Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals

Wow, still incapable of answering. It's against their religion, so what, they aren't performing homosexual acts or sinning, so why do they care?

I didn't say that. I said people are against homosexuality because it disgusts them and is against their religion. Plus....they are trying to thrust it out into the open as an accepted behavior which is AGAINST THEIR OWN MORALS AND RELIGION!!!! You getting this yet?

That's s a lie, we are trying to not have people discrminated against because of who they are attracted to, and have the same rights as heterosexuals to marry the person they love or want to marry. Nobody is forcing anybody to accept, you can be a bigot all you want, and people are free to call you out on it and shun you if you mistreat others. plain and simple. I'm the bigot for answering your question with something based in reality...that you refuse to accept....and YES you and your gay rights movement ARE forcing it into the open and forcing people to accept what they consider abhorrent behavior...otherwise why all the screaming, bitching and whining when you don't get your way? I can't walk through a mall here in SoCal without being accosted at least 10 times with you people trying to get me to sign a petition. Let's face it. Like I said quite a few posts will take some more of the liberals eliminating religion from America and brainwashing before the country accepts your agenda. In the mean time, deal with it.
I didn't say that. I said people are against homosexuality because it disgusts them and is against their religion. Plus....they are trying to thrust it out into the open as an accepted behavior which is AGAINST THEIR OWN MORALS AND RELIGION!!!! You getting this yet?

That's s a lie, we are trying to not have people discrminated against because of who they are attracted to, and have the same rights as heterosexuals to marry the person they love or want to marry. Nobody is forcing anybody to accept, you can be a bigot all you want, and people are free to call you out on it and shun you if you mistreat others. plain and simple. I'm the bigot for answering your question with something based in reality...that you refuse to accept....and YES you and your gay rights movement ARE forcing it into the open and forcing people to accept what they consider abhorrent behavior...otherwise why all the screaming, bitching and whining when you don't get your way? I can't walk through a mall here in SoCal without being accosted at least 10 times with you people trying to get me to sign a petition. Let's face it. Like I said quite a few posts will take some more of the liberals eliminating religion from America and brainwashing before the country accepts your agenda. In the mean time, deal with it.

truth my ass. And I was speaking more generally with the "bigot" comment, those that think its "disgusting and against their religion" and discrimination is against gays. if that's you, than you are a bigot.

Again, the anti gay people are forcing their beliefs on gay people, and not allowing them to marry. The gay people are not forcing heterosexuals into gay sex. If you can't get that, you are not very smart.

"eliminating religion" funny, that's the nonsense poor persecuted christian garbage we hear a lot from people that know they don't have a rational argument. Most people in this country are religions, even "liberals". No getting rid of religion, just enforcing separation of church and state. Churches aren't being closed, people aren't being prevented from going to church and believing whatever religion they want. Just don't do it in a gov't sanctioned school or event. Yet again another dishonest ploy from someone that doesn't have "facts or reasoning" on their sides, just twisting of reality and playing of the persecution card.
Again, they are not sinning or partaking in it, so why care what other's do? Religions is a bullshit reason for it. they need to mind their own business and worry about themselves and not what others do and believe

It is viewed in the context as an abomination. At one time nearly everyone in the country believed in some form of religion or another and they all called homosexuality an abnormal behavior and against God. The Democrats and progressives have slowly been eliminating religion from society, destroying the nuclear family and dividing up the nation's electorate into factions they can don't'll get what you want eventually.

Answer Gregg

You're right Pansy the Weak, at one time nearly everyone DID believe in some form of religion or another. Not only did they call homosexuality abnormal, but any time one of the town elders had something happen that would be considered "sinful" by the rest of the village, they would find some young woman to blame it on, and call her a witch.

Most were drowned or burned at the stake, not for being witches, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, resulting in their blame for evil and death.

It was done by the puritans, who were VERY religious.

As far as destroying the nuclear family? Seems the GOP has been doing an excellent job of that, what with John Ensign, Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, etc. Seems that here is another place where those religious zealots and fanatics have fucked up the very thing that they've tried to save.

Incidentally, same thing almost happened with the marriage laws in Texas. The GOP in it's zeal to save it from the gays, almost made it invalid for everyone.

As far as religion in government? Not supposed to happen, as it was stated in the 7 Noahide Commandments (those that were given to Noah when the Ark landed), that we were supposed to make laws for mankind to abide by, as there was already the Torah.

Additionally, in the 10 Commandments, there is nothing about running a government according to theological law either.

Face it Pussy The Weak, you ain't got a clue. Thanks for playing, try again later.
What should be done with heterosexuals who practice oral and or anal sex?

Both are forms of sodomy, and since the right wing assholes on here think that is something that should be rewarded by denial of rights, the solution is simple......

Make those that commit oral and anal sex acts get divorced, and ship them off to internment camps, where they can be "cured" a la Ted Haggard.

Who cares about gay marriage? Straight Americans divorce rate is higher than the rest of the world combined.
True conservatives want government out of this.
Let gays get married and be miserable like the rest of us.
What should be done with heterosexuals who practice oral and or anal sex?

Who said anything about "doing" anything with anybody? You leftists always want to conflate NOT doing something - not passing laws to change the definition of marriage as it always has been - with active behavior - going out and arresting people for assfucking, or whatever the hell you've got in your head.

Here's a thought. How about you stick to figuring out your own position, instead of wasting time trying to decide what OTHER people think and want for them?
Who cares about gay marriage? Straight Americans divorce rate is higher than the rest of the world combined.
True conservatives want government out of this.
Let gays get married and be miserable like the rest of us.

This seems awfully unfair to Heterosexuals.

Why not just do away with marriage for everyone?



I may start another thread.
So..........what if he came home with his partner, stated they were moving to California to get married?

What would your bigoted old ass say then fuckstick?

I'd be willing to bet you'd leave, because you have no love, just fucked up belief systems.

This little pervert's idea of love is to have someone's dripping cock hanging outa his mouth.

What a pathetic Obamarrhoidal turd.

No wonder he is insane.

He's an ass, but it's ok because he knows it.

Its hard to believe that someone that grew up on Christian values would even acknowledge that quote.
This little pervert's idea of love is to have someone's dripping cock hanging outa his mouth.

What a pathetic Obamarrhoidal turd.

No wonder he is insane.

He's an ass, but it's ok because he knows it.

Its hard to believe that someone that grew up on Christian values would even acknowledge that quote.

Growing up was growing up. Teaching the mentally handicapped is something different. Can't let them get away with it or they develop a false sense of supremacy. Just isn't any good for them. Besides I never said that I was a good christian, In fact I don't recall claiming to be a Christian.
So..........what if he came home with his partner, stated they were moving to California to get married?

What would your bigoted old ass say then fuckstick?

I'd be willing to bet you'd leave, because you have no love, just fucked up belief systems.

You believe what ever you like, My Stepson will do what he pleases and I will never treat him any different from any of the other kids.

But are truly a piece of work. Just go find your boyfriend and leave us sane people alone.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what to believe anyway. I was raised in a christian home and taught Christian values. But you even try to twist that. I trust you do understand the word try. And just so you understand that means you are a big time failure.

Now go away kid you bother people.

Yip, youre a Christian.
So..........what if he came home with his partner, stated they were moving to California to get married?

What would your bigoted old ass say then fuckstick?

I'd be willing to bet you'd leave, because you have no love, just fucked up belief systems.

You believe what ever you like, My Stepson will do what he pleases and I will never treat him any different from any of the other kids.

But are truly a piece of work. Just go find your boyfriend and leave us sane people alone.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what to believe anyway. I was raised in a christian home and taught Christian values. But you even try to twist that. I trust you do understand the word try. And just so you understand that means you are a big time failure.

Now go away kid you bother people.

Yip, youre a Christian.

Whatever you want to believe.
Heard Bones say it on the show Bones and thought it was great.

Anthropologically makes no sense to fear homosexuals, since they are taking themselves out of the pool for competition with a mate.

So why the fear from the homophobes? REally makes no difference to them if people are gay, plus, it does limit competition for a mate.

Who the hell fears homos? Not me. I just don't want the state to determine it's a violation of civil rights to refuse to marry homosexual couples, based on their faith.

It's a serious erosion of one of the basic tenets of our constitution. The government has no place in a church...and since churches generally issue a state marriage license, it's bad news all around to determine it's a violation of civil rights to refuse to do so.
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What should be done with heterosexuals who practice oral and or anal sex?

Both are forms of sodomy, and since the right wing assholes on here think that is something that should be rewarded by denial of rights, the solution is simple......

Make those that commit oral and anal sex acts get divorced, and ship them off to internment camps, where they can be "cured" a la Ted Haggard.


You're a real sick fuck it's internment camps for people you disagree with ehhh? No wonder you got kicked out of the Navy.
I'm sure some do, then why else be so anti-gays when it really doesn't effect that person

Religion. Look what it says in the King James interpretation of the bible. The whole Soddom and Gomora thing....

Again, they are not sinning or partaking in it, so why care what other's do? Religions is a bullshit reason for it. they need to mind their own business and worry about themselves and not what others do and believe

Yes, they are sinning. If they are an "active homosexual they are breaking 3 commandments:
Honoring their parents (no one (mentally healthy) introduces there toddler as a future homosexual with pride)
Bearing false witness: they pretend/act like they are a different sex (or when they want something from the "straight" community, pretend to be 'honorable')
Covet thy neighbors' child (age doesn't matter): the partner is seduced from someone else's family.

The reason people are so "against" homosexul marriage" is because it "mocks" the religious aspects of marriage. It voids the original intent: two people of the opposite sex becoming "one" (each brings strengths to the other from their sex alone). Denying that homosexuality is a sinful act is like a cleptomaniac declaring their "obsession" (stealing), legal because they "need" to steal.
If two adults want to put their own 'depravity' above their family's honor, it is "legal" for them to do so. They can work to change the law to medical and financial privelages for them and their partner. That is not acceptable to the homosexual lobby.

They want to force "their religion" (depravity), onto society with no proof of societal benefits or improvements from such an action. When people against that "legal action" vocalize, the names start and the discussion stops.

My opinion of "an act" does not make me hateful. I disagree with rape, that does not mean I hate rapists. I disagree with using drugs to maintain an addiction, that does not mean I hate addicts. I disagree with using alcohol as a way to get thru life, that does not mean that I hate the people that drink.

Will YOU, explain how "homosexual marriage" is not sinful? Please feel free to use Biblical quotes to back up your message.

Will YOU, explaing how "homosexual marriage" benefits society? Can you show examples?

All I here from the homosexual marriage lobby (I picture them yelling with their fingers in their ears) I want it, I waant it, I waaaaaaaaant it. Now give it to me.

The answer is NO.
So..........what if he came home with his partner, stated they were moving to California to get married?

What would your bigoted old ass say then fuckstick?

I'd be willing to bet you'd leave, because you have no love, just fucked up belief systems.

You believe what ever you like, My Stepson will do what he pleases and I will never treat him any different from any of the other kids.

But are truly a piece of work. Just go find your boyfriend and leave us sane people alone.

Who the fuck are you to tell me what to believe anyway. I was raised in a christian home and taught Christian values. But you even try to twist that. I trust you do understand the word try. And just so you understand that means you are a big time failure.

Now go away kid you bother people.

Yip, youre a Christian.

Christianity isn't an inherited trait. Being raised by Christians doesn't always translate into growing up to be one. Religious belief, like any sort of belief or opinion, is a choice.
Republicans don't have "values" when it comes to gays. The truth is, Republicans are sissies and really like to be afraid.
The only legitimate version of Christianity that I could think of that may still exist, may be among some of the Essines and the Gnostics.

I know for a fact that there is a Christian sect that still keeps many of the traditions and rules that Yeshua kept over in Ethiopia.

Matter of fact, that is where the Ark of the Covenant is rumored to be.

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