Antifa Rioter Says Horse They Stabbed In Neck During Riot Was ‘Racist Trump Supporter’

I saw the interview. My goodness, what a fruitcake. He was asked who he voted for.... yea right but he was a Bernie goofball who voted for Hllary because the DNC screwed over Bernie. So give them what they wanted knucklehead, your vote.

This guy here, want to see white privilege in America? It's that dude with his little black dewrag damning the man and stabbing horses. This is the perfect example of your avrage person on the left. I bet that guy was a member.

Way to expensive of a round even at what a thousand rounds of that costs. No, I would love to see those little bitches have to spend a night in REAL jail without their moms to come bail them out. I'd bet three whole paychecks that they would come out missing their shoes at a minimum.

Way to expensive of a round even at what a thousand rounds of that costs. No, I would love to see those little bitches have to spend a night in REAL jail without their moms to come bail them out. I'd bet three whole paychecks that they would come out missing their shoes at a minimum.
shoes are taken during booking anyway in most counties

Way to expensive of a round even at what a thousand rounds of that costs. No, I would love to see those little bitches have to spend a night in REAL jail without their moms to come bail them out. I'd bet three whole paychecks that they would come out missing their shoes at a minimum.
shoes are taken during booking anyway in most counties

You can keep them here as long as they aren't Steele toes. Either way, the little sweety would get Heath down and robbed in jail if not for mommy bailing it out.

Way to expensive of a round even at what a thousand rounds of that costs. No, I would love to see those little bitches have to spend a night in REAL jail without their moms to come bail them out. I'd bet three whole paychecks that they would come out missing their shoes at a minimum.
shoes are taken during booking anyway in most counties

You can keep them here as long as they aren't Steele toes. Either way, the little sweety would get Heath down and robbed in jail if not for mommy bailing it out.
why parents would bail those fruit loops out, I'll never know.

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