Another Trump Lie Exposed! USPS Makes Money Delivering Packages For Amazon


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2017

The post office makes money from delivering packages for Amazon and other companies. In 2019, they made $1.6 billion delivering packages just for Amazon alone. We have known this for some time. It proves that Trump is lying as usual and his diatribes against delivering packages for Amazon stem from his desire to attack his perceived political enemies.

It also proves something else. Trump is a rotten businessman. The Post Office is a consumer driven business and that is something that Trump has consistently failed at. The Post Office should be making capital investments such as sorting machines for packages and trucks that can hold more packages. This would assist the post office in making the part of their business that is growing more profitable.

The post office makes money from delivering packages for Amazon and other companies. In 2019, they made $1.6 billion delivering packages just for Amazon alone. We have known this for some time. It proves that Trump is lying as usual and his diatribes against delivering packages for Amazon stem from his desire to attack his perceived political enemies.

It also proves something else. Trump is a rotten businessman. The Post Office is a consumer driven business and that is something that Trump has consistently failed at. The Post Office should be making capital investments such as sorting machines for packages and trucks that can hold more packages. This would assist the post office in making the part of their business that is growing more profitable.
they have sorting machines for packages......and how big should the trucks be?.....

The post office makes money from delivering packages for Amazon and other companies. In 2019, they made $1.6 billion delivering packages just for Amazon alone. We have known this for some time. It proves that Trump is lying as usual and his diatribes against delivering packages for Amazon stem from his desire to attack his perceived political enemies.

It also proves something else. Trump is a rotten businessman. The Post Office is a consumer driven business and that is something that Trump has consistently failed at. The Post Office should be making capital investments such as sorting machines for packages and trucks that can hold more packages. This would assist the post office in making the part of their business that is growing more profitable.

With a net income of -$8.8 billion it ain’t enough.
Its time to learn how to read a financial statement. EBITDA is not GAAP. Take a look at the off sheet liabilities as well.
Tyrant Trump hates bad press from the Washington Post so he attacks and its owner Jeff Bezos, by attacking his company Amazon. Trump has driven Amazon to create it's own delivery service taking revenue away from USPS & FedEx. Trump deficits are everywhere. Enjoy Bankruptcy!
OP: Click your heels together 3 times and keep on believing Trump’s a rotten business man.:laughing0301:
:102:No sane person needs to click their heels. Trump's business failings are well documented. Now go catch a flight on Trump Airlines and fly to a Trump Casino and have a Trump Steak before heading off to Trump University.
Ten years ago, the Post Office was talking about stopping deliveries on Saturday.

Now, I see them out on Sundays delivering packages
Ten years ago, the Post Office was talking about stopping deliveries on Saturday.

Now, I see them out on Sundays delivering packages
Hmmmm, I wonder what could have changed between then and now. Something MUST have changed to cause people to get more things delivered to their homes, but what could it be?
OP: Click your heels together 3 times and keep on believing Trump’s a rotten business man.:laughing0301:
:102:No sane person needs to click their heels. Trump's business failings are well documented. Now go catch a flight on Trump Airlines and fly to a Trump Casino and have a Trump Steak before heading off to Trump University.

I'd sure like to be a failure of Trumps caliber.
OP: Click your heels together 3 times and keep on believing Trump’s a rotten business man.:laughing0301:
:102:No sane person needs to click their heels. Trump's business failings are well documented. Now go catch a flight on Trump Airlines and fly to a Trump Casino and have a Trump Steak before heading off to Trump University.

I'd sure like to be a failure of Trumps caliber.
Well, you should have had a rich Daddy who would set you up with millions.
OP: Click your heels together 3 times and keep on believing Trump’s a rotten business man.:laughing0301:
:102:No sane person needs to click their heels. Trump's business failings are well documented. Now go catch a flight on Trump Airlines and fly to a Trump Casino and have a Trump Steak before heading off to Trump University.

I'd sure like to be a failure of Trumps caliber.
Well, you should have had a rich Daddy who would set you up with millions.

And turned it into billions.

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