Antifa and BLM Using IED's on Federal Law Enforcement. Democrats Refuse to Condemn this Terrorism

I have a 357 magnum and a 38 snub nose special. MrG has a 9 mil with extra clips. Mine are revolvers, and I would probably be beaten to death when I run out of bullets in the chambers, but....I will take a dozen or two with me. Guaranteed.
Yeah, I used to have an arsenal, till it sank to the bottom of lake Anna during one of my fishing trips.

Which is odd since I dont fish.
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.

How is this NOT attempted bodily harm by trying to blind someone? What if they were throwing acid at her? Or, what if they were aiming guns at her and actually began to shoot her? What is the difference between that and trying permanently BLIND her?

Mr. Ngo is acting like lame stream media now. According to the original vid, this woman stood outside and heckled these people..with a nazi arm band on her arm. Her windows were open, to show anyone walking by (picture window), could see the wall inside that was covered very a very LARGE swastika..white background, red symbol. It was the size of a bedspread, hanging on the wall. She seems to have wanted attention. Notice she keeps coming outside, too. The vid I posted is her without the armband but the FIRST vid that started this mess was her, the window, and her fucking arm band.
Does she deserve what she is getting now? Hell no. But she needs to keep her stupid ass IN THE HOUSE and not egg them on..which is what she was doing.
Ya don't poke rattlesnakes while standing in the middle of them..especially when no help is available, like LE defending their department building.

Scroll down once there.
This vid does not show the big wall hanging, but I did see the vid of it on twitter yesterday. This woman instigated a lot of what went down, as you can see from her own actions.

Deposing the Bolsheviks

The Red Terror in Russia is a 229-page book written by Russian historian, Sergei Petrovich Melgunov, and published in 1926. It is a firsthand account of the horrors that occurred in Russia between 1917 and 1924 under Vladimir Lenin's Marxist revolutionaries—the blood-drenched Bolsheviks. I've never read a book like it. It reads like an invoice, laying out in stomach-churning detail the “wild Bacchanalia of red terror” that a small band of depraved monsters unleashed on the Russian people. It is a description of what life was like when pure evil had full control.

Melgunov's eyewitness account is supplemented by the details carried in the Bolsheviks' own newspapers of official mass murder—terror as explicit state policy. The author writes in the Foreword:

"And when the reader will turn over the very last page of my book, I think they will understand the depression the author felt, day after day, sinking into the seas of blood, violence, and the unimaginable horrors of that time."

Personally, I couldn't read more than about ten pages at a time before I would have to put the book down for a week or two. It's that soul-searing.

The Bolsheviks were worse—far worse—than the Nazis by any reasonable measure, whether you compare the number of people murdered, the number of people tortured to death, the number of people in concentration camps, the number of people in forced labor, the number of intentional famines, the number of minority groups exterminated, the number of populations displaced, the amount of economic damage done, or the amount of private property stolen.

And yet, "Bolshevik" on Google receives no search interest at all compared to "Nazi":


In academia, too, there is the same disparity of interest between the Bolsheviks and the Nazis. A search of the course offerings at Harvard for "Nazi" yields eight hits on things like "Jews and Christians: The Holocaust and the Christian World", which is taught by Kevin Madigan and described:

This course will focus on the relationship of the Christian churches to the Holocaust. After a brief historical overview of the Holocaust, the course will focus on the following themes: the evolution of classical Christian Jew-hatred to modern antisemitism...

But a search of the course offerings at Harvard for "Bolshevik" yields nothing.

And even were a student at Harvard somehow curious about the Bolshevik holocaust, it would be a difficult curiosity to satisfy. On Amazon Books, a search for "The Red Terror in Russia" produces four pages of results. Leaving out the promoted titles, there are 31 books listed before we get to the Red Terror in Russia by Serge Melgunov. And when we finally do get to it, it is unavailable.

But it's not only a passive inattention to the Bolsheviks that hides their crimes. Take, for example, the History site in Stack Exchange—a sprawling, high-traffic network of websites for which users generate content in a question/answer format. A search for "Bolshevik" yields 186 hits. A search for "Nazi" yields 1,385 hits, more than seven times as many. After reading the deeply disturbing Melgunov book, I've been eager to help correct this imbalance, so I posted a question. Despite it having positive up votes, my question was "closed". So, I tried again, posting How did the Bolsheviks fund their government? and included an excerpt from a letter dated November 27, 1918, from an Englishman writing from Russia to Lord Balfour in London in which he credits the unlimited printing of paper money by the Bolsheviks as an explanation for their continued control of Russia. The question earned enough up votes to garner the "Popular Question" badge, was one of the "Hot Questions" trending over the entire Stack Exchange network, and had over 4000 views when the moderators again closed it with a note explaining the question was "too basic" and that I needed to familiarize myself with their guidelines on how to ask a proper question.

I have posted two other questions on the History site—neither of them about the Bolsheviks, neither of them closed. It is hard to argue there isn't an active effort to shut down attention to the Bolsheviks on

It's said that those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. It could just as well be said about those from whom history is hidden. If there is any piece of history that should never be repeated, it is the piece covered in Melgunov's book. But, Terri Fabre (Kuznetsoff), the translator of The Red Terror in Russia, thinks we are in danger of another Bolshevik disaster, writing in a translator's preface (Paris, 2014),

The motivation for translating originated from the realization that many methods of the Bolsheviks are being more and more applied in today’s Western hemisphere: cynical lies in mass media, confiscation of property, disarming of the population, alienation of the young generation, re-defining the language.

If you are tempted to scoff, consider what Lenin wrote in 1902, fifteen years before he and his murderous regime took power:

'Any and every manifestation of police tyranny and autocratic outrage, not only in connection with the economic struggle, is not one whit less “widely applicable” as a means of “drawing in” the masses."1

In light of the massive demonstrations against police brutality recently, and their highly organized aspect, it certainly appears Fabre's warning is well-considered; someone is following the Lenin playbook.

Lenin in 1902 again:

"And the revolution itself must not by any means be regarded as a single act..., but as a series of more or less powerful outbreaks rapidly alternating with periods of more or less complete calm. For that reason, the principal content of the activity of our Party organization, the focus of this activity, should be work that is both possible and essential in the period of a most powerful outbreak as well as in the period of complete calm, namely, work of political agitation, connected throughout Russia, illuminating all aspects of life, and conducted among the broadest possible strata of the masses. But this work is unthinkable in present-day Russia without an all-Russia newspaper, issued very frequently. The organization, which will form round this newspaper, the organization of its collaborators (in the broad sense of the word, i.e., all those working for it), will be ready for everything, from upholding the honor, the prestige, and the continuity of the Party in periods of acute revolutionary “depression” to preparing for, appointing the time for, and carrying out the nation-wide armed uprising."2 [emphasis in original]

Every reader should feel a cold shudder of recognition. The Bolsheviks are among us. The press is their essential weapon. Blacks are the new proletariat in whose name the neo-Bolsheviks speak. Yesterday's “enemy of the people” is today's “racist. Whites are the new bourgeoisie. The revolution is underway.

But while the Bolsheviks may be among us, they are not necessarily of us. During the genocide of the Russian people, the Bolsheviks relied on non-Russians—primarily Latvians and Chinese—to maintain their core power structure. These non-Russians provided personal security for the top Bolsheviks, were relied on for their "efficiency" in conducting mass executions, were used to carry out intra-military punishments, and provided the mid- to upper-level staffing for the torture and execution chambers of the Bolshevik political police—the CheKa.

Not only did the Bolsheviks use non-Russians to commit genocide on the Russians in their own country, the Bolsheviks were aggressively dysgenic, explicitly targeting for liquidation "the intelligents". Thus, the Bolsheviks exterminated entire professions deemed to comprise the most intelligent Russians—engineers, for example, or all the doctors in a given city. They targeted college professors, college students, artists, writers, successful businessmen, large landowners, successful peasants, military officers, and, especially, the Christian clergy. And their children. (The Bolsheviks sometimes killed the parents in front of the children before killing the children, and sometimes killed the children in front of the parents before killing the parents. One Bolshevik CheKa Commissar, Mikhail Kedrov, insisted on executing the children himself. Like I said, the Bolsheviks were truly depraved monsters.3)

If the Nazis deserve condemnation for the eugenic practice of encouraging high IQ Germans to have more children, certainly, one would think, the Bolsheviks deserve at least as much condemnation for their dysgenic practice of murdering high IQ Russians and their children. But that condemnation is nonexistent and if you bring up the dysgenic aspect of Bolshevist atrocities on, the conversation itself is simply deleted—immediately and without explanation.

Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club

White males are just 30 percent of the total US population, but we account for a mind-blowing 70 percent of the nation's suicides. Moreover, we lead in drug overdose deaths. There is an epidemic of “deaths of despair” decimating white Americans, especially males. It is a relatively recent phenomenon. So, where did this epidemic come from? In America, racial denigration of whites, particularly white men, is the new cultural normal. As well-known psychologist Marty Nemko writes,
"It’s long been argued that negative media portrayals of Blacks hurt their self-esteem and self-efficacy. Well, today, so much of what men (and boys in formative stage!) see portrays white men as evil, boorish, and/or clueless: in commercials, in sitcoms, in TV dramas, in movies...”1
So, taking racial denigration as the source of the health crisis among white males, I developed a program to see whether there was a way to relieve this ocean of human suffering. I called it the Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club. It was a residency-only, 13-week "life treatment" program that combined intensive daily boxing training with exercise, a healthy diet, and rigorous academic study. The academic study included history, math, philosophy, literature, music, and, to help the men conceptualize a higher way of living, poetry.2 While the program was tailored to address the specific challenges unique to white males, the program was open to, and would benefit, men of any race, and such was always explicitly stated on our website and in all correspondence.

The goal of the program was to give the despairing a place to go, a chance to step off the ride. Through exercise and healthy eating, the toxins would flush from his system and he would feel surges of energy he'd forgotten existed. Through the boxing he would experience the world as a place of willed action—the will to strive on the most fundamental level. By seeing himself as happening in the world rather than the world happening to him, he would gain a much more accurate view of the world and his place in it.

The academic part of the program had a similar goal. In the history component, for example, RJBC men would read source materials from contemporaneous writers to gain a more accurate view of the world. They would read letters home from soldiers from both sides in the Civil War. They would read the oral histories of recently freed slaves. Such readings would give RJBC men a far more accurate view of the history of their people and nation than what they've learned from Hollywood. Imagine the profound impact on a person when the light breaks through and they say for the first time in their lives, " people weren't demons. They were just people."

In January, 2018, we secured a building in Lexington, Missouri, that would serve as the first Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club. No sooner had we gotten the lights turned on when the Southern Poverty Law Center publicly attacked us, comparing me to a neo-Nazi who had tried to open a whites-only colony in North Dakota, and linking the effort to “eugenics, the science of breeding superior humans discredited by various Nazi atrocities”. The attack terrified the citizens of Lexington, and the city shut us down.

Southern Poverty Law Center

Similarly to Google, Amazon, and Harvard, the SPLC's attention to Nazis dwarfs its attention to Bolsheviks. A search on the SPLC website for "Nazi" yields 3055 hits. A search for "Bolshevik" yields just 28 results—23 after removing duplicates. Of those 23 hits, not one is an actual condemnation of Bolshevik hatred as you would be expect from an organization dedicated to "fighting hate". Instead, nine results are from attack articles in which the target of the attack uses the term "Bolshevik", and ten results are from articles warning that the term "Judeo-Bolshevik" is an "anti-Semitic canard" or otherwise linking the use of the term "Bolshevik" to anti-Semitism.

Now, that's really something. Here you have an organization that claims to be dedicated to fighting hate. It has published thousands of condemnations of Nazi hatred, but not a single condemnation of the much more virulent Bolshevik hatred. The SPLC is flat out indifferent to the Bolshevik hatred that took the lives of tens of millions of innocent victims. It is very much concerned, however, that the Bolshevik bloodbath isn't linked to Jews.

So, let's look at that. Is Judeo-Bolshevism really just a canard—a false story—as the SPLC claims?

On September 16, 1918, the British ambassador to Norway, Sir Mansfeldt Findlay, who oversaw the shipment of arms and supplies from the Allies to Russia during the First World War, sent a message by telegraph to British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in London containing the report of the Dutch ambassador to Russia on the conditions inside Russia under the Bolsheviks. Sir Findlay ends the message with:
I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless, as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things. 4
The February 8, 1920, edition of the Illustrated Sunday Herald (London) carried an article by Winston Churchill in which the future prime minister wrote:
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others... In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses...
The Russian common man, too, saw Bolshevism as Jewish. On March 13, 1919, as the Red Terror was just reaching cruising altitude, Lenin went personally to address striking workers at a factory in St Petersburg. He was confronted by a hostile crowd shouting, "Down with the Jews, down with the Commissars!"5 (Later, two hundred strikers were shot.)

In the Russian civil war, the military and political leaders on all sides saw Bolshevism as a Jewish enterprise. The Whites, who fought the Reds, systematically and routinely conflated Jew and Bolshevik, subjecting tens of thousands of Russian Jews to mass executions on those grounds. In an anti-Bolshevik backlash, independent Ukrainian militia units also brutally slaughtered Jewish civilians, as did the Greens—local militias comprised of farmers and peasants.

The city of Minsk had the largest population of Jews in the Soviet Union. Bolshevism had never really taken hold there because leftist Jewish political energy had long been absorbed by the Jewish Workers Bund. Once in power, the Bolsheviks outlawed all other parties, so the Jewish Workers Bund became the Minsk Bolshevik party”6 The Bund had held some of its meetings in synagogues before the revolution. After assuming the mantle of the Bolsheviks, they simply made the arrangement permanent and ruled the city from synagogues renamed workers' cultural centers, leaving the rest of the synagogues to continue operating as usual. Of the 657 synagogues in Minsk in 1917, 547 were still functioning in 1930”, even receiving state funding to run Yiddish language schools.7

By contrast, here is a report from a British subject who left Petrograd in November, 1918:
The foreign press has, as I understand, published some details about the September massacres in Petrograd, when more than one thousand men were shot in Kronstadt and at the Peter-Paul Fortress indiscriminately, without any trial, not even the pretence of a court-martial; shot, or drowned, as was the case with Father Ornatsky, the well-known priest of the Kazan Cathedral in Petrograd, who was drowned with his two young sons, who were officers, along with many others. Whereas the shooting in big towns has during the last months decreased owing to Lenin's personal dislike of Red terrorism, it is continuing in the provinces, where priests, landowners, physicians, rich merchants, lawyers, are indiscriminately shot in cold blood, without any trial and without any reason besides a general pretext of being counter-revolutionists. Arrests and domestic searches are going on as before. There are some thousands of men and women starving in the prisons of Petrograd — professors of universities, eminent lawyers, priests, generals, officers, ladies of society, bankers, &c. There are towns and districts where all the priests who have to wear their hair long in accordance with religious custom now have been forced to have it cut short, in other towns churches have been desecrated and bishops arrested or shot.8
So, on the one hand we have the foreign diplomats who dealt with them, the political and military entities who battled them, the everyday Russians who lived under them, and the damning evidence of their own actions all affirming Bolshevism was Jewish. On the other hand we have the SPLC, a century after the fact, denying Bolshevism was Jewish. I think the truth is the opposite from what the SPLC claims. In fact, one hundred years ago, Jews themselves said the truth was the opposite from what the SPLC claims, as, for example, this, among many other examples, from The American Hebrew, September, 10, 1920.
That achievement [the Bolshevik takeover], destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of the World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct...What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries.
But the SPLC goes further. Not only is Judeo-Bolshevism a canard, says the SPLC dishonestly, but it's an anti-Semitic canard—a product of Jew-hatred, a falsehood maliciously propagated expressly to harm the Jewish people. In other words, the conclusion to which we were led by our own investigation and by the light of our own reason makes us, in the eyes of the SPLC, not just wrong, but wrong because we hate Jews, i.e., because we are enemies.

In a 2018 article titled Wikipedia wars: inside the fight against far-right editors, vandals and sock puppets, the SPLC took the leadership of the world's largest online reference resource to task. Wikipedia's commitment to diversity of viewpoints undermined the site's “integrity” and “neutrality”, the SPLC argued, by allowing “far-right” editors to sneak “fringe” viewpoints into Wikipedia articles. The open source structure of the “world's go to source for all types of information” left it “vulnerable to manipulation by neo-Nazis, white nationalists and racist academics seeking a wider audience for extreme views”. The SPLC claimed these neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and racists sneak fringe views into Wikipedia by disguising themselves as civil and then “adding information that is reliably sourced and factually accurate but nevertheless misleading”. As an example, the SPLC pointed to an article that was reliably sourced and factually accurate, but failed to include mention of a person's “extreme racist views”. In other words, the “far right editor” responsible for the article was one of those cleverly disguised “neo-Nazis, white nationalists and racist academics” because they had failed to call someone a racist whom the SPLC had called a racist.

Wikipedia claims a jaw-dropping 1.5 billion unique visitors per month and touts itself as “an online free-content encyclopedia project that aims to help create a world in which every single human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.” So let's see what the sum of all knowledge has to say about Judeo-Bolshevism. A search produces an article, which begins:

Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard...

It appears the SPLC has won the war against far-right editors at Wikipedia. The sum of all knowledge ended up just another bullied water boy for lies and propaganda, but with a really huge audience. In a century awash in the blood of the victims of genocide, Christians were the victims of the biggest, bloodiest genocide of them all—a genocide engineered and executed by Jews. But, the history of that genocide is being intentionally hidden from us, along with the lessons to be learned from it, and that is completely unacceptable.

Our ignorance of history leaves us nearly defenseless against any new Bolshevik genocide, and the SPLC has played a leading role in keeping us ignorant. Considered from that point of view, the SPLC's characterization of Judeo-Bolshevism as an anti-Semitic canard is, itself, exceptionally vicious hate speech.

1V. I. Lenin, What Is To Be Done (1902) 35

2Ibid., p 113

3Ibid., p 132

4"A collection of reports on Bolshevism in Russia", British Foreign Office, London, April 1919

5Vladimir Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political parties and Social movements in Russia: 1918 – 1922; 1994: 69-72

6Peter Drucker, reviewing Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk by Elissa Bemporad


8A collection of reports on Bolshevism in Russia : Great Britain. Foreign Office., April 1919
Damn. FOX News has sent the Trump psychopaths into a particularly violent killing frenzy tonight.

Trumpism is a now a death cult. Not every Trump cultist is a pissy violent psychopath, but most are. And look at all them here now, trying to convince each other how tough they are, and failing so hilariously.

The Republicans party? A cartel. That's why they no longer have any coherent platform. They're just about power for power's sake. Fascism and white supremacism aren't the ends, they're the means that the Republicans use to hold power.

Now, back to your bunkers, Trump cultists. You don't want to miss the next bit of propaganda. TheParty would be angry.
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.
Time for U.S. Marshal Service and DHS agent's to use deadly force against the military wing of Democratic Party.

Dimwingers support and encourage this domestic terrorism.
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.

Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.

Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.

First..learn how to reply with quotes.
Second, there are no facts concerning PERSONAL OPINIONS. Are you stupid?
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.

Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.

First..learn how to reply with quotes.
Second, there are no facts concerning PERSONAL OPINIONS. Are you stupid?
Second, there are no facts concerning PERSONAL OPINIONS

Only if you are a Dimwinger.
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.

Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.

First..learn how to reply with quotes.
Second, there are no facts concerning PERSONAL OPINIONS. Are you stupid?
Nope. Are you a fucking idiot?
Let's not gang up on Gracie. She's one of the good ones on here.

Seems like there was a misunderstanding, from talking past each other. From reading your posts, you all are largely agreement on the important stuff.
Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.

Democrats are doing the same thing now that they did when the KKK attacked Black people. Ignoring it.
Coyote thinks violence against innocent citizens for political purposes is funny. Idiot.
I don't agree with a lot of what coyote says, and we are both on very far opposite ends politically. But she is not mean, nor thinks anything that harms humans or animals is "funny".
Just sayin'.
If that's true, then why did she post a laughing icon?
I don't know. Ask her. I just gave my own opinion. Yours may vary.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.
Your opinion is wrong and because it isn't based on facts.

First..learn how to reply with quotes.
Second, there are no facts concerning PERSONAL OPINIONS. Are you stupid?
Nope. Are you a fucking idiot?
I'm smart enough to know how to use the quote function, bub.
Time for U.S. Marshal Service and DHS agent's to use deadly force against the military wing of Democratic Party.

I wouldn't believe this thug if he said the sun was coming up.The fact that it is on Fake News makes it clear this is fake news.

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