Not just a case of killing untold number of birds and being a total eyesore on the California landscape, it appears the Ivanpah solar power monster doesn't do the job and uses to much natural gas that it exceeds the state's limits. And let's not even discuss the $1.6 BILLION in federal loans that won't be repaid.
Between costs, lack of productivity and fried feathered friends, the Ivanpah plant and others like it have proven to be neither eco-friendly nor economically friendly. The private sector — and private money — should lead the way on energy with processes such as fracking that are continually becoming safer and more cost-efficient for consumers. Government shouldn’t be in the business of massively subsidizing green energy, and regulators shouldn’t exist to prop up a failing industry either.
And this indicates they're thinking of shutting it down. Read more @ EDITORIAL: Solar flame-out at Ivanpah