Antifa Sets Fire to Portland ICE HQ With People Inside


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Antifa Just Did Something Even Ted Wheeler Admits Is Attempted Murder, Not Protest
Antifa Set Fire to Portland ICE HQ With Officers Inside – PJ Media
11 Apr 2021 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Saturday night, about 100 leftist protesters dressed in antifa’s signature black bloc set fire to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) headquarters in Portland, Ore., with people inside the building.
At around 9 p.m. West Coast time, Grace Morgan reported that roughly 100 people had showed up at ICE building to protest. Activists tagged the building with graffiti reading “F**K ICE” and “This is indigenous land.” They also set a fire, fired a flare above the roof and threw eggs at the door.


Neither the Department of Homeland Security nor the Portland Police Bureau have published reports about the arson. It remains unclear whether ICE or the police made any arrests.
When Mayor Ted Wheeler (D-Portland) finally condemned antifa riots last August, he explicitly condemned this kind of behavior as a form of attempted murder.
“When you commit arson with an accelerant, in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people that you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating. You are attempting to commit murder,” the mayor said at the time.
Yet he has not condemned this attack.

Hmm.... Ideas strong enough to set fire to buildings in insurrection placing the lives of Americans in danger.
Yet Chyna Joey Xi like Mayor Wheeler have yet to comment on this seditious act. Strangely no one was arrested in this seditious act of attempted murder.
The Quisling Media, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and our government act ignorant and ignore the fact(s),
Yet, it's not "ignorance". Insanity, complicity, treachery or incurable, malicious stupidity yes, but not ignorance. They know what they are doing and it's Never with the idea of keeping the average, law abiding citizen safe.
Assuming there are still any "law abiding citizens" left there...
Yeah, Antifa is just an idea. Right?
Neither the Department of Homeland Security nor the Portland Police Bureau have published reports about the arson. It remains unclear whether ICE or the police made any arrests.

A curious situation considering that the nation just came off weeks of tension over "insurrections." Oh yeah, I forgot: They can't hang this on Trump.
Remember according to Merrick Garland it’s okay if they do it after dark. No limit to the stupidity of the left. Still crying about a peaceful protest on January 6, yet silent on attempted murder. 100 counts.
Antifa is to BLM
QAnon is to MAGA
Jihadist is to Islamists

These are NOT the same as
Liberal Democrats
Conservative Republicans
Secular Muslims
who still get blamed for enabling the above.


Because we can complain about those easy targets and engage in verbal blame.
We cannot reach the mob mentality groups, but we can project and confront the people we blame "by association" and take our grievances there to hash out by closest proxy.
Neither the Department of Homeland Security nor the Portland Police Bureau have published reports about the arson. It remains unclear whether ICE or the police made any arrests.

A curious situation considering that the nation just came off weeks of tension over "insurrections." Oh yeah, I forgot: They can't hang this on Trump.
When will Commie Harris post bail for them so they can go do it again?
No condemnation from the left on this thread yet. Maybe they're all just still sleeping. We shall see.
The only way to get condemnation from the Left is to threaten the very foundations of American power in Washington DC that allows and promotes this sort of behavoir.

It's like I always said, if only we could build a huge capital building that covers the entire country, that would be the only way to stop this crap.
Antifa is to BLM
QAnon is to MAGA
Jihadist is to Islamists

These are NOT the same as
Liberal Democrats
Conservative Republicans
Secular Muslims
who still get blamed for enabling the above.


Because we can complain about those easy targets and engage in verbal blame.
We cannot reach the mob mentality groups, but we can project and confront the people we blame "by association" and take our grievances there to hash out by closest proxy.
nothing wrong with QAnon..I don't see them act like nazis as BLM/Anifa does
Antifa is to BLM
QAnon is to MAGA
Jihadist is to Islamists

These are NOT the same as
Liberal Democrats
Conservative Republicans
Secular Muslims
who still get blamed for enabling the above.


Because we can complain about those easy targets and engage in verbal blame.
We cannot reach the mob mentality groups, but we can project and confront the people we blame "by association" and take our grievances there to hash out by closest proxy.
nothing wrong with QAnon..I don't see them act like nazis as BLM/Anifa does
QAnonon was created by the Left to make conservatives look like fools.

Luckily, most ignore them. However, the press makes it look as if they all believe it, much like convincing the public they are all white supremacists as well.

But that is the power of the state run press.
Antifa is to BLM
QAnon is to MAGA
Jihadist is to Islamists

These are NOT the same as
Liberal Democrats
Conservative Republicans
Secular Muslims
who still get blamed for enabling the above.


Because we can complain about those easy targets and engage in verbal blame.
We cannot reach the mob mentality groups, but we can project and confront the people we blame "by association" and take our grievances there to hash out by closest proxy.

i would agree with your reply sans one thing:

' Qanon is to MAGA... ' the problem being is donny embraced them & their CONspiracies; & just invited Qanon betty down to mar a lago just a short while ago.

therefore, you cannot separate the two.
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When will the DNC call off their brown shirts? These insurrectionist need to be handled. These sort of attacks are directly linked to Harris, funding this sort of thing, and her calls to label ICE as the KKK
Antifa Just Did Something Even Ted Wheeler Admits Is Attempted Murder, Not Protest
Antifa Set Fire to Portland ICE HQ With Officers Inside – PJ Media
11 Apr 2021 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Saturday night, about 100 leftist protesters dressed in antifa’s signature black bloc set fire to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) headquarters in Portland, Ore., with people inside the building.
At around 9 p.m. West Coast time, Grace Morgan reported that roughly 100 people had showed up at ICE building to protest. Activists tagged the building with graffiti reading “F**K ICE” and “This is indigenous land.” They also set a fire, fired a flare above the roof and threw eggs at the door.


Neither the Department of Homeland Security nor the Portland Police Bureau have published reports about the arson. It remains unclear whether ICE or the police made any arrests.
When Mayor Ted Wheeler (D-Portland) finally condemned antifa riots last August, he explicitly condemned this kind of behavior as a form of attempted murder.
“When you commit arson with an accelerant, in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people that you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating. You are attempting to commit murder,” the mayor said at the time.
Yet he has not condemned this attack.

Hmm.... Ideas strong enough to set fire to buildings in insurrection placing the lives of Americans in danger.
Yet Chyna Joey Xi like Mayor Wheeler have yet to comment on this seditious act. Strangely no one was arrested in this seditious act of attempted murder.
The Quisling Media, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and our government act ignorant and ignore the fact(s),
Yet, it's not "ignorance". Insanity, complicity, treachery or incurable, malicious stupidity yes, but not ignorance. They know what they are doing and it's Never with the idea of keeping the average, law abiding citizen safe.
Assuming there are still any "law abiding citizens" left there...
Yeah, Antifa is just an idea. Right?

Yeah....but they were trying to burn people alive peacefully.
So we need to ignore this and move on to packing the Supreme Court.
Remember Jan 6th.....start grabbing guns and defunding the police, mkay?
Neither the Department of Homeland Security nor the Portland Police Bureau have published reports about the arson. It remains unclear whether ICE or the police made any arrests.

A curious situation considering that the nation just came off weeks of tension over "insurrections." Oh yeah, I forgot: They can't hang this on Trump.
When will Commie Harris post bail for them so they can go do it again?

No need to post bail, no one was arrested.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left will allow their funded Antifa/BLM to eventually burn Americans alive in "Fiery but Peaceful Riots", then claim it was White Supremacists.
Just another opportunity for the FBI to get some new snuff tapes to view along with their two year old (and more) child rape debauchery they've accumulated, protected, and enjoyed supplied by Chyna Joey Xi's undocumented pharmacist?

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