Another Racist attacks Obama.

Do you understand the term veto proof majority?

Your boy signed it into law. The congress didn't pass a law restricting the president as you and many others have charged. They can't. You lied. You're busted.

"But he had to". "He had no other choice". Isn't the same as the congress passed a law restricting the plans to close GITMO.

Obama owns it. Deal with it.
Do you understand the term veto proof majority?

Your boy signed it into law. The congress didn't pass a law restricting the president as you and many others have charged. They can't. You lied. You're busted.

"But he had to". "He had no other choice". Isn't the same as the congress passed a law restricting the plans to close GITMO.

Obama owns it. Deal with it.

Of course they can and did. Starting in 2009. They passed a law denying him the funds to do it. He signed the law because it passed with a supermajority and they would have been able to override a veto.

Funds to Close Guantánamo Denied

Published: May 20, 2009

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to cut from a war spending bill the $80 million requested by President Obama to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and to bar the transfer of detainees to the United States and its territories.

His EO still stands and Congress is still able to block it.
Of course they can and did. Starting in 2009. They passed a law denying him the funds to do it. He signed the law because it passed with a supermajority and they would have been able to override a veto.

We're talking about the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 signed into law by Obama in Jan 2011.

Congress cannot pass a law with out it being passed by the senate and signed into law by the POTUS.

He signed it for cover. If he believed in his position he would have vetoed it and let the chips fall where they may.

Your boy signed the bill into law.
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Remember this woman?

Well.. she's now a "racist" because she no longer supports Obama and is calling him a "Fraud".

Hey, Obama! Where?s my mortgage payment?

Surprisingly, some six years into the Obama presidency, Joseph has turned against the president, disappointed that he did not deliver on his “hope and change” campaign promises.


“Truth and honesty are important,” Joseph explained to Gilbert in the film. “He lied about everything.”

Joseph explained that after doing some research and listening more carefully to Obama, she realized he was a fraud, and “just like the Wizard of Oz, Obama has turned out to be nothing more than a man behind a curtain.”

I'm sure she was paid her mortgage payment and a lot more for that.

Do you understand the term veto proof majority?

Your boy signed it into law. The congress didn't pass a law restricting the president as you and many others have charged. They can't. You lied. You're busted.

"But he had to". "He had no other choice". Isn't the same as the congress passed a law restricting the plans to close GITMO.

Obama owns it. Deal with it.

Of course they can and did. Starting in 2009. They passed a law denying him the funds to do it. He signed the law because it passed with a supermajority and they would have been able to override a veto.

Funds to Close Guantánamo Denied

Published: May 20, 2009

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to cut from a war spending bill the $80 million requested by President Obama to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and to bar the transfer of detainees to the United States and its territories.

His EO still stands and Congress is still able to block it.

So you just proved that the far left denied their messiah the ability to close something that is not a apart of his charter..
Here's Obama's petulant announcement of his signing the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 into law. Note he does not mention the threat of a supermajority overriding his veto. Nobody was holding a gun to his head. "Congress passing a law" is not only a lie but revisionist history to give this clown cover.

Statement by the President on H.R. 6523

Today I have signed into law H.R. 6523, the "Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011." The Act authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, for military construction, and for national security-related energy programs.

Section 1032 bars the use of funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act for fiscal year 2011 to transfer Guantanamo detainees into the United States, and section 1033 bars the use of certain funds to transfer detainees to the custody or effective control of foreign countries unless specified conditions are met. Section 1032 represents a dangerous and unprecedented challenge to critical executive branch authority to determine when and where to prosecute Guantanamo detainees, based on the facts and the circumstances of each case and our national security interests. The prosecution of terrorists in Federal court is a powerful tool in our efforts to protect the Nation and must be among the options available to us. Any attempt to deprive the executive branch of that tool undermines our Nation's counterterrorism efforts and has the potential to harm our national security.

With respect to section 1033, the restrictions on the transfer of detainees to the custody or effective control of foreign countries interfere with the authority of the executive branch to make important and consequential foreign policy and national security determinations regarding whether and under what circumstances such transfers should occur in the context of an ongoing armed conflict. We must have the ability to act swiftly and to have broad flexibility in conducting our negotiations with foreign countries. The executive branch has sought and obtained from countries that are prospective recipients of Guantanamo detainees assurances that they will take or have taken measures reasonably designed to be effective in preventing, or ensuring against, returned detainees taking action to threaten the United States or engage in terrorist activities. Consistent with existing statutes, the executive branch has kept the Congress informed about these assurances and notified the Congress prior to transfers. Requiring the executive branch to certify to additional conditions would hinder the conduct of delicate negotiations with foreign countries and therefore the effort to conclude detainee transfers in accord with our national security.

Despite my strong objection to these provisions, which my Administration has consistently opposed, I have signed this Act because of the importance of authorizing appropriations for, among other things, our military activities in 2011.

Nevertheless, my Administration will work with the Congress to seek repeal of these restrictions, will seek to mitigate their effects, and will oppose any attempt to extend or expand them in the future.


January 7, 2011

Statement by the President on H.R. 6523 | The White House

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Of course they can and did. Starting in 2009. They passed a law denying him the funds to do it. He signed the law because it passed with a supermajority and they would have been able to override a veto.

We're talking about the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 signed into law by Obama in Jan 2011.

Congress cannot pass a law with out it being passed by the senate and signed into law by the POTUS.

He signed it for cover. If he believed in his position he would have vetoed it and let the chips fall where they may.

Your boy signed the bill into law.

Whose "we" cowboy, you got a frog in your pocket?

pp 59

A veto would have only delayed the inevitable. Only 6 democrats out of 59 in the Senate favored closing it down even thought it had bipartisan support throughout the campaign. Both candidates were for closing it too.
horseshit statement : "He signed it for cover. If he believed in his position he would have vetoed it and let the chips fall where they may." Only an assumption without evidence.
Your boy signed it into law. The congress didn't pass a law restricting the president as you and many others have charged. They can't. You lied. You're busted.

"But he had to". "He had no other choice". Isn't the same as the congress passed a law restricting the plans to close GITMO.

Obama owns it. Deal with it.

Of course they can and did. Starting in 2009. They passed a law denying him the funds to do it. He signed the law because it passed with a supermajority and they would have been able to override a veto.

Funds to Close Guantánamo Denied

Published: May 20, 2009

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to cut from a war spending bill the $80 million requested by President Obama to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and to bar the transfer of detainees to the United States and its territories.

His EO still stands and Congress is still able to block it.

So you just proved that the far left denied their messiah the ability to close something that is not a apart of his charter..

Only you far right paranoid drones consider President Obama anyone's messiah.

It's only history that Congress blocked his EO closing Gitmo.
horseshit statement : "He signed it for cover. If he believed in his position he would have vetoed it and let the chips fall where they may." Only an assumption without evidence.

Valid point. It is an assumption on my part. I can't prove it.

If he had stuck to his convictions and vetoed it there is also not proof a supermajority would have overridden his veto. It probably would have since nobody, congressmen, senators and governors wanted those prisoners in their states. But no one at the time could have foreseen the future. I think (and cannot prove) he was asked by his party to sign it so it wouldn't go to a veto showdown. Cover. My assumption. Guilty.

Bottom line was Obama didn't have the conviction or balls to veto the bill.
Congress blocked and continues to block his EO closing Gitmo.

...and on your planet Obama is not responsible or accountable for anything. Even a bill he signed into law preventing funds to move prisoners out of GITMO.

He and his party control two thirds of the government but it is only congress to blame for anything. Got it.
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Congress blocked and continues to block his EO closing Gitmo.

...and on your planet Obama is not responsible or accountable for anything. Even a bill he signed into law preventing funds to move prisoners out of GITMO.

He and his party control two thirds of the government but it is only congress to blame for anything. Got it.

Actually it was when his party controlled the whole thing, but thanks for your input anyway.
horseshit statement : "He signed it for cover. If he believed in his position he would have vetoed it and let the chips fall where they may." Only an assumption without evidence.

Valid point. It is an assumption on my part. I can't prove it.

If he had stuck to his convictions and vetoed it there is also not proof a supermajority would have overridden his veto. It probably would have since nobody, congressmen, senators and governors wanted those prisoners in their states. But no one at the time could have foreseen the future. I think (and cannot prove) he was asked by his party to sign it so it wouldn't go to a veto showdown. Cover. My assumption. Guilty.

Bottom line was Obama didn't have the conviction or balls to veto the bill.

Thanks for the clarity. My opinion is that BHO never intended to close Gitmo; said it only to soothe the far left and the libertarians. His party gave him cover to do what the wanted.

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