Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19

Unfortunately, Anthony Fauci’s status as a medical expert will force the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to do the exact opposite of Dr. Fauci’s recommendation.

So, America. expect the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics to make every effort to contract, and spread the COVID-19 virus. It is what they must do.

Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19

Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19

Unfortunately, Anthony Fauci’s status as a medical expert will force the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to do the exact opposite of Dr. Fauci’s recommendation.

So, America. expect the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics to make every effort to contract, and spread the COVID-19 virus. It is what they must do.

Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19

I know the origins of this self-mutating virus that came from the bio-labs in Fort Detrick, Maryland that is just a hop, skip and a jump away from the bio lab on Plum Island that is under the jurisdiction of the state of New York. Lyme disease was released by ticks that were mutated with this virus and released in Lyme Connecticut and we have Plum Island to "thank" for it.

The CDC is incorporated and owns the patent to this particular strain of the flu we know as COVID 19. It was then given to the bio-scientists in Wuhan, China and by best estimates just so happens to have been released right around the time that the "Military World Games" were being conducted in October which coincides with the 201 Event scripted pandemic drill funded by the Gates Foundation in October of 2019 well before this plannedemic became realized in February of 2020. You could say that I have done a lot of "dot connecting" and what I have found is that there has been financial incentives to diagnose those that have a case of the sniffles with the coronavirus.

There is also a financial incentive to diagnose deaths with COVID as the cause even if the real cause of death was a bullet hole to the head. Ventilators exacerbate the symptoms because it forces air into the lungs that have been infected. COVID positive patients were placed in nursing homes instead of occupying hospital beds and thus killed off the most vulnerable to this self mutating virus and if a ventilator was used in the process? Medi-care and Medicaid paid the princely sum of 29K to the facilitator thus there is a financial incentive to not only expose the elderly to this and rid themselves of an expense but pocket some "coinage" in the process. It's basically genocide and riding states of elderly patients that are a financial liability. This is not conjecture or a "conspiracy theory" but simply fact that is backed up by undeniable data. Those succumbing to the virus have underlying physical conditions that make them the most vulnerable. I refuse to live in fear, I refuse to look at anyone I encounter as a possible "agent of death". I would rather take my chances with catching this than live in the "new normal" because this isn't living in any kind of world I wish to be a part of....those are just the "ABCs of me". ALSO, anyone that believes that the CDC can fast track a vaccine with little to no testing by October has drank the Kool-Aide. Bill Gates is a eugenicist and isn't any medical expert that I would trust to "sign off" on a vaccine.
Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19

Unfortunately, Anthony Fauci’s status as a medical expert will force the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to do the exact opposite of Dr. Fauci’s recommendation.

So, America. expect the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics to make every effort to contract, and spread the COVID-19 virus. It is what they must do.

Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19
Trump was impeached?
Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19

Unfortunately, Anthony Fauci’s status as a medical expert will force the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to do the exact opposite of Dr. Fauci’s recommendation.

So, America. expect the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics to make every effort to contract, and spread the COVID-19 virus. It is what they must do.

Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19


They already have. It's the new snake-handling!

Also why we call it Derptheria now.
Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19
  • I have a social responsibility to support myself and pay taxes even though the system is prejudiced against me, holds me down and takes everything up to my failure.
  • I have a social responsibility to be lean, thin and healthy even though most of the FDA government-mandated food is fattening and unhealthy, and employers make me rush out the door at 5AM with a pop tart, rush off to Wendy's to cram a quick 30 minute greasy burger in my face then sit at a desk all afternoon ruining my eyes staring at a computer screen.
  • I have a social responsibility to raise my children properly even though the school brainwashes them with ideas I don't approve of then takes the children off of me for trying to discipline them.
  • Now I have a social responsibility to keep from getting a virus that they first denied was a threat, then told me I didn't need a mask for, then bankrupted me saying I had to shelter in place for 2 weeks, then three months later when its still getting worse, no money left, can't get food, can't go out, tell me I'm not doing enough?
It is hilarious the totally discredited fraud Fauci has the chutzpah to re-emerge to say anything after he basically destroyed the US economy with his fake predictions based on some idiotic, fake computer model from a douchebag at some college in England.
Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19

Unfortunately, Anthony Fauci’s status as a medical expert will force the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to do the exact opposite of Dr. Fauci’s recommendation.

So, America. expect the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics to make every effort to contract, and spread the COVID-19 virus. It is what they must do.

Anthony Fauci: ‘You Have a Societal Responsibility’ to Avoid Getting Infected With COVID-19


Can you believe it yourself that you're taking this position, considering the mass numbers of protestors all over America's streets at the moment? Many if not all democrat politicians are egging on these protestors—some are even marching with them. If anyone is currently responsible for spreading the coronavirus it is the protestors and their democrat sponsors and enablers. Thus, if you and your kind step up and confess to doing more to spread the virus than any republican who isn't out there marching, then maybe, just maybe we will start to take your bullshit seriously.
Dr. Anthony Fauci's NIH & Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine just saved Trump's presidency. In 2 months this will be available to healthcare workers, then most vulnerable just before the election. Markets surging on optimism that enough can get vaccine to stop the spread & save Christmas!

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