Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

ACTUALLY, Martin died because he viciously attacked an armed citizen who defended himself against the vicious attack.
Martin died from "suicide by armed citizen".
BTW, MOST teenagers don't viciously attack citizens. I guess it depends on the person's upbringing.

Most teens don't have a fat, creepy looking fuck chasing them down the block at night. You do get that most people if being stalked will defend themselves, right?

ANd when a teenage boy is stalked in the dark it's safe to assume that he might think the stalker is a sexual molester since all Trayvon had on him was a can of iced tea and a bag of Skittles. Not like he was driving a Ferrari or sporting a Rolex on his wrist, ya' know.
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

to make some lean or drank --LOL
trying to preserve the facade that Martin was a good little kid minding his own business that night

even though there are piles and piles of evidence to the contrary

Really? The piles of evidence was 'He had a screwdriver" and "He had a selfie where he flipped someone off". Oh, yeah, and he smoked some weed. Silly Negro. Weed is for White People.

Unlike ZImmerman, who had hit a cop, had a restraining order from an ex-girlfriend, and had a cousin who said he molested her.

Once again you don't have the faintest idea what really took place, JoeB...nor do you want to know what the truth is because it doesn't fit the narrative that you and your liberal friends chose for what happened that night in Sanford!

You've decided that Trayvon Martin is the cherubic faced teen shown in pictures that were taken years before he beat George Zimmerman. He's a poor innocent kid who simply went to the store to buy Skittles and some Arizona Watermelon drink.

You know what? You should also be upset with people like George Zimmerman. I am pro second amendment obviously, but people like this guy give honest gun owners a bad rap. At the same time, I don't doubt that this kid wasn't innocent either. He physically attacked a man when he could have called the police.

I look at this situation a series of unfortunate events due to the actions of TWO dumbasses.

To be quite frank with you, Chris...I've never been of the mind that anything George Zimmerman did that night was the action of a "dumbass".

He saw a suspicious stranger walking through the gated community in which he as part of the neighborhood watch and called the police to report him. Nothing dumb there. He was doing what any good neighbor would do. One could then make the argument that Zimmerman was only trying to do what the police dispatcher was asking him to do when he got out of his vehicle to keep Martin in sight after Martin took off running. When Zimmerman was told by the dispatcher that we don't need you to follow the suspect (once she realized that was what he was doing) what was Zimmerman's reaction? He complied and started walking back to the front gate to meet the responding police unit. None of that is unreasonable behavior. Zimmerman had no inkling that a man who ran from him would double back to confront him. If Zimmerman HAD thought that, judging from his nervousness when Martin walked in a circle around his SUV, I don't think he would have ever gotten out of his truck to confront Martin. Zimmerman got out and tried to follow Martin because he thought Martin was trying to get away before the cops showed up and he wanted to keep him in sight.

he wanted to keep him in sight

the dispatch during the call

continued to press Zimmerman for more information

what is he wearing where is he now

which way is he going
Are we still squeezing sour grapes about Saint Skittles and Zimmy?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, people... get a frigging grip.

You think the black people in Ferguson didn't take note of this aberration of justice? Just forgot about it? Or do you think there is such a thing as accumulation of information that can reach critical mass?

You're probably white, right? So you don't give a phlying phuck......
You're too naive to know what young people do with Skittles and Watermelon drink...aren't you, JoeB? I bet you don't know what they do with blunts either.

Uh, is this like your claims that we really, ruly found WMD's in Iraq?


You must have been a very boring teenager.

I'm not the one trying to portray Trayvon Martin as an innocent little kid on the way to the store to buy candy attacked by a gun toting racist stalker. That would be you!

Young people today expose who they are on social media. That's how we know that Trayvon Martin liked to drink himself a little "Lean". He didn't like the "low grade" version either...if he could get it he liked the kind made with prescription meds. He also liked to smoke himself a little herb which is why he had someone buy him a couple blunts that night.

Yeah, compared to Trayvon "Slimmm" Martin, I guess I was a boring teenager!
Zim was in a car and armed. Trayvon was on foot an unarmed. Everythign that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

It was premeditated murder.
What they had on Martin, was assault and battery.

Really? Where's the arrest report? Oh, that's right. They don't have one.

The jury said that Martin attacked Zimmerman. THAT is why Zimmerman was found "NOT GUILTY" of any crimes that night, AFTER the jury saw all pertinent evidence.
OHH, and the federal government found no reason to charge Zimmerman with ANYTHING!! :)
ACTUALLY, Martin died because he viciously attacked an armed citizen who defended himself against the vicious attack.
Martin died from "suicide by armed citizen".
BTW, MOST teenagers don't viciously attack citizens. I guess it depends on the person's upbringing.

Most teens don't have a fat, creepy looking fuck chasing them down the block at night. You do get that most people if being stalked will defend themselves, right?

Most people when they elude the "fat creepy looking fuck chasing them down the black at night" and are outside their home...don't turn around and go back to find him and start a fight! That's not defense.
Zim was in a car and armed. Trayvon was on foot an unarmed. Everythign that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

It was premeditated murder.

So this happened because Martin was black and Zimmerman is a racist? Is that your claim, Delta? If so...kindly explain why this "racist" who wanted to "roust" a black kid organized a protest over the non-arrest of the son of a white Sanford Police officer who beat up a black homeless man?
ACTUALLY, Martin died because he viciously attacked an armed citizen who defended himself against the vicious attack.
Martin died from "suicide by armed citizen".
BTW, MOST teenagers don't viciously attack citizens. I guess it depends on the person's upbringing.

Most teens don't have a fat, creepy looking fuck chasing them down the block at night. You do get that most people if being stalked will defend themselves, right?

"MOST TEENS" don't commit a vicious assault and battery against a law-abiding citizen that was breaking no laws.
Why DO thugs commit "suicide by armed citizen"?
It must have something to do with their upbringing.
Martin was the only one that committed a crime that night.
Lesson learned: don't attack a law-abiding citizen and you might grow to be an adult.
It's obvious Joe that you will not convince me and I will not convince you. Nothing you have stated or I have stated is enough to change either opinion.

i agree with that. You gun nuts have too much invested in Zimmerman. He was living your dream. But your dream is pretty fucked up.

Zimmerman was not guilty, no matter how you portray him. Martin was a athletic big kid, he was the football teams best play, and jumped Zimmerman.

Martin was suspended three times in two years. When they looked into his backpack at school for a graffiti pen, they found a screwdriver that they suspected as being a robbery tool. He had women's jewelry, that he said was given to him, yet he could not name the person that game it to him. The school confiscated the jewelry and he didn't protest it, nor did anyone come forward to claim the jewelry, suspicious yes, did it mean anything

You know what, you spend 2 million dollars to dig into anyone's background, you can find shit like that which really sounds suspicious. Seriously a screwdriver and a pen? That was the best you guys had on this kid. America's most wanted he was not.

In the end Justice prevailed and just because you didn't get the result you wanted doesn't make it less so. I felt the same after the Simpson case.

No, the thing is, OJ was never, ever going to murder someone else. Zimmerman IS going to murder someone, eventually. That's what makes this fucked up.

We know, you keep saying within a year, don't you remember. How many pages and you post the same fact less opinions over and over.

I will disagree with you no matter how you spin your lies.

Bottom line is the facts you can't change no matter how stupid you want to be and no matter how much you repeat your blubbering blather.

You are free to have your baseless opinions but the fact is they did not have enough evidence to convict Zimmerman, because from day one the prosecutors said they had no case. Public and federal pressure put Zimmerman on trial with little evidence and the results proved it.

Now you have a US Attorney General with an agenda to prosecute Zimmerman and he can't try him for violating Martin's civil rights, even though you claim it was racially motivated.

You are absolutely wrong on this one but it doesn't matter, you and your racial rhetoric have been neutralized, you and your distorted truth and agenda have lost.

Justice prevails, for everyone but you, boohoo.

Now, your turn to comeback with some baseless opinion. Go ahead, you won't change anyone's mind, you won't come up with anything new, you will just waste bandwidth.

Take care Joe, I won't respond unless you come up with something new, which we all know you won't because you have for over a year. Cry baby cry.
Are we still squeezing sour grapes about Saint Skittles and Zimmy?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, people... get a frigging grip.

You think the black people in Ferguson didn't take note of this aberration of justice?...
Dunno... what does Saint Skittles and Zimmy have to do with Ferguson,, MO?

...Just forgot about it?...
Dunno. I'm not one of 'em. Really can't say.

...Or do you think there is such a thing as accumulation of information that can reach critical mass?...
Yes. I think one reaches a stage where endless and pointless pissing and moaning cause people to tune-out the constant noise.

...You're probably white, right? So you don't give a phlying phuck......
Correct on both counts.

1. I'm White Folk.

2. I don't give a phlying phukk what the people of Ferguson, MO, think about Saint Skittles, and Zimmy, 800 miles away in Florida.

Hope that helps.
Young people today expose who they are on social media. That's how we know that Trayvon Martin liked to drink himself a little "Lean". He didn't like the "low grade" version either...if he could get it he liked the kind made with prescription meds. He also liked to smoke himself a little herb which is why he had someone buy him a couple blunts that night.

Yeah, compared to Trayvon "Slimmm" Martin, I guess I was a boring teenager!

You mean he was a teenager who wanted to get a little high?


Cause that's the wingnut way.

I really do think that Zimmerman molesting his cousin was a bigger deal. Or slapping around his wife.
Now, your turn to comeback with some baseless opinion. Go ahead, you won't change anyone's mind, you won't come up with anything new, you will just waste bandwidth.

Next time Zimmerman kills someone, you will be amazed how stupid you look right now.

Which do you think is going to happen first, Joey...George Zimmerman killing someone...or a thousand black teens gunned down on American streets by other blacks?

So who is it that REALLY looks stupid obsessing about George Zimmerman?

So this happened because Martin was black and Zimmerman is a racist? Is that your claim, Delta? If so...kindly explain why this "racist" who wanted to "roust" a black kid organized a protest over the non-arrest of the son of a white Sanford Police officer who beat up a black homeless man?

Is this what you are going to keep trying to hang your hat on.

Maybe he just hated the son of this cop more than he hated black people. Maybe he was bitter because they rejected his attempts to become a police officer.
Which do you think is going to happen first, Joey...George Zimmerman killing someone...or a thousand black teens gunned down on American streets by other blacks?

So who is it that REALLY looks stupid obsessing about George Zimmerman?

Here's the thing. When we know who those blacks are who gun other blacks down. They get arrested. They get tried. They go to jail. Nobody pats them on the back and tells them to sleep it off.
Young people today expose who they are on social media. That's how we know that Trayvon Martin liked to drink himself a little "Lean". He didn't like the "low grade" version either...if he could get it he liked the kind made with prescription meds. He also liked to smoke himself a little herb which is why he had someone buy him a couple blunts that night.

Yeah, compared to Trayvon "Slimmm" Martin, I guess I was a boring teenager!

You mean he was a teenager who wanted to get a little high?


Cause that's the wingnut way.

I really do think that Zimmerman molesting his cousin was a bigger deal. Or slapping around his wife.
Young people today expose who they are on social media. That's how we know that Trayvon Martin liked to drink himself a little "Lean". He didn't like the "low grade" version either...if he could get it he liked the kind made with prescription meds. He also liked to smoke himself a little herb which is why he had someone buy him a couple blunts that night.

Yeah, compared to Trayvon "Slimmm" Martin, I guess I was a boring teenager!

You mean he was a teenager who wanted to get a little high?


Cause that's the wingnut way.

I really do think that Zimmerman molesting his cousin was a bigger deal. Or slapping around his wife.

Martin "committed suicide by armed citizen".
When someone viciously commits an assault and battery against a law-abiding citizen, is the law-abiding citizen suppose to just lay there and allow Martin to beat him to a pulp?
IF you attack a law-abiding citizen, you run the risk of being shot with a legal gun.
It was the risk Martin took ............. AND LOST!

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