Another successful execution by our fbi


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
The FBI-involved shooting is currently under investigation so the family is in the dark about the details of the raid.

And there you have it, hiding behind that old saw again.....All leadership positions in the FBI need to eliminated in a reduction of force move.....Anything above a GS-13 needs to be layed-off.
These guys are really on a roll.
I don't even recognize this country anymore.

While I’m no fan of some of the FBI’s political behavior, there are no details in the article which shed light on why this happened the way it did.

Maybe wait for more information before condemning?
While I’m no fan of some of the FBI’s political behavior, there are no details in the article which shed light on why this happened the way it did.

Maybe wait for more information before condemning?

Maybe so. But they've shown themselves worthy of condemnation for decades.
Remember when Obama wanted to take away militarized equipment from local cops?... he was arming his dirty FBI to the teeth as he was doing that.... and now Biden is arming his IRS... we are under siege from our own government...
All I can say is where are the good guys... are there any left?...
While I’m no fan of some of the FBI’s political behavior, there are no details in the article which shed light on why this happened the way it did.

Maybe wait for more information before condemning?
They're just taking people out to scare the rest of us.
This is textbook psychological operations.
They figure as long as the media refuses to cover it, nothing with be done about it.
Just remember, everything that they've accused Trump of, they are guilty of.

They claimed Trump was guilty of:

  • Being a dictator
  • Trying to overthrow the government
  • Planning an insurrection
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Man, there is nothing about this out there. Wtf?!

It's like Night of The Long Knives.
Apparently, several highly trained men with guns were sent by the government and emptied their magazines into a homeless veteran.

Which begs the question. Well...should beg the question anyway.

If this team of highly trained government men require this much hardware to extinguish what they observed as a threat to their safety in the form of the single individual sitting at a bus stop minding his own business, then why would government not want our families to have that same opportunity to defend themselves against what they foresee as a threat? Why would government go out of its way to expend so much energy in depriving the electorate of this same opportunity?

Nobody ever really asks these burning question directly. At least not the talking heads on the idiot box anyway.
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