The Silver Lining to The PA Supreme Court Ruling on Mail-in Ballots


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Dems argued for a full week extension on counting ballots, claiming that COVID19 was the equivalent of a natural disaster and so more time was needed,

The PA Supreme Court only gave them half that, 3 days instead.

Plus they madee some good decisions on other items in the same case:

Democrats lost on other issues in the case, known as PA Dem Party. v. Boockvar.
The three-day extension is less, for example, than the seven-day extension Democrats had originally sought. Though the court argued, controversially, that it had the authority, under “extraordinary jurisdiction” due to the coronavirus pandemic, which had the character of a “natural disaster,” to extend the deadline past the statutory date, it did not grant a full week.
The court also rejected a demand that county election boards be required to contact voters to inform them of an “incomplete or incorrectly completed ballot,” since there was “no constitutional or statutory basis” for the demand.
And the the court rejected a demand that mailed-in ballots that arrived “naked” — without an envelope to guarantee secrecy — be counted: “Upon careful examination of the statutory text, we conclude that the Legislature intended for the secrecy envelope provision to be mandatory.”
However, Democrats persuaded the court to allow county election boards to designate alternative locations for mail-in ballots to be hand-delivered including “drop-boxes.” And they persuaded the court to uphold a legal requirement that poll-watchers be residents of the country where they were observing the vote.
In a similar case decided Thursday, Crossey v. Boockvar, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a demand that county election boards allow third parties to deliver ballots for other people — the controversial practice known as “ballot harvesting.” The practice is illegal almost everywhere except California, and the court noted that it is still illegal in Pennsylvania, too.
Court rejected a demand that county election boards allow third parties to deliver ballots for other people — the controversial practice known as “ballot harvesting.” The practice is illegal almost everywhere except California, and the court noted that it is still illegal in Pennsylvania, too.

This is good news....All ballots everywhere that cannot account for a secure chain of custody should be disqualified with prejudice.
Court rejected a demand that county election boards allow third parties to deliver ballots for other people — the controversial practice known as “ballot harvesting.” The practice is illegal almost everywhere except California, and the court noted that it is still illegal in Pennsylvania, too.

This is good news....All ballots everywhere that cannot account for a secure chain of custody should be disqualified with prejudice.

As far as I know, Nevada is still open to ballot free-grazers!
Our legislature just passed mass ballot mailing in a special midnite session with no public input!
And everyone knows damned well that we have no safeguards built in, in this short period of time!

So y'all can put Nevada in Biden's column, now!

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