Another Question for those who lie on the Census:

In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I have applied and been accepted as a census taker for my area. I also have a friend who works for the Census Bureau on a permanent basis.



As for saveliberty, you're also a lost cause, but please explain how you reconcile your position of fiscal responsibility with your position of intentionally causing the government to expend funds in an attempt to elicit information you could have freely given?

I have come to the conclusion that both parties are currently incapable of fiscal responsibility. Therefore, I am going to increase the burden I place on the system
in hopes of working with others to crash the system faster. Just a small part of a nonviolent revolution.


As for saveliberty, you're also a lost cause, but please explain how you reconcile your position of fiscal responsibility with your position of intentionally causing the government to expend funds in an attempt to elicit information you could have freely given?

I have come to the conclusion that both parties are currently incapable of fiscal responsibility. Therefore, I am going to increase the burden I place on the system
in hopes of working with others to crash the system faster. Just a small part of a nonviolent revolution.

Well, there we have it folks. You now know that arguing with this particular fellow is absolutely pointless, as he's admitted that he actively plans to try to crash the financial system in an attempt to elicit some type of revolution.

I'm sure you've already factored in the years of economic stagnation, decadence and overall misery the world would have to go through just to accrue nominal changes in our system, but yea, great idea, let me know how that works out for you.:clap2:

As for saveliberty, you're also a lost cause, but please explain how you reconcile your position of fiscal responsibility with your position of intentionally causing the government to expend funds in an attempt to elicit information you could have freely given?

I have come to the conclusion that both parties are currently incapable of fiscal responsibility. Therefore, I am going to increase the burden I place on the system
in hopes of working with others to crash the system faster. Just a small part of a nonviolent revolution.

Well, there we have it folks. You now know that arguing with this particular fellow is absolutely pointless, as he's admitted that he actively plans to try to crash the financial system in an attempt to elicit some type of revolution.

I'm sure you've already factored in the years of economic stagnation, decadence and overall misery the world would have to go through just to accrue nominal changes in our system, but yea, great idea, let me know how that works out for you.:clap2:

...or politicans could just start making better decisions. Yes, I have factored it in. I discovered that the government was headed there anyways. Hastening the crisis means we start recovery faster and thus shortening the duration and hopefully depth of the misery. Starting to get nervous about things taking a different course than you thought huh? All we are doing is joining the entitlements your liberal friends already enjoy. Sort of hard to complain against us really.
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I have come to the conclusion that both parties are currently incapable of fiscal responsibility. Therefore, I am going to increase the burden I place on the system
in hopes of working with others to crash the system faster. Just a small part of a nonviolent revolution.

Well, there we have it folks. You now know that arguing with this particular fellow is absolutely pointless, as he's admitted that he actively plans to try to crash the financial system in an attempt to elicit some type of revolution.

I'm sure you've already factored in the years of economic stagnation, decadence and overall misery the world would have to go through just to accrue nominal changes in our system, but yea, great idea, let me know how that works out for you.:clap2:

...or politicans could just start making better decisions. Yes, I have factored it in. I discovered that the government was headed there anyways. Hastening the crisis means we start recovery faster and thus shortening the duration and hopefully depth of the misery. Starting to get nervous about things taking a different course than you thought huh? All we are doing is joining the entitlements your liberal friends already enjoy. Sort of hard to complain against us really.

Ironically enough, I'm not even a liberal, except in some economic sense, but like I said, it's over with me and you. There's a level of stupidity I'm slightly amused and intrigued by, and then there's your level of stupidity that's led by an ideology so warped and backwards that speaking with you might lower my own intellect.

The only thing I'm nervous about, is that in 2010 ignorance on this level is still this prevalent. I guess my generation was too hopeful that the information revolution would...spread information around.
Well, there we have it folks. You now know that arguing with this particular fellow is absolutely pointless, as he's admitted that he actively plans to try to crash the financial system in an attempt to elicit some type of revolution.

I'm sure you've already factored in the years of economic stagnation, decadence and overall misery the world would have to go through just to accrue nominal changes in our system, but yea, great idea, let me know how that works out for you.:clap2:

...or politicans could just start making better decisions. Yes, I have factored it in. I discovered that the government was headed there anyways. Hastening the crisis means we start recovery faster and thus shortening the duration and hopefully depth of the misery. Starting to get nervous about things taking a different course than you thought huh? All we are doing is joining the entitlements your liberal friends already enjoy. Sort of hard to complain against us really.

Ironically enough, I'm not even a liberal, except in some economic sense, but like I said, it's over with me and you. There's a level of stupidity I'm slightly amused and intrigued by, and then there's your level of stupidity that's led by an ideology so warped and backwards that speaking with you might lower my own intellect.

The only thing I'm nervous about, is that in 2010 ignorance on this level is still this prevalent. I guess my generation was too hopeful that the information revolution would...spread information around.

You make it sound like we had some type of relationship your breaking up. Get over yourself. You got called ignorant and unrealistic from day one. Crawl back into your CA college fantasy world. Don't have a good retort for just using the same entitlements your side rolls in or any other point I made. Denial is your only course.
...or politicans could just start making better decisions. Yes, I have factored it in. I discovered that the government was headed there anyways. Hastening the crisis means we start recovery faster and thus shortening the duration and hopefully depth of the misery. Starting to get nervous about things taking a different course than you thought huh? All we are doing is joining the entitlements your liberal friends already enjoy. Sort of hard to complain against us really.

Ironically enough, I'm not even a liberal, except in some economic sense, but like I said, it's over with me and you. There's a level of stupidity I'm slightly amused and intrigued by, and then there's your level of stupidity that's led by an ideology so warped and backwards that speaking with you might lower my own intellect.

The only thing I'm nervous about, is that in 2010 ignorance on this level is still this prevalent. I guess my generation was too hopeful that the information revolution would...spread information around.

You make it sound like we had some type of relationship your breaking up. Get over yourself. You got called ignorant and unrealistic from day one. Crawl back into your CA college fantasy world. Don't have a good retort for just using the same entitlements your side rolls in or any other point I made. Denial is your only course.

How is not filling out the census using your entitlements? I have no retort for what you're saying because its crazy man, just crazy. I wish I could understand what was going on in your head, but really, i'm sorry, I can't.

It's not me, it's you :lol:.
You accomplished one thing with your census. I did two things. They have been made aware exactly who many people live at this address for districting and fund allocation purposes. That is question one and possibly two. The rest is obtainable from existing government sources or just none of their business. I took the opportunity to make that clear to them. I do not appreciate your characterization that it was a lie in some fashion. Apparently you are so entrenched in entitlements, you consider this action harmful to myself. I do not see it that way at all.

I'm slowly starting to work out the conservatives worth debating up here and those that are hopeless. Though I filed you under the latter category after our first exchange, I can never fail to be amazed at the logic behind stupidity. By "making it clear to them" all you've done is make it more difficult to get accurate, detailed information. Why would you NOT want full demographically information about your area?

Do you people really think if the government wanted to take you, your family, or your money, they wouldn't just DO it? They don't need a census to find most people nowadays, technology does that for us, you're astoundingly behind the times if you think the most effective way at gathering data on people to spy on them would be by paper and snail mail.

I mean shit, i'm no experienced hacker, and I know how to get people's private information off of instant messaging conversations.

You guys claim you're tired of government waste, but you want them to waste more time, money and labor to go consolidate all the information you think they should already have instead of just providing it to them? Jesus some people are fucking crazy.

Make up your mind, do you wanna be lazy and spite Obama, or do you wanna actually uphold conservative principles and encourage fiscal efficacy (by preventing the government from collecting the same information...two or three times from you) and accurate representation (in the form of demographical information)?

Astounding, the parameters of stupidity are simply astounding.

The issue is about your choice about what information you want to hand over and I still retain that choice no matter what the government says.

Oh, for crying out loud. What big secret do you think you're keeping? Your name and address? They already know that, or they wouldn't have been able to send you the form. Whether you own or rent? Already a matter of public record. Your sex and race? Obvious just by looking at you for nearly everyone. And you DON'T "retain the choice" to not fill out the Census form. Every question on it IS required by law. Most of them have been part of that form since just after the Constitution was ratified. Don't be a bigger doofus than nature requires you to be.
In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I have applied and been accepted as a census taker for my area. I also have a friend who works for the Census Bureau on a permanent basis.


At least you didn't tell her you're going to eat her liver with some fava beans and and a nice Chianti, though I wouldn't put it past you................:cuckoo:

I will worry about threats if and when they come from a guy with bigger balls than my cat. So far, this is not the case.


As for saveliberty, you're also a lost cause, but please explain how you reconcile your position of fiscal responsibility with your position of intentionally causing the government to expend funds in an attempt to elicit information you could have freely given?

I have come to the conclusion that both parties are currently incapable of fiscal responsibility. Therefore, I am going to increase the burden I place on the system
in hopes of working with others to crash the system faster. Just a small part of a nonviolent revolution.

Okay, that's the end of my idiocy tolerance for this week. FLUSH!
The Census is a waste of money. I wonder how many assholes this disfunctional Government has to hire in order to accomplish this bullshit agenda? What a waste of time. ~BH

Yeah, it's stupid to think we need to know how many people our country has, or where they live, or how many Representatives they require, or anything about them. You are SOOO much wiser than our Founding Fathers, or our current business leaders for that matter, who all believe(d) that that shit mattered. :cuckoo:
The Census is a waste of money. I wonder how many assholes this disfunctional Government has to hire in order to accomplish this bullshit agenda? What a waste of time. ~BH

Yeah, it's stupid to think we need to know how many people our country has, or where they live, or how many Representatives they require, or anything about them. You are SOOO much wiser than our Founding Fathers, or our current business leaders for that matter, who all believe(d) that that shit mattered. :cuckoo:

You can figure all that out already through Social Security and the Internal Revenue Service you fucking dunce. It's a waste of time and money in this modern day and age. If you want to keep your head stuck up your ass then be my guest. However, don't expect everyone to eat crap all day like you.

And hey? Don't talk to me about our Founding Fathers because I'll humiliate you in any discussion concerning the subject. Your dumb ass probably has never even read The Constitution of The United States of America. ~BH
The Census is a waste of money. I wonder how many assholes this disfunctional Government has to hire in order to accomplish this bullshit agenda? What a waste of time. ~BH

Yeah, it's stupid to think we need to know how many people our country has, or where they live, or how many Representatives they require, or anything about them. You are SOOO much wiser than our Founding Fathers, or our current business leaders for that matter, who all believe(d) that that shit mattered. :cuckoo:

You can figure all that out already through Social Security and the Internal Revenue Service you fucking dunce. It's a waste of time and money in this modern day and age. If you want to keep your head stuck up your ass then be my guest. However, don't expect everyone to eat crap all day like you.

And hey? Don't talk to me about our Founding Fathers because I'll humiliate you in any discussion concerning the subject. Your dumb ass probably has never even read The Constitution of The United States of America. ~BH

Yes, because it would be cheaper to pay people to research and compile all that info, instead of just having forms that put it all in one place . . . oh, wait, it wouldn't. Not to mention that if you think the ignorant redneck outcry over the Census is bad, just imagine what you'd have if people heard that their Social Security info was going to be used for that purpose.

The only person you're going to humiliate in any discussion on this topic is yourself, as you have just done.
Cecilie 1200 was hired by the Census Bureau, she's not about to admit they are a redundant operation. She'd prefer to have you send your form in so she can just sit on her butt and collect the money for a couple of months.
Yeah, it's stupid to think we need to know how many people our country has, or where they live, or how many Representatives they require, or anything about them. You are SOOO much wiser than our Founding Fathers, or our current business leaders for that matter, who all believe(d) that that shit mattered. :cuckoo:

You can figure all that out already through Social Security and the Internal Revenue Service you fucking dunce. It's a waste of time and money in this modern day and age. If you want to keep your head stuck up your ass then be my guest. However, don't expect everyone to eat crap all day like you.

And hey? Don't talk to me about our Founding Fathers because I'll humiliate you in any discussion concerning the subject. Your dumb ass probably has never even read The Constitution of The United States of America. ~BH

Yes, because it would be cheaper to pay people to research and compile all that info, instead of just having forms that put it all in one place . . . oh, wait, it wouldn't.

Are you an imbecile? Did you just listen to your own words? They already have the information you dumb ass. Why pay a new group of assholes to gather it all up? Oh, I get it. You're one of those assholes. Gotcha. ;)

Not to mention that if you think the ignorant redneck outcry over the Census is bad, just imagine what you'd have if people heard that their Social Security info was going to be used for that purpose.

Oh now you got to throw out labels because you're making a complete ass of yourself. Are you doped up right now? You can't be this fucking brain dead? Yes you can. Hey? THEY ALREADY HAVE THE INFORMATION IN THEIR COMPUTERS! Do you think they are two seperate agencies you stupid fucking idiot? It's the Federal Government. Can your Medicated drunk mind understand that?

The only person you're going to humiliate in any discussion on this topic is yourself, as you have just done.

Oh yeah, I am sure. ;) ~BH
You can figure all that out already through Social Security and the Internal Revenue Service you fucking dunce. It's a waste of time and money in this modern day and age. If you want to keep your head stuck up your ass then be my guest. However, don't expect everyone to eat crap all day like you.

And hey? Don't talk to me about our Founding Fathers because I'll humiliate you in any discussion concerning the subject. Your dumb ass probably has never even read The Constitution of The United States of America. ~BH

Are you an imbecile? Did you just listen to your own words? They already have the information you dumb ass. Why pay a new group of assholes to gather it all up? Oh, I get it. You're one of those assholes. Gotcha. ;)]

Oh now you got to throw out labels because you're making a complete ass of yourself. Are you doped up right now? You can't be this fucking brain dead? Yes you can. Hey? THEY ALREADY HAVE THE INFORMATION IN THEIR COMPUTERS! Do you think they are two seperate agencies you stupid fucking idiot? It's the Federal Government. Can your Medicated drunk mind understand that?

Are you mentally disabled or something? Who would compile the information?

I build computers, I know computers, and I don't know of any fucking computer out there that compiles 300 million peoples demographical information on a single algorithm. If you do, why the fuck aren't you a billionaire?

The federal government isn't one building crackhead. Of course you would have to pay IT specialists to compile that information safely, otherwise you would have the same dumbasses complaining that the census is a waste of time and money complaining that their private information is at risk. You don't just store the date of 300 million people in a fucking USB drive and bring it in to some National Computer where all this information is held.

Get a fucking grip on reality, how can someone proposing to have any technological understanding in the 21st century truly propose that 300 million peoples data will autonomously compile itself securely? This isn't minority report guy, as much as you all think there are government schmucks monitoring all your info in Echelon or something, they aren't, and it would require far more money hiring people than it would for you to just fucking fill out the god damn piece of paper and send it back.
Hey, Check out how these dunces over at the Census Bureau conveniently label certain races by their skin colors but hypocritically give special treatment by providing various racial catagories for a few select others. The link is from a 2004 sheet just to use as an example. I am not gonna post all the racial information because I don't need to do that in order to make my point. Knock yourself out if you wish to post the updated info. I am sure with the nutcases that we have within our Government today it's worse.

First, They 3 choices liste are,

1. White
2. Black, African Am, or Negro
3. American Indian or Alaska Native

Then we have these,

4. Asian Indian
5. Chinese
6. Fillipino
7. Japanese
8. Korean
9. Vietnamese
10. Other Asian
11. Native Hawaiian
12. Guamanian or Chamorro
13. Samoan
14. Other Pacific Islander

Then of course at the bottom is my favorite,

15. Some Other Race

Whoever the fuck that could be. I guess that one is for the Jews cause I don't see Jew or Israeli on any list.

So, We got what, 6 catagories for various Asians? Let me tell you something, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Koreans ect are ALL Asians! I'll give The Japanese a pass because they are the smartest and are not commies, but you get my point if you're not as brain dead as Cecilie1200.

Anyway, It's not supposed to be about Countries, it's about Race. And if not, then why not have Americans, Germans, French, Russians, Australians ect? It's a bunch of crap, and it's all about grouping certain peoples together in order to benefit in some vile way I assure you.

We got everyone who is Caucasion listed as White, why? And just in case you leftist maggots want to think this is a racial thing, the Blacks and American Indians are getting sand bagged too! Is their not a difference between Blacks in Africa, Haiti and the tribes near Austrailia? Why is a Hawaiian different than Samoan, and both just not Pacific Islander? I'll tell you why, because it's a load of fucking bullshit. This is just the tip of the hat too. Check out various Hispanic or Latino catagories ect.

Apparently, Whites, Blacks and American Indians (including Eskimos) are the only 3 groups based on their appearance. The rest conveniently get to be labeled by what Nation or language they speak. Why is that do you think? Could it be that Whites, Blacks and Native Americans were pretty much the original peoples of America? And maybe they need to measure the Government enabled Turd World Invasion properly today? I dunno, I am asking you? Why are they not labeled Yellow, Brown or Red? Why the hell are Blacks and Whites labeled by color, but nobody else? What a load of crap. ~BH
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Are you mentally disabled or something? Who would compile the information?

Are you the turd that came to rescue the other turd from being flushed down the toilet?

Who? The Fucking Federal Government you stupid idiot. Who do you think sends you your Federal tax returns? All 300 million give or take of them you dipshit? The IRS, who pretty much is the Federal Government you dumb fuck.

I build computers, I know computers, and I don't know of any fucking computer out there that compiles 300 million peoples demographical information on a single algorithm.

Yeah sure, and even if your head is not stuck in your asshole on the subject of computers They probably run like shit because you're too fucking stoned and stupid to build them correctly. I am sure they crash all the time and you got angry clients calling your wanna be tech guy ass 24/7? You probably couldn't even install a Graphics card dickLip. I'll tell yuh this, there are Computers and we have them.

If you do, why the fuck aren't you a billionaire?

Not a billionaire, but doing very good. I assure you much better than some Computer tech geek setting up Office Networks or hacking XBox Consoles. Shut the fuck up and eat already dork.

The federal government isn't one building crackhead. Of course you would have to pay IT specialists to compile that information safely, otherwise you would have the same dumbasses complaining that the census is a waste of time and money complaining that their private information is at risk. You don't just store the date of 300 million people in a fucking USB drive and bring it in to some National Computer where all this information is held.

Sounds good fuck face, but in reality your full of shit as usual. They already have the info that would be needed for what she said it's needed for. Your pathetic attempt at big words (tiny in reality) is fruitless. You're a fucking moron bro.

Get a fucking grip on reality, how can someone proposing to have any technological understanding in the 21st century truly propose that 300 million peoples data will autonomously compile itself securely? This isn't minority report guy, as much as you all think there are government schmucks monitoring all your info in Echelon or something, they aren't, and it would require far more money hiring people than it would for you to just fucking fill out the god damn piece of paper and send it back.

Hey cockgobbler? They already do it with your Federal Tax returns! And with even more information that any census would require. You still have to process 300 million of your little pieces of paper you fucking imbecile. Why pay twice as many assholes if you don't have to? Answer = In order for Obama to pretend that he created a bunch of new jobs you weak minded computer geek dipshit. ~BH
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As for saveliberty, you're also a lost cause, but please explain how you reconcile your position of fiscal responsibility with your position of intentionally causing the government to expend funds in an attempt to elicit information you could have freely given?

I have come to the conclusion that both parties are currently incapable of fiscal responsibility. Therefore, I am going to increase the burden I place on the system
in hopes of working with others to crash the system faster. Just a small part of a nonviolent revolution.

Okay, that's the end of my idiocy tolerance for this week. FLUSH!

Giving yourself a swirly really won't help you.
Are you mentally disabled or something? Who would compile the information?

Are you the turd that came to rescue the other turd from being flushed down the toilet?

Who? The Fucking Federal Government you stupid idiot. Who do you think sends you your Federal tax returns? All 300 million give or take of them you dipshit? The IRS, who pretty much is the Federal Government you dumb fuck.

I build computers, I know computers, and I don't know of any fucking computer out there that compiles 300 million peoples demographical information on a single algorithm.

Yeah sure, and even if your head is not stuck in your asshole on the subject of computers They probably run like shit because you're too fucking stoned and stupid to build them correctly. I am sure they crash all the time and you got angry clients calling your wanna be tech guy ass 24/7? You probably couldn't even install a Graphics card dickLip. I'll tell yuh this, there are Computers and we have them.

Not a billionaire, but doing very good. I assure you much better than some Computer tech geek setting up Office Networks or hacking XBox Consoles. Shut the fuck up and eat already dork.

The federal government isn't one building crackhead. Of course you would have to pay IT specialists to compile that information safely, otherwise you would have the same dumbasses complaining that the census is a waste of time and money complaining that their private information is at risk. You don't just store the date of 300 million people in a fucking USB drive and bring it in to some National Computer where all this information is held.

Sounds good fuck face, but in reality your full of shit as usual. They already have the info that would be needed for what she said it's needed for. Your pathetic attempt at big words (tiny in reality) is fruitless. You're a fucking moron bro.

Get a fucking grip on reality, how can someone proposing to have any technological understanding in the 21st century truly propose that 300 million peoples data will autonomously compile itself securely? This isn't minority report guy, as much as you all think there are government schmucks monitoring all your info in Echelon or something, they aren't, and it would require far more money hiring people than it would for you to just fucking fill out the god damn piece of paper and send it back.

Hey cockgobbler? They already do it with your Federal Tax returns! And with even more information that any census would require. You still have to process 300 million of your little pieces of paper you fucking imbecile. Why pay twice as many assholes if you don't have to? Answer = In order for Obama to pretend that he created a bunch of new jobs you weak minded computer geek dipshit. ~BH

College boy now builds computers? He apparently thinks the IRS loses all that info after they put it in every year. Going to bluff your way through life hyakku? Go knock on the door across the hall and find someone with a brain to help you.

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