Another one of those BLM created racial hoax stories


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Juicy Smollet would be proud.

Racist Graffiti at Albion College Was Written By Black Student, Police Say

The person who plastered racial graffiti across Michiganā€™s Albion College during midterm week, fueling protests, was a Black student, according to officials.

ā€œEarlier today, we identified the individual responsible for the racist and anti-Semitic graffiti in Mitchell Towers,ā€ college President Mathew Johnson said in a Thursday email to students obtained by the schoolā€™s Albion Pleiad. ā€œThe student, who was acting alone, acknowledged their responsibility for these incidents, and was immediately removed from campus and placed on temporary suspension while we conduct a full investigation as part of our student judicial process.ā€

The 21-year-old Black male suspect was questioned by police on April 6, according to Police Chief Scott Kipp, and later released. Prosecutors will decide whether to file charges after the investigation is complete.

Albion College Student Admits to Faking Racist Graffiti (
Wow. Just wow.

I am sure they will treat this kid differently than if he were white. If it were a white guy they would expel him and charge him with a hate crime.

On top of that, the University is practically in denial that this is a hoax, they still think it is a "teaching moment," for racism?! wtf.

from the piece;

". . . A Friday op-ed authored by the Albion Pleiadā€™s editor in chief, Jordan Revenaugh, suggested that discovering the perpetratorā€™s identity might not change anything from studentsā€™ perspective. ā€œThe fact that it was a student of color who was behind the malice on campus doesnā€™t change the fact that we have a problem,ā€ Revenaugh wrote. Isnā€™t the fact that we so blindly believed the perpetrator to be white an issue in and of itself? This isnā€™t a problem because itā€™s ā€˜unfair to white peopleā€™ or any of the claims like that that Iā€™ve seen surface [on] the internet. The reason we believed it is simply because itā€™s believable ā€“ thatā€™s the problem.ā€

Revenaugh said the incident was a call for ā€œwhite people ā€¦ to do better so that people have no reason to make that assumption of us.ā€

Officials said no determination had been made about whether the perpetrator would be allowed to remain enrolled at the school."

Best comment on that article;

" The demand for racism far exceeds the supply. "
And of course you knew somewhere in the story they would enevitably blame it on white people:

"Revenaugh said the incident was a call for ā€œwhite people ā€¦ to do better so that people have no reason to make that assumption of us.ā€

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