Another Racist attacks Obama.

Actually I don't think he ever promised that woman that stuff. She should be mad at herself from believing that he would.

HE promised ALL AMERICANS a cornucopia of shit.

...and he's spent the last 5-1/2 years shitting on us all.

My point is that he portrayed himself as the next coming. He would heal the Earth, the Oceans would stop rising. He was the one we were waiting for. I can see how she bought into his god worship and assumed way too much. But shame on her, hope she learned her lesson. So few Obama supports will admit mistakes.
The issue none of you libs were stating these things when those people were originally claiming Obama was going to give them all these goodies.
That's true. In the times I have been conned and taken advantage of, I have also blamed myself for allowing myself to be fooled by someone that I should have known was a scumbag fraud. Common sense tells me not to believe much any political whore says, but the ridiculous pomp and rockstar cult of personality built up around the moonbat messiah was as obviously phony as the Heavan's Gate cult.
Even hitlary pointed out how insipid it was. [/COLOR]

Stop your bedwetting, Pete, and choose better next time.
So she just figured out that politicians lie?

How high?

Jeff Beck - How High the Moon - YouTube

Yeah they all lie so whats the big deal? We can't stop them from lying so WTF let them lie. I will never understand why someone would use the excuse of "they all do it". It's your life my's your future that is in the hands of dishonest people. You can keep on supporting them and rewarding their lies but it will only hurt you in the long run. Do you really think that a person willing to mislead you has your best interest at heart? Think!

Well um no. The what's the big deal moment I'm referring to is just her revelation. Did the movie producer ask her if she would vote for McCain or Romney if she could. Making promises that they cannot keep is standard, par for the course. Like closing Gitmo. He did everything in his power to get that done. Congress on the other hand pass a law that negated his EO. Promise not kept.

Ha ha ha....Let the dancing and ducking for cover begin.
HE promised ALL AMERICANS a cornucopia of shit.

...and he's spent the last 5-1/2 years shitting on us all.

Any examples?
If you like your dr you can keep your dr. If you like your plan you can keep your plan. PERIOD........
Not a Smidgen of Corruption at the IRS ~

Good point, though our plan hasn't changed one iota. I will also add that he ran on the fact that it would be a VOLUNTARY plan instead of a mandatory one. He actually compared his plan to Hillary's mandatory plan. But I am really talking about the context of "free stuff", sicnce this is the girl who said that she would have her gas tank filled or some crap like that.
I remember seeing a # of stories during the '08 campaign, that seem to reveal that quite a # of blacks honestly thought that once Obama took office, that they were going to be given a range of free stuff from the government. I remember one woman actually thought Obama was going to take care of her mortgage.
I remember seeing a # of stories during the '08 campaign, that seem to reveal that quite a # of blacks honestly thought that once Obama took office, that they were going to be given a range of free stuff from the government. I remember one woman actually thought Obama was going to take care of her mortgage.

What percentage of "The Blacks" do you think actually believed that?
Thought everyone knew that anyone who disagrees with that fuck is a racist.

You can't disagree with THE ONE. If you do its not because he sucks as POTUS its because YOU ARE a racist.
Thought everyone knew that anyone who disagrees with that fuck is a racist.

You can't disagree with THE ONE. If you do its not because he sucks as POTUS its because YOU ARE a racist.

No, that is something made up by Teapers so they can feel better when they spew racist nonsense. I see a lot of teapers claiming they are being called a racist for disagreeing with obama...but I have yet to see it. It is either a guilty conscience, a persecution complex, or a flat out lie! I say it is all just depends on which Teaper you speak with.
HE promised ALL AMERICANS a cornucopia of shit.

...and he's spent the last 5-1/2 years shitting on us all.

My point is that he portrayed himself as the next coming. He would heal the Earth, the Oceans would stop rising. He was the one we were waiting for. I can see how she bought into his god worship and assumed way too much. But shame on her, hope she learned her lesson. So few Obama supports will admit mistakes.
The issue none of you libs were stating these things when those people were originally claiming Obama was going to give them all these goodies.

Baloney, there were plenty of folks who disagreed with that women about what Obama was going to be able to do. In fact I don't know single person who believed that stupid shit she was saying.
Thought everyone knew that anyone who disagrees with that fuck is a racist.

You can't disagree with THE ONE. If you do its not because he sucks as POTUS its because YOU ARE a racist.

That's a crock of CRAP; I disagree with this Administration on a myriad of issues and no one here on this forum or in my walking around life has ever called me a "racist" or an "Uncle Tom"..............
I remember seeing a # of stories during the '08 campaign, that seem to reveal that quite a # of blacks honestly thought that once Obama took office, that they were going to be given a range of free stuff from the government. I remember one woman actually thought Obama was going to take care of her mortgage.

What percentage of "The Blacks" do you think actually believed that?

Percentage wise, probably not a very high #.
My point is that he portrayed himself as the next coming. He would heal the Earth, the Oceans would stop rising. He was the one we were waiting for. I can see how she bought into his god worship and assumed way too much. But shame on her, hope she learned her lesson. So few Obama supports will admit mistakes.
The issue none of you libs were stating these things when those people were originally claiming Obama was going to give them all these goodies.

Baloney, there were plenty of folks who disagreed with that women about what Obama was going to be able to do. In fact I don't know single person who believed that stupid shit she was saying.

Exactly...a typical teaper tactic to attribute the rantings of a single person to an entire race. (Not a entire race)

Pathetic Teaperism is.
I remember seeing a # of stories during the '08 campaign, that seem to reveal that quite a # of blacks honestly thought that once Obama took office, that they were going to be given a range of free stuff from the government. I remember one woman actually thought Obama was going to take care of her mortgage.

What percentage of "The Blacks" do you think actually believed that?

Percentage wise, probably not a very high #.

Can you agree that some people with an agenda (not you) try to make a view of a very small minority of people, represent the majority of people who they don't like?
Making promises that they cannot keep is standard, par for the course. Like closing Gitmo. He did everything in his power to get that done. Congress on the other hand pass a law that negated his EO. Promise not kept.

Congress can't pass a law by themselves. It has to clear congress, be passed by the Dem-controlled senate then signed into law by the ever so Dim POTUS. Two thirds of the government was controlled by Obama and his party when this law passed. Obama could have vetoed it. He signed it into law. Nobody else. He owns it.

But you knew this before you repeated this lie.

Here's an explanation for kids if you need a refresher:

President Signs Defense Authorization Act

By Karen Parrish
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2011 – Noting his objection to two of its provisions, President Barack Obama signed the fiscal 2011 defense authorization act into law Jan. 7.

The Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 is named for former U.S. Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri, longtime chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, who lost his House seat in November’s election.

“The act authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, for military construction, and for national security-related energy programs,” the president wrote in a statement accompanying the signing’s announcement.

Obama registered “strong objections” to two of the act’s provisions related to transfer of detainees from the U.S. facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. One prohibits the use of funds appropriated by the act to transfer Guantanamo detainees into the United States, and the other bars the use of certain funds to transfer detainees to the custody or effective control of foreign countries unless specified conditions are met.

But despite his objections to the two sections, the president said in his statement, “I have signed this act because of the importance of authorizing appropriations for, among other things, our military activities in 2011.”

The act governs a wide range of Defense Department activities, including procurement; research, development, testing and evaluation; equipment operation and maintenance; military personnel authorizations and policy; and reserve-component management.
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The far right and the far left do hasty generalizations all the time about the other side.

Fact of life. And that is why America as a whole despise the far right like the TPM or the far left loonies.
Making promises that they cannot keep is standard, par for the course. Like closing Gitmo. He did everything in his power to get that done. Congress on the other hand pass a law that negated his EO. Promise not kept.

Congress can't pass a law by themselves. It has to clear congress, be passed by the Dem-controlled senate then signed into law by the ever so Dim POTUS. Two thirds of the government was controlled by Obama and his party when this law passed. Obama could have vetoed it. He signed it into law. Nobody else. He owns it.

But you knew this before you repeated this lie.

Here's an explanation for kids if you need a refresher:

Kids in the House - Grade School - How a Bill Becomes a Law

President Signs Defense Authorization Act

By Karen Parrish
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2011 – Noting his objection to two of its provisions, President Barack Obama signed the fiscal 2011 defense authorization act into law Jan. 7.

The Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 is named for former U.S. Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri, longtime chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, who lost his House seat in November’s election.

“The act authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, for military construction, and for national security-related energy programs,” the president wrote in a statement accompanying the signing’s announcement.

Obama registered “strong objections” to two of the act’s provisions related to transfer of detainees from the U.S. facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. One prohibits the use of funds appropriated by the act to transfer Guantanamo detainees into the United States, and the other bars the use of certain funds to transfer detainees to the custody or effective control of foreign countries unless specified conditions are met.

But despite his objections to the two sections, the president said in his statement, “I have signed this act because of the importance of authorizing appropriations for, among other things, our military activities in 2011.”

The act governs a wide range of Defense Department activities, including procurement; research, development, testing and evaluation; equipment operation and maintenance; military personnel authorizations and policy; and reserve-component management.

Actually the Dems controlled both houses in 2009 when they blocked funding for the first time. Do you understand the term veto proof majority?

"The vote, which complicates Mr. Obama’s efforts to shutter the prison by his deadline of Jan. 22, 2010, was 90 to 6. "
From the link:

“Truth and honesty are important,” Joseph explained to Gilbert in the film. “He lied about everything.”

Joseph explained that after doing some research and listening more carefully to Obama, she realized he was a fraud, and “just like the Wizard of Oz, Obama has turned out to be nothing more than a man behind a curtain.”

She explained that her comments to a reporter in 2008 were a result of being caught up in the emotion of an Obama campaign rally, and she didn’t think for herself.

I admire Ms. Joseph. She is a hard working nurse and mother according to the article. She is critical of her own thinking and has the maturity to admit she was caught up in the emotion of the Obama campaign. She didn't "think for herself" during the emotional time of the campaign but now in the light of Obama's administration, she's thinking for herself now and paying more attention to politics.

What more can you ask? She has lived and learned. It's the people who still blindly support Obama regardless of his lack of leadership, refusal to take responsibility and failure that amazes me. They either want this country destroyed or are too emotionally invested in a fantasy to see the light.

I have two good friends who are extremely left wing progressives. They half joke that when they take over, they'll see that I'm put in one of the better reeducation camps.

During the 08 campaign, I asked them, "Hope for what and Change to what?" They stared at me with blank looks and couldn't come up with anything.

I asked them what was Obama going to fundamentally change this country into? Same response.

They had no clue what this man was about but they supported him with every fiber of their being. They are pretty cowed now. They won't admit they were taken in by a con job but they don't openly support him anymore. Instead, they do what you see a lot of on this board: Go back 6 years in history to attack Bush. Any topic. It's hilarious. Their same answer will be "Well, Bush was bad".

I admire Ms. Joseph. I wonder about the sanity of my two friends and others who can't be self critiquing.
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