANTIFA manifesto

Is this what the Minnesota

ANTIFA Redefining words to manipulate opinion:

How Antifa uses radical tactics to hide and obscure their moral equivalence to fascism.

Antifa's Manipulation of the left to radicalize liberals with anti-Trump hate and how effective it turns out to be on many leading leftists.

A current ANTIFA reddit that shows their mindset and latest news.

But is the White House ahead of these miscreants?

A lot of wild crap is about to happen people, each one currently considered 'wild conspiracy theory' until it actually happens.
Antifa doesn't want to come to my house. As long as I get more of them before they get me then I've done my part.

The problem is, for them, is that they want to live. I don't think I'm alone in saying that a lot of us older people would like to live but it's not required. We're willing to not, if it helps defeat them and to save our nation.
A former Nazi continuing his priomary mission to exterminate non-whites?

“Soros has poured billions into his philanthropic Open Society Foundations, which funds projects around the world to advance democracy and also domestically funds politically charged organizations ranging from Planned Parenthood to Black Lives Matter, which are often involved in grassroots protests.“
Guys, this isnt the 50s anymore.
Get some help with the bed wetting.
Does the US need a "commie" threat to keep you all in line ?
Federal law enforcement officials are probing whether “criminal actors” are coordinating violent activities during protests and are looking into reports that “rocks and bricks” have been dropped off to throw at police and other law enforcement as cities across the country grapple with the uptick in violence, a senior Department of Justice official said.
"You see the hallmarks... We're trying to see if there's a coordinated command and control, you see those bread crumbs and that's what we're trying to verify," said the Department of Justice official.
There have been more than 100 arrests in Washington as a result of the protests and riots related to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, according to federal officials. Around 20 of those people were not charged. Meanwhile, 70 to 75 people have been charged with crimes such as assault, breaking and entering, destruction of property and other violations.
That person added that officials are looking at "trends" and the possibility that extremist groups have been involved in directing violent acts in recent days.

Protests and violent riots throughout the United States, nominally expressing outrage over the death of Minnesota man George Floyd, attracted Latin American leftist iconography this week – not a coincidence given months of violent riots throughout South America, observers told Breitbart News.
Autumn 2019 saw looting, burning, and assorted destructive acts in Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, and Chile, among other countries. Like the current situation in the United States, violence appeared to erupt nearly simultaneously throughout the continent and, like in America, many locals expressed frustration that the most violent acts appeared to be committed or paid for by foreign actors. Bolivia, Ecuador, and Chile all arrested foreigners, most tied to the socialist and communist regimes of Venezuela and Cuba, accused of fueling violence in the countries....
Chile experienced perhaps the most outrageous of the violence; leftists burned down churches, destroyed Santiago subway stations, and terrorized residential communities. Across the political spectrum, even without agreeing on the solutions, Chilean political officials appeared to concord in conversation with Breitbart News that the original problems triggering protests there last year were legitimate: a proposed subway fare hike in the capital, frustration with outrageously large student loans, and a declining economy, among other concerns. But they also agreed that, if the protests were once peaceful and just, by October, they had gotten out of the control of many organizers, now controlled by violent elements seeking to engage in widespread destruction.

A counter-terrorism expert believes the riots that have taken place across the country are a “coordinated effort” by Marxist and communist groups.
John Guandolo singled out Antifa and Black Lives Matter as “communist organizations” during an appearance on The Kyle Olson Show, which will air on Saturday.
“There are citizens who support Black Lives Matter who are in it because … they want liberty, want to make sure things are done right,” he said.
“But the leadership of Black Lives Matter, the entire reason the organization was formed, it was formed as a Marxist-communist organization,” Guandolo, who was in the FBI for 13 years and founded Understanding the Threat, said.
“The activities that it participates in, you’ve got to look at it through that lens.”
Guandolo noted protests appear “spontaneous,” but they are “immediately violent. People are armed. We now know they’re pre-staging pallets of bricks,” and police officers have been targeted.
He said he believes Antifa and Black Lives Matter are seeking to “overthrow the U.S. government.”
Guandolo, a counter-terrorism expert, said Freedom Road Socialist Organization is behind what’s going on across the country, and the media is playing a role, as well.
“When I sit down with senior government leaders and lay this out for them, I mean, their heads explode. And they realize this is as detailed and as ingrained here in the United States as the Islamic movement, the Jihadi movement,” he said.
Guandolo asserted the feds have not been aware of the connections and no one in the federal government has been putting it together.
He said Black Lives Matter wants “the anarchy. They want the chaos. What they’re doing on the streets today is communist doctrine, because when the chaos happens, then, what you get is a need for law and order and communism is a system that brings order to the community.”
Label's, give anything a name decide that millions of people belong to this group hate them in mass. simple solution, then you don't have to think of them as fellow human beings. or that any of their complaints could be real.
Label's, give anything a name decide that millions of people belong to this group hate them in mass. simple solution, then you don't have to think of them as fellow human beings. or that any of their complaints could be real.
Or in this case it describes general behavior of a group as the behavior of the group is what is used to define it.

If we are talking about shylocks, who use intimidation and violence to collect debts, it is precisely that behavior that makes them shylocks.

No one is dehumanizing shylocks; they dehumanize themselves by being inhumane.

You can either label things in the world based on observation, or you can have it spoon fed to you by ideologues and then pat yourself on the back for being so 'erudite and sophisticated' that you dont need to observe and learn anything at all.
0bservation, yes you can look and see untold numbers of people protesting, the numbers across the country will total hundreds of thousands of people. From a dozen in small towns to miles of people in more populated places PEACEFULLY protesting. Many will choose to just focus on the smaller( by far) number of people who are acting with total disrespect for persons or property. then Many will use a label, and the label shall be ANTIFA & include all Democrats. Like I said before , give them a label make it a negative buzz word, then you don't have to see them as your fellow Americans or have to consider their complaints. get it now???
0bservation, yes you can look and see untold numbers of people protesting, the numbers across the country will total hundreds of thousands of people. From a dozen in small towns to miles of people in more populated places PEACEFULLY protesting. Many will choose to just focus on the smaller( by far) number of people who are acting with total disrespect for persons or property. then Many will use a label, and the label shall be ANTIFA & include all Democrats. Like I said before , give them a label make it a negative buzz word, then you don't have to see them as your fellow Americans or have to consider their complaints. get it now???
There appear to be three different groups here, that many obfuscare for ideological reasons; demonstrator, violent rioters, opportunistic looters.

Among the violent rioters is a group of people who use sophisticated unit tactiocs, with bike scouts, monitors, logistics providers and medical providers solely for them. <- ANTIFA

The old man that got knocked over and bled out of his ear was using his phone to pick up police communications frequencies so others could monitor police communications. <- ANTIFA

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