Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Zim was in a car and armed. Trayvon was on foot an unarmed. Everythign that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

It was premeditated murder.

Everything that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

got any proof of that

So this happened because Martin was black and Zimmerman is a racist? Is that your claim, Delta? If so...kindly explain why this "racist" who wanted to "roust" a black kid organized a protest over the non-arrest of the son of a white Sanford Police officer who beat up a black homeless man?

Is this what you are going to keep trying to hang your hat on.

Maybe he just hated the son of this cop more than he hated black people. Maybe he was bitter because they rejected his attempts to become a police officer.

Maybe George Zimmerman never WAS a racist! Maybe you gun control libs just wanted him to be one so you could make the case that white Neo-Nazis want guns so they can kill blacks! Maybe if you'd simply waited for the real truth to come out about both Martin and Zimmerman you wouldn't be stuck arguing the nonsense that you are!
Which do you think is going to happen first, Joey...George Zimmerman killing someone...or a thousand black teens gunned down on American streets by other blacks?

So who is it that REALLY looks stupid obsessing about George Zimmerman?

Here's the thing. When we know who those blacks are who gun other blacks down. They get arrested. They get tried. They go to jail. Nobody pats them on the back and tells them to sleep it off.

And how often does THAT take place, Joey? How often are the blacks who gun down other blacks actually arrested and convicted for doing so?
Now, your turn to comeback with some baseless opinion. Go ahead, you won't change anyone's mind, you won't come up with anything new, you will just waste bandwidth.

Next time Zimmerman kills someone, you will be amazed how stupid you look right now.

Which do you think is going to happen first, Joey...George Zimmerman killing someone...or a thousand black teens gunned down on American streets by other blacks?

So who is it that REALLY looks stupid obsessing about George Zimmerman?

I know the answer and you know the answer but left wingnuts thrive on their own stupidity.
Which do you think is going to happen first, Joey...George Zimmerman killing someone...or a thousand black teens gunned down on American streets by other blacks?

So who is it that REALLY looks stupid obsessing about George Zimmerman?

Here's the thing. When we know who those blacks are who gun other blacks down. They get arrested. They get tried. They go to jail. Nobody pats them on the back and tells them to sleep it off.

And how often does THAT take place, Joey? How often are the blacks who gun down other blacks actually arrested and convicted for doing so?

The police in NYC had saved black lives, but liberals put a stop to that system of saving black lives.
Martin "committed suicide by armed citizen".
When someone viciously commits an assault and battery against a law-abiding citizen, is the law-abiding citizen suppose to just lay there and allow Martin to beat him to a pulp?
IF you attack a law-abiding citizen, you run the risk of being shot with a legal gun.
It was the risk Martin took ............. AND LOST!

Yes, frankly, I'd be pretty embarrassed if a 16 year old child beat my ass.
Which do you think is going to happen first, Joey...George Zimmerman killing someone...or a thousand black teens gunned down on American streets by other blacks?

So who is it that REALLY looks stupid obsessing about George Zimmerman?

First, I don't think the numbers are anywhere near what you think they are...

but here's the thing. You gun down a black teen, you should go to jail, no matter what color you are.

Even if you are white.
You must know how risky it is to confront a potential criminal without any police presence. IMO, the right thing to do would have been to remain in his vehicle and let the police handle it.

TBH, if I was a teenager and some guy was following me (granted I'm a woman, but still . . . ) I would run away too. How would you react?

Zimmerman also could have rolled his window down and tried speaking to the kid. He could have asked him what he is doing around here or something to that effect. Communication is important. :)

Two things, Chris...I've never seen anyone provide any proof that George Zimmerman wanted to "confront" Trayvon Martin that night! He sure wasn't looking for confrontation when Martin circled his SUV. You listen to those 9/11 tapes and he sounds nervous.

As to how I would react if I felt threatened by a stranger? If I could I would get to a safe place as quickly as possible. One thing I wouldn't do is retrace my steps to confront that stranger once I had successfully gotten away from them.

I agree with that, but Trayvon was, for all intents and purposes, a child. He has a reason for acting stupid. Zimmerman SHOULD have been a little smarter, IMO. Teenaged boys are full of testosterone and they like to fight. That is not unusual at all. I'm willing to bet you had your own share of fights as a teen and young adult, and that if you had felt threatened by some dude who was following you, you MIGHT want to fight him. :)

I just think this whole situation could have been avoided if both had used their brains a little more. It's really sad for both of them. One is dead, and the other has to live with the fact that he killed a teenager. That cannot be an easy thing to live with. I'll bet that is why he has been in trouble since the incident. He's probably having a difficult time dealing with it.

Being a "child" (age 17?) isn't an excuse to act stupid. It isn't normal for kids to jump an adult and try to beat them to death. This "kid" had some major anger issues.

17 year olds can join the military, but liberals still want to portray them as hapless children.

They are legally children until they are 18, under the guardianship of parents, unless they are moved out, emancipated or are actually in the military. No one said he was "hapless." He WAS a young person who is prone to overreaction, duh.

That has been the narrative of the liberal media, with their race baiting. He was just an innocent kid, and was only shot because he is black.

I never mentioned his race. Unlike you, I am trying to look at this objectively. I also never said he was an innocent kid. Obviously, that is your focus.
looks like a major let down for the zimmerman haters

they have been waiting so long

maybe next time something will stick

Trayvon Martin: DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman

Justice Department officials met with Martin's family today, and were told that they will not be filing charges against George Zimmerman, who shot the 17-year-old after a confrontation in 2012. Thursday marks three years to the day since Martin was killed.

Federal prosecutors concluded there is not sufficient evidence to prove Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Fla., intentionally violated Martin's civil rights.

Trayvon Martin DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman - ABC News
Yep, I'm a Zimmerman hater, and I hope he dies alone.

This doesn't slow me down a bit.

I'll still hate him unconditionally because he's a pussy, who had to shot his way out of a fight he was losing it to a 17 year old.

I know Zimmerman supporters would love for hatred of him to go away, but it won't.

There is no way this guy can be happy in life. Nobody who is hated by millions gets out happily.
Zim was in a car and armed. Trayvon was on foot an unarmed. Everythign that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

It was premeditated murder.

Everything that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

got any proof of that
You would think if there were any evidence of that Holder would have found it after how long? I keep waiting for these whiners to agree Holder and the DOJ are incompetent.
Zim was in a car and armed. Trayvon was on foot an unarmed. Everythign that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

It was premeditated murder.

Everything that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

got any proof of that
You would think if there were any evidence of that Holder would have found it after how long? I keep waiting for these whiners to agree Holder and the DOJ are incompetent.

either hole
Zim was in a car and armed. Trayvon was on foot an unarmed. Everythign that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

It was premeditated murder.

Everything that happened is because Zimmerman wanted to roust a black kid.

got any proof of that
You would think if there were any evidence of that Holder would have found it after how long? I keep waiting for these whiners to agree Holder and the DOJ are incompetent.

seems to be the case after three years holder comes up blank

there are only two ways to view it
Two things, Chris...I've never seen anyone provide any proof that George Zimmerman wanted to "confront" Trayvon Martin that night! He sure wasn't looking for confrontation when Martin circled his SUV. You listen to those 9/11 tapes and he sounds nervous.

As to how I would react if I felt threatened by a stranger? If I could I would get to a safe place as quickly as possible. One thing I wouldn't do is retrace my steps to confront that stranger once I had successfully gotten away from them.

I agree with that, but Trayvon was, for all intents and purposes, a child. He has a reason for acting stupid. Zimmerman SHOULD have been a little smarter, IMO. Teenaged boys are full of testosterone and they like to fight. That is not unusual at all. I'm willing to bet you had your own share of fights as a teen and young adult, and that if you had felt threatened by some dude who was following you, you MIGHT want to fight him. :)

I just think this whole situation could have been avoided if both had used their brains a little more. It's really sad for both of them. One is dead, and the other has to live with the fact that he killed a teenager. That cannot be an easy thing to live with. I'll bet that is why he has been in trouble since the incident. He's probably having a difficult time dealing with it.

Being a "child" (age 17?) isn't an excuse to act stupid. It isn't normal for kids to jump an adult and try to beat them to death. This "kid" had some major anger issues.

17 year olds can join the military, but liberals still want to portray them as hapless children.

They are legally children until they are 18, under the guardianship of parents, unless they are moved out, emancipated or are actually in the military. No one said he was "hapless." He WAS a young person who is prone to overreaction, duh.

That has been the narrative of the liberal media, with their race baiting. He was just an innocent kid, and was only shot because he is black.

I never mentioned his race. Unlike you, I am trying to look at this objectively. I also never said he was an innocent kid. Obviously, that is your focus.

No,it isn't my focus, that has been the media's focus this whole time. My focus was on the facts of the case, which clearly show Martin was at fault for assault and Zimmerman was within his rights to defend himself.
Which do you think is going to happen first, Joey...George Zimmerman killing someone...or a thousand black teens gunned down on American streets by other blacks?

So who is it that REALLY looks stupid obsessing about George Zimmerman?

First, I don't think the numbers are anywhere near what you think they are...

but here's the thing. You gun down a black teen, you should go to jail, no matter what color you are.

Even if you are white.

Joe, you're so ignorant about what the numbers are that you should stop posting right now and go educate yourself! Seriously...
looks like a major let down for the zimmerman haters

they have been waiting so long

maybe next time something will stick

Trayvon Martin: DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman

Justice Department officials met with Martin's family today, and were told that they will not be filing charges against George Zimmerman, who shot the 17-year-old after a confrontation in 2012. Thursday marks three years to the day since Martin was killed.

Federal prosecutors concluded there is not sufficient evidence to prove Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Fla., intentionally violated Martin's civil rights.

Trayvon Martin DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman - ABC News
Yep, I'm a Zimmerman hater, and I hope he dies alone.

This doesn't slow me down a bit.

I'll still hate him unconditionally because he's a pussy, who had to shot his way out of a fight he was losing it to a 17 year old.

I know Zimmerman supporters would love for hatred of him to go away, but it won't.

There is no way this guy can be happy in life. Nobody who is hated by millions gets out happily.

Keep your hatred, it's all good. Why would I care if you hate someone or not, why would anyone outside your immediate family care who the hell you like or hate? You think you are special or something? No one cares, you are just an unknown person. Get over yourself...psycho.
Joe, you're so ignorant about what the numbers are that you should stop posting right now and go educate yourself! Seriously...

Dogstyle, you keep trying to make this point that it's okay for Zimmerman to shoot unarmed black kids because other blacks are shooting unarmed black kids.

The logic truly escapes me.

It's never right to shoot an unarmed kid. Not if you are a black gangbanger, not if you are a "white hispanic" loser who can't hold down a job, not if you are a Furgeson Police Officer.

The thing is, the Gangbanger will be prosecuted and imprisoned.
Joe, you're so ignorant about what the numbers are that you should stop posting right now and go educate yourself! Seriously...

Dogstyle, you keep trying to make this point that it's okay for Zimmerman to shoot unarmed black kids because other blacks are shooting unarmed black kids.

The logic truly escapes me.

It's never right to shoot an unarmed kid. Not if you are a black gangbanger, not if you are a "white hispanic" loser who can't hold down a job, not if you are a Furgeson Police Officer.

The thing is, the Gangbanger will be prosecuted and imprisoned.

BUT, it IS alright to shoot someone who is criminally attacking you.
Zimmerman had every right to shoot the criminal, Martin. .
The good officer was also defending himself against a 300 lb criminal that was assaulting him and resisting arrest.
It is called "SELF-DEFENSE".
Defending yourself against a criminal that is committing an assault and battery against you is legal and moral.
??? why do you liberals ALWAYS defend the criminal against the honest, law-abiding citizen????
I agree with that, but Trayvon was, for all intents and purposes, a child. He has a reason for acting stupid. Zimmerman SHOULD have been a little smarter, IMO. Teenaged boys are full of testosterone and they like to fight. That is not unusual at all. I'm willing to bet you had your own share of fights as a teen and young adult, and that if you had felt threatened by some dude who was following you, you MIGHT want to fight him. :)

I just think this whole situation could have been avoided if both had used their brains a little more. It's really sad for both of them. One is dead, and the other has to live with the fact that he killed a teenager. That cannot be an easy thing to live with. I'll bet that is why he has been in trouble since the incident. He's probably having a difficult time dealing with it.

Being a "child" (age 17?) isn't an excuse to act stupid. It isn't normal for kids to jump an adult and try to beat them to death. This "kid" had some major anger issues.

17 year olds can join the military, but liberals still want to portray them as hapless children.

They are legally children until they are 18, under the guardianship of parents, unless they are moved out, emancipated or are actually in the military. No one said he was "hapless." He WAS a young person who is prone to overreaction, duh.

That has been the narrative of the liberal media, with their race baiting. He was just an innocent kid, and was only shot because he is black.

I never mentioned his race. Unlike you, I am trying to look at this objectively. I also never said he was an innocent kid. Obviously, that is your focus.

No,it isn't my focus, that has been the media's focus this whole time. My focus was on the facts of the case, which clearly show Martin was at fault for assault and Zimmerman was within his rights to defend himself.

And my point is that the whole situation might have been avoided if some people had used their brains instead of their brawn.
Joe, you're so ignorant about what the numbers are that you should stop posting right now and go educate yourself! Seriously...

Dogstyle, you keep trying to make this point that it's okay for Zimmerman to shoot unarmed black kids because other blacks are shooting unarmed black kids.

The logic truly escapes me.

It's never right to shoot an unarmed kid. Not if you are a black gangbanger, not if you are a "white hispanic" loser who can't hold down a job, not if you are a Furgeson Police Officer.

The thing is, the Gangbanger will be prosecuted and imprisoned.

BUT, it IS alright to shoot someone who is criminally attacking you.
Zimmerman had every right to shoot the criminal, Martin. .
The good officer was also defending himself against a 300 lb criminal that was assaulting him and resisting arrest.
It is called "SELF-DEFENSE".
Defending yourself against a criminal that is committing an assault and battery against you is legal and moral.
??? why do you liberals ALWAYS defend the criminal against the honest, law-abiding citizen????

I agree. Once Trayvon physically attacked Mr. Zimmerman, he had every right to defend himself with any means necessary, but bad decisions were made which led to this outcome.

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