CDZ How damaged is the push for gun control in the wake of the riots and attacks on innocent people?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.


The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

Not sure how relevant this is, but I noticed that all the firearms were removed from the display cases at my local Walmart this morning. I asked the clerk about it and she said it had something to do with the protests, and they moved them all back into the stockroom.

Then I find out that some 17 year old was arrested today for trying to "organize an unlawful assembly and looting of an area business."

Richland Center Police Department Press Release

I'm guessing that "area business" was Walmart. :auiqs.jpg:
Months to get an ID card to even buy a gun? You kidding? Or talking about California? I have heard they have kind of a catch 22 even on ammunition.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

Your hero Trump and his gestapo tactics will be looking for your guns. Be careful now.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

DC has some serious gun control laws. I can't see how the protests would be better if everyone showed up carrying a legal gun. Most protestors here are peaceful but it only takes one idiot to fire a gun instead of throwing a water bottle.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

DC has some serious gun control laws. I can't see how the protests would be better if everyone showed up carrying a legal gun. Most protestors here are peaceful but it only takes one idiot to fire a gun instead of throwing a water bottle.

And yet there were lots of rifles and a lot more pistols in Michigan for the democrat party, Chinese Flu lockdown protests....and not one shot was fired by anyone........

The facts do not support what you are pushing...

Also, the Dallas police shooting, by the Black Lives Matter sympathizer......there were dozens of rifles and a lot more pistols in that crowd...when the Black Lives Matter sympathizer shot at police.....the armed civilians did not fire their weapons.....

Do you understand that? They held their fire, got out of the way, and let the police deal with the Black Lives Matter sniper.....

They had AR-15 rifles and lots of them.......lots more had pistols on their hips and even under direct fire by a Black Lives Matter sniper murdering police, they did not fire their private AR-15s........they fell back and took cover and let the police deal with the shooting...

So what you believe about people with guns is not backed up by actual real world you see that yet?

If fact......looking back into that shooting, it was also a protest about police violence.........and you had members of the community carrying an exact situation that you talk about actually happened....and the civilians with rifles did not fire one shot...

A protest was organized in Dallas by the Next Generation Action Network in response to the killings of two men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota, respectively, days before.[9] The Dallas protest was one of several held across the United States on the night of July 7.[10]

Around 800 protesters were involved, and around 100 police officers were assigned to monitor the event.[6] [11]

About 20 to 30 open-carry gun rights activists joined the protest march, some wearing gas masks, bulletproof vests, and fatigues, according to Dallas Police Chief David Brown.[12][13][14][15]

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I've seen enough leftists who had their property destroyed by looters saying that it was OK; they needed a voice.. Maybe that's why they mostly loot minority small business; most of those are so solidly anti-gun that even being raped or looted wouldn't change their stance - at least public stance; they're still probably buying guns where their fellow Democrats can't see them.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

Americans need to arm themselves for protection against common criminals who use a man's death as an excuse to loot and riot. Law enforcement and military should be called in and deadly force should be authorized.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

Americans need to arm themselves for protection against common criminals who use a man's death as an excuse to loot and riot. Law enforcement and military should be called in and deadly force should be authorized.

You have common criminals, then you have antifa and black lives matter, groups financed, trained and organized by the democrat party......... these attacks by these two groups were not spontaneous or random, they were well financed, organized and coordinated..........
An interesting thing has happened this time around with this bout of riots. A few people have stood up. Its a start and can increase a thousand fold and more as others see it can be done. A man protecting his business here and there. A group of people protecting a neighborhood here and there and before you know it, there is a real resistance to the real tyranny pushed by the real traitors to freedom.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

Your hero Trump and his gestapo tactics will be looking for your guns. Be careful now.
I hope he does look. I’d say 10’s of millions of gun owners would gladly show them their arsenals just in case shit gets deep. He will sleep better at night.

suck on that boomstick tittybaby.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

Your hero Trump and his gestapo tactics will be looking for your guns. Be careful now.
I hope he does look. I’d say 10’s of millions of gun owners would gladly show them their arsenals just in case shit gets deep. He will sleep better at night.

suck on that boomstick tittybaby.
Well damn, I insulted in a place I should not have, wrong forum. my bad for lack of awareness.
Gun control is not over. If Trump loses in November it's all over for the 2nd Amendment - or at least for the right to keep and bear arms.. The Amendment will exist but it will be completely ignored by the government.
Not sure how relevant this is, but I noticed that all the firearms were removed from the display cases at my local Walmart this morning. I asked the clerk about it and she said it had something to do with the protests, and they moved them all back into the stockroom.

Then I find out that some 17 year old was arrested today for trying to "organize an unlawful assembly and looting of an area business."

Richland Center Police Department Press Release

I'm guessing that "area business" was Walmart. :auiqs.jpg:

Not relevant.
A lot of anti-gun people are now out trying to buy guns....finding out how insane the gun control laws are......... You mean we have to wait months to get our Firearm Owners I.D. card? But....but...... antifa is targeting innocent people right now! far back has the anti-gun movement been pushed?

Not surprisingly, retailers reported an increased number of first-time gun buyers, estimating that 40 percent of their sales were to this group. This is an increase of 67 percent over the annual average of 24-percent first-time gun buyers that retailers have reported in the past

Retailers noted that these new customers were spending $595 on an average sale and that 40 percent of first-time gun buyers in the first four months of 2020 were female.

View attachment 344768

The gun control movement died in this weekend’s riots. Its grave is always shallow, but it will take years to claw itself out. Too many people understand exactly why the 2nd Amendment is crucial now. It will take a while for them to forget again.

The move to eliminate police may have a tad impact upon the gun grabbers agenda.

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