To American conservative Christian brothers. Let’s not be the party of anger and resentment like BLM is


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I am a Democrat. I am a Catholic but many of my views fall in line with conservative Christians like the event Jellicle throughout this country. Being against abortion and Being for racial equality.

On the other hand you have the Black Lives Matter crowd. BLM believes that America is “systematically racist”, that the cops are racist, that white people are poor and privileged , that blacks have been 400 years of slave in America. This view betrays the global liberal mindset the truth that slavery was always a worldwide issue…as much as 1.5 million white Christians were enslaved by African black slave masters in the post Middle Ages. So here we are in 2023 it’s time for some civic nationalism American people can get along with each other and we can realize in this time of history that we can respect each other’s history because there’s so much diversity to history when it comes to Africa and Europe.

blm believes in yelling at police officers, they go to college campuses and yell at and shut down the free-speech of conservative speakers. They’re capable of launching physical attacks against people who wore Donald Trump hats ….we saw this many times in the 2020 blm riots. And today the BLM crowd are the types of people who shut down free-speech on social media, they have banned various conservatives from social media. We saw what happened to the NFL coach Jack del Rio who simply compared the January 6 protesters to the BLM protesters and he was fined $100,000 for doing that….. there does not exist any single example of a pro BLM celebrity person making a similar statement and getting fined. This is because the NFL the NBA and much of the media is on the side of BLM affectively they’re on the side of the far left.

The nature of the far left is to Be the party of resentment. They resent America, they resent the police. This is why Republicans and conservatives need to answer this with not resentment but with friendliness strength and honor. People can act friendly but also with strength. So when a Democrat uses the F word against Donald Trump, when a Democrat uses the B word or calls women who are Republicans nasty names…… The response of conservatives should not be to call Democrats rude names.

The way to win this thing is to maintain focus. Just continue to let the other side act deranged and more and more Americans will vote Republican. See far left Democrats rely on the few Republicans who have nothing to bring to the table accept personal attacks, and following and liking personal attack messages on Twitter and social media. What we need are Republicans and conservatives who can bring some context to the table and who can actually help fix the economy.

A republican person who says “F Hillary Clinton” and has no ideas on how to fix our economy doesn’t help us. And there are some Republican politicians who basically are able to get popular by complaining about Democrats. That’s a problem just as it is as we have Democratic politicians who are able to get popular by complaining that America is racist and that the Republicans are racist without bringing forward ideas to fix our economy.

It’s sort of like your favorite sports team. I voted mostly Republican in the midterms. And the results were upsetting for me. I expected the Republicans to take the Senate and the House but that did not happen. So now it’s a matter of thinking maybe we need some change in the republican atmosphere…. as in we need different Republican politicians?

The lesson is that the American people by and large reject the type of resentment politics where you get these people on the media and the radio who are yelling into the microphone trying to rile people up. They’re calling Hillary Clinton names, they’re calling Donald Trump names it doesn’t really get anyone anywhere. We need American politicians whatever party they come from to be out there talking about getting us better jobs, national healthcare , improve social security, actually talking about kitchen table issues instead of discussing issues that dont affect Americans.

So this is the opportunity for Republicans to take a chance and to actually start criticizing BLM in the open. To be more critical of the far left wing groups. Republicans need to put up charts and diagrams in front of the American public showing them how they can fix the economy and bring inflation way down. And as part of their argument republicans can say Hey look at us America we not only reject the far left who tries to insult America by saying America is racist, but we also actually have plans to improve our economy. So it has to be a two-sided strategy for Republicans….. Republicans need to stand up for the history and legacy of America but they also have to stand up for the American middle class which is something that Dwight Eisenhower would have done that’s for sure.
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I am a Democrat. I am a Catholic but many of my views fall in line with conservative Christians like the event Jellicle throughout this country. Being against abortion and Being for racial equality.

Then you aren't a Democrat, if you oppose a woman's right to choose.

On the other hand you have the Black Lives Matter crowd. BLM believes that America is “systematically racist”, that the cops are racist, that white people are poor and privileged , that blacks have been 400 years of slave in America. This view betrays the global liberal mindset the truth that slavery was always a worldwide issue…as much as 1.5 million white Christians were enslaved by African black slave masters in the post Middle Ages. So here we are in 2023 it’s time for some civic nationalism American people can get along with each other and we can realize in this time of history that we can respect each other’s history because there’s so much diversity to history when it comes to Africa and Europe.

Wow, you got all the racist talking points down... but the fact is, this is a racist country.

blm believes in yelling at police officers, they go to college campuses and yell at and shut down the free-speech of conservative speakers. They’re capable of launching physical attacks against people who wore Donald Trump hats ….we saw this many times in the 2020 blm riots. And today the BLM crowd are the types of people who shut down free-speech on social media, they have banned various conservatives from social media. We saw what happened to the NFL coach Jack del Rio who simply compared the January 6 protesters to the BLM protesters and he was fined $100,000 for doing that….. there does not exist any single example of a pro BLM celebrity person making a similar statement and getting fined. This is because the NFL the NBA and much of the media is on the side of BLM affectively they’re on the side of the far left.

Is BLM even still a thing? I mean, I know that you wet yourself in 2020 when you saw the scary angry black people, but BLM has largely diminished as a force.

So this is the opportunity for Republicans to take a chance and to actually start criticizing BLM in the open. To be more critical of the far left wing groups. Republicans need to put up charts and diagrams in front of the American public showing them how they can fix the economy and bring inflation way down. And as part of their argument republicans can say Hey look at us America we not only reject the far left who tries to insult America by saying America is racist, but we also actually have plans to improve our economy. So it has to be a two-sided strategy for Republicans….. Republicans need to stand up for the history and legacy of America but they also have to stand up for the American middle class which is something that Dwight Eisenhower would have done that’s for sure.

the problem is they don't have any ideas. Their "idea" is "Cut taxes for rich people". Which is their answer no matter what the situation is. If you were really a fan of FDR, you'd realize that is a stupid idea, which is why FDR jacked up taxes on the rich and they stayed there until Ronald Reagan fucked it all up.
Ha! BLM are pikers when it comes to obtaining ill-gotten money. "Conservative Christians" have been fleecing the rubes for a lot longer.

As for me.....I prefer to remain unaffiliated with either. ;)
Both are a part of this country though. Evangelical conservative Christians represent a huge portion of voters. As for the BLM vote its at least a few million Americans.

I think your average evangelical voter in the United States is a contributing citizen. Now the issue there is some of the evangelical mega church leaders have been accused of stealing money, they certainly have mansions and million dollar jets so that is controversial.

My position is that The far left and far right should not be popularized because both of them engage in resentment politics. of course right now we don’t really have a far right in this country but we do have a far left that is visible on the media it is visible when we watch the NFL, the NBA or major league baseball with regard to the visible BLM attire.

One argument that is popular that I have heard is that the reason why some Republican Senate candidates lost was because they did not bring solutions to the economy to the table. The other argument is that because of the leak of the Supreme Court decision to overturn roe versus wade that this lost a lot of potential Republican voters what do you think about that? That’s a whole nother issue to look at by the way. I am personally against abortion but what about the country should most Americans be against abortion …are most Americans against abortion?

Speaking of resentment. When somebody says they are for abortion how does somebody who is anti-abortion react. ? Well it should not be in a spiteful resentful way it should be with dignity one could say. That’s part of the point of this thread

Conservative media has complained about things like Hunter Biden and immigrants at the border… yet for example many of the potential refugees are conservative Catholics that will probably vote Republican and so this is something that should’ve been looked at by Conservative media and radio.

I don’t think that many Republican voters are scared of refugees. Now I could be somewhat wrong about that but I believe it to be the case. The conservative media and radio might make it appear to the audience that the Republican voters View immigration or refugee issues as a top concern but do they really? What about the gas prices, inflation, and suppression of free-speech by social media outlets, also the legalization of marijuana all throughout the country?
Then you aren't a Democrat, if you oppose a woman's right to choose.

Wow, you got all the racist talking points down... but the fact is, this is a racist country.

Is BLM even still a thing? I mean, I know that you wet yourself in 2020 when you saw the scary angry black people, but BLM has largely diminished as a force.

the problem is they don't have any ideas. Their "idea" is "Cut taxes for rich people". Which is their answer no matter what the situation is. If you were really a fan of FDR, you'd realize that is a stupid idea, which is why FDR jacked up taxes on the rich and they stayed there until Ronald Reagan fucked it all up.
Blm Ideology is alive and well just look at Jack del Rio he gets fined $100,000 for comparing the January 6 protesters to the BLM protesters. So it’s things like that that have to be addressed by our politicians. Jack del Rio has a right to say what he has to say just like an NFL athlete has a right to support BLM. What we have here is injustice Jack del Rio was mistreated by the system my friend.

Democrats oppose and support abortion the same with Republicans. But I notice it seems it’s more often Democrats who are rude and mean. They resort to personal attacks and inventing other peoples views.

Well that’s a myth about Roosevelt. There was no massive tax on wealthy people. Wealthy people in America often received tax rebates during the World War II era. People payed their fair share regardless of their wealth during the fdr era.

Your viewpoint is exactly what I’m talking about. I didn’t say anything about you but you come in here with a personal attacks claiming I have racist talking points. OK teach their own but is that really truly what you feel. ? One way to not gain voters is the act like that. But one way to gain voters is to look up with someone says and then present your argument to them peacefully and amicably trying to win them over. We’re on the same side my friend.

Blm is very popular still. Their ideology is all over the place. Look at Netflix look at Amazon they all have pro BLM film categories. Cancel culture was able to wipe out many things that we knew and admired in America. Like destruction. Of statues of European people who had nothing to do with the confederate states so it’s time for the politicians to build up statues back up. So your approach is not right. BLM had a massive effect on America and we need to right the wrongs BLM is responsible for

We continue to have leading Democrats and leading people and left-wing media who believe that white people are born privilege. You just said it yourself you said “this is a racist country “. OK if people disagree with you you don’t have a right to be angry in your response. It’s a free country we all have our free speech. Let’s be honest here you’re taking an extreme position saying this is a racist country. In what context is your ideology or world views correct? Where would you rather live than America if you clean the countries racist? Or perhaps the better question is what countries of the world are more liberal than America ? because we are doing pretty good at seems like
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Had to clear up any possible confusion I think that atheists are just as good as Christians are. There’s plenty of atheist who do more for this world by contributing more to charity then do some Christians.

The Majority of the country is Christian. And often politicians will point to Christianity as what motivates them so it certainly is still a thing in this country. But I did not want my post to be misconstrued.

I also have a number of questions about the rise of BLM. Some other poster in another thread brought up that why is BLM not rioting right now while Biden is president? It’s far as I know we still have cases of unarmed Black people being shot by cops. It happens every year but it was never normal. It was very rare but why is it not being talked about so much by the left-wing media now that is at least the argument that some people bring forth.

Although to those points I do recall some BLM type riots when Obama was president so there’s also that. Remember the Trayvon Martin thing happened when Obama was president.

What I see is that BLM riots became most popular after the George Floyd incident and during the coronavirus. …. as a result of that we had cancel culture which continues to manifest itself in different ways to this various day. BLM may not be as visible as it used to but the results of BLM are quite visible. So the question is how do we American citizens react to how the far left approaches topics like the drag queen shows on TV, to things like refugee issues , all of these are issues and there’s many more social justice issues ….the question is how to react to it?
The way to win this thing is to maintain focus. Just continue to let the other side act deranged and more and more Americans will vote Republican
Here is the problem with that premise. We have allowed the globalists to take control of our schools. There isn't a child in school that hasn't been groomed to vote against anything good for this country. Patriotism and religion have been replaced with globalism and disdain for religion. Soon there will be nothing more than a token Republican or two, running in pretend elections. This country is done...
Both are a part of this country though. Evangelical conservative Christians represent a huge portion of voters. As for the BLM vote its at least a few million Americans.

I think your average evangelical voter in the United States is a contributing citizen. Now the issue there is some of the evangelical mega church leaders have been accused of stealing money, they certainly have mansions and million dollar jets so that is controversial.

My position is that The far left and far right should not be popularized because both of them engage in resentment politics. of course right now we don’t really have a far right in this country but we do have a far left that is visible on the media it is visible when we watch the NFL, the NBA or major league baseball with regard to the visible BLM attire.

One argument that is popular that I have heard is that the reason why some Republican Senate candidates lost was because they did not bring solutions to the economy to the table. The other argument is that because of the leak of the Supreme Court decision to overturn roe versus wade that this lost a lot of potential Republican voters what do you think about that? That’s a whole nother issue to look at by the way. I am personally against abortion but what about the country should most Americans be against abortion …are most Americans against abortion?

Speaking of resentment. When somebody says they are for abortion how does somebody who is anti-abortion react. ? Well it should not be in a spiteful resentful way it should be with dignity one could say. That’s part of the point of this thread

Conservative media has complained about things like Hunter Biden and immigrants at the border… yet for example many of the potential refugees are conservative Catholics that will probably vote Republican and so this is something that should’ve been looked at by Conservative media and radio.

I don’t think that many Republican voters are scared of refugees. Now I could be somewhat wrong about that but I believe it to be the case. The conservative media and radio might make it appear to the audience that the Republican voters View immigration or refugee issues as a top concern but do they really? What about the gas prices, inflation, and suppression of free-speech by social media outlets, also the legalization of marijuana all throughout the country?
I'm sure you are sincere and all but hardly anything you mention is something I can get too worked-up about these days.....IMHO we are nearing the end of, perhaps past, the things that made us a Republic.

I don't think we kept it so a hard reset is in order to get it back and that means picking a "side". Wishy-washy isn't going to cut it.
Blm Ideology is alive and well just look at Jack del Rio he gets fined $100,000 for comparing the January 6 protesters to the BLM protesters. So it’s things like that that have to be addressed by our politicians. Jack del Rio has a right to say what he has to say just like an NFL athlete has a right to support BLM. What we have here is injustice Jack del Rio was mistreated by the system my friend.

I had to look up Jack del Rio. He was actually fined for breach of his contract with the Washington Commanders. (I LOVE that new name!)
Also, you are not my friend.

Well that’s a myth about Roosevelt. There was no massive tax on wealthy people. Wealthy people in America often received tax rebates during the World War II era. People payed their fair share regardless of their wealth during the fdr era.
You are woefully misinformed.

Your viewpoint is exactly what I’m talking about. I didn’t say anything about you but you come in here with a personal attacks claiming I have racist talking points. OK teach their own but is that really truly what you feel. ? One way to not gain voters is the act like that. But one way to gain voters is to look up with someone says and then present your argument to them peacefully and amicably trying to win them over. We’re on the same side my friend.

No, we aren't, and you aren't my friend.

Blm is very popular still. Their ideology is all over the place. Look at Netflix look at Amazon they all have pro BLM film categories. Cancel culture was able to wipe out many things that we knew and admired in America. Like destruction. Of statues of European people who had nothing to do with the confederate states so it’s time for the politicians to build up statues back up. So your approach is not right. BLM had a massive effect on America and we need to right the wrongs BLM is responsible for

Statues of old dead racists, no one is going to miss. And the Democrats need to stop pandering to angry white people, because they'll never love you.

We continue to have leading Democrats and leading people and left-wing media who believe that white people are born privilege. You just said it yourself you said “this is a racist country “. OK if people disagree with you you don’t have a right to be angry in your response. It’s a free country we all have our free speech. Let’s be honest here you’re taking an extreme position saying this is a racist country. In what context is your ideology or world views correct? Where would you rather live than America if you clean the countries racist? Or perhaps the better question is what countries of the world are more liberal than America ? because we are doing pretty good at seems like

Uh, this is a racist country, and that is not an extreme position. How white people are treated and how people of color are treated are two different things.
I guess you have a right to pretend that isn't a thing, if it makes you feel better about yourself.
I am a Democrat. I am a Catholic but many of my views fall in line with conservative Christians like the event Jellicle throughout this country. Being against abortion and Being for racial equality.

On the other hand you have the Black Lives Matter crowd. BLM believes that America is “systematically racist”, that the cops are racist, that white people are poor and privileged , that blacks have been 400 years of slave in America. This view betrays the global liberal mindset the truth that slavery was always a worldwide issue…as much as 1.5 million white Christians were enslaved by African black slave masters in the post Middle Ages. So here we are in 2023 it’s time for some civic nationalism American people can get along with each other and we can realize in this time of history that we can respect each other’s history because there’s so much diversity to history when it comes to Africa and Europe.

blm believes in yelling at police officers, they go to college campuses and yell at and shut down the free-speech of conservative speakers. They’re capable of launching physical attacks against people who wore Donald Trump hats ….we saw this many times in the 2020 blm riots. And today the BLM crowd are the types of people who shut down free-speech on social media, they have banned various conservatives from social media. We saw what happened to the NFL coach Jack del Rio who simply compared the January 6 protesters to the BLM protesters and he was fined $100,000 for doing that….. there does not exist any single example of a pro BLM celebrity person making a similar statement and getting fined. This is because the NFL the NBA and much of the media is on the side of BLM affectively they’re on the side of the far left.

The nature of the far left is to Be the party of resentment. They resent America, they resent the police. This is why Republicans and conservatives need to answer this with not resentment but with friendliness strength and honor. People can act friendly but also with strength. So when a Democrat uses the F word against Donald Trump, when a Democrat uses the B word or calls women who are Republicans nasty names…… The response of conservatives should not be to call Democrats rude names.

The way to win this thing is to maintain focus. Just continue to let the other side act deranged and more and more Americans will vote Republican. See far left Democrats rely on the few Republicans who have nothing to bring to the table accept personal attacks, and following and liking personal attack messages on Twitter and social media. What we need are Republicans and conservatives who can bring some context to the table and who can actually help fix the economy.

A republican person who says “F Hillary Clinton” and has no ideas on how to fix our economy doesn’t help us. And there are some Republican politicians who basically are able to get popular by complaining about Democrats. That’s a problem just as it is as we have Democratic politicians who are able to get popular by complaining that America is racist and that the Republicans are racist without bringing forward ideas to fix our economy.

It’s sort of like your favorite sports team. I voted mostly Republican in the midterms. And the results were upsetting for me. I expected the Republicans to take the Senate and the House but that did not happen. So now it’s a matter of thinking maybe we need some change in the republican atmosphere…. as in we need different Republican politicians?

The lesson is that the American people by and large reject the type of resentment politics where you get these people on the media and the radio who are yelling into the microphone trying to rile people up. They’re calling Hillary Clinton names, they’re calling Donald Trump names it doesn’t really get anyone anywhere. We need American politicians whatever party they come from to be out there talking about getting us better jobs, national healthcare , improve social security, actually talking about kitchen table issues instead of discussing issues that dont affect Americans.

So this is the opportunity for Republicans to take a chance and to actually start criticizing BLM in the open. To be more critical of the far left wing groups. Republicans need to put up charts and diagrams in front of the American public showing them how they can fix the economy and bring inflation way down. And as part of their argument republicans can say Hey look at us America we not only reject the far left who tries to insult America by saying America is racist, but we also actually have plans to improve our economy. So it has to be a two-sided strategy for Republicans….. Republicans need to stand up for the history and legacy of America but they also have to stand up for the American middle class which is something that Dwight Eisenhower would have done that’s for sure.

I am a Democrat

literally no reason to read past that.
I had to look up Jack del Rio. He was actually fined for breach of his contract with the Washington Commanders. (I LOVE that new name!)
Also, you are not my friend.

You are woefully misinformed.

No, we aren't, and you aren't my friend.

Statues of old dead racists, no one is going to miss. And the Democrats need to stop pandering to angry white people, because they'll never love you.

Uh, this is a racist country, and that is not an extreme position. How white people are treated and how people of color are treated are two different things.
I guess you have a right to pretend that isn't a thing, if it makes you feel better about yourself.
Haha You have a good day buddy. Hope you enjoy the football game.

You’re choosing to be very negative you’re the one saying America is racist. No it’s not America is the most liberal country ever that’s why more immigrants come here than any other country.
I had to look up Jack del Rio. He was actually fined for breach of his contract with the Washington Commanders. (I LOVE that new name!)
Also, you are not my friend.

You are woefully misinformed.

No, we aren't, and you aren't my friend.

Statues of old dead racists, no one is going to miss. And the Democrats need to stop pandering to angry white people, because they'll never love you.

Uh, this is a racist country, and that is not an extreme position. How white people are treated and how people of color are treated are two different things.
I guess you have a right to pretend that isn't a thing, if it makes you feel better about yourself.
We should not build statues for the sake of building them either to pander to special interest groups. George Floyd was not a role model. The riots were politically contrived by the race baiters. There is no improvement in those areas and there never will be now that we are blending into the world government.
You’re choosing to be very negative you’re the one saying America is racist. No it’s not America is the most liberal country ever that’s why more immigrants come here than any other country.

And here's the problem. My father was an immigrant, and he was immediately given more rights and privileges than black people who had been here for centuries.

30 years ago, I worked with a guy who had just immigrated from the Ukraine. Even with his broken English, he knew he would be hired before black people would. The police weren't going to pull him over. And so on.

My girlfriend is Chinese... has only been here a couple of years, and she's already been 'taught" to fear black people.

America is racist.

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