Another Look Into the Dangerous, Liberal Mind


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
George Gascon institutes a new ‘prosecutorial approach’

George Gascon, Los Angeles County’s new head prosecutor, has unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system. This
new ‘prosecutorial approach’ includes a refusal to prosecute certain crimes, on top of other sweeping changes.

As of Tuesday, many misdemeanor cases will be declined or dismissed prior to arraignment unless “factors for considerations” exist. This is a baldfaced slap in the face to all those legislators who worked to get those laws passed, and the voters who elected them. This jerk ought to have been fired from his job, on his first day on it.

Prosecutors will not seek the death penalty, and those accused of misdemeanors and low-level felonies will be referred to community-based programs. Hear that kids ? Wanna paw that pretty girl you've been eyeing ? Punch out that guy you hate ? Now you can. No repercussions beyond community service.

Generosity George also has something to say about the insane. He said many misdemeanor cases will be dismissed, and that nearly half of those incarcerated on pre-trial misdemeanor offenses suffer from mental illness. Well, they're not the only ones suffering from mental illness. Apparently George Gascon is in that group too.

“Our prosecutorial approach should be biased towards keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system and when they must become involved, our system must employ the “lightest touch” necessary in order to provide public safety,” Gascon also said.

The fact is, that warped idea of "lightest touch", and the idea of "keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system" is exactly the same as the bonehead Obama "Promise Program" enacted in Broward county, Florida, which resulted in keeping Nicolas Cruz out of the Florida juvenile justice system, kept his records concealed, enabled him to buy guns, and then use them to kill 14 people in the Parkland Massacre.

A copy of Gacon's speech showed this horrifying piece of lunacy >> “For decades tough-on-crime advocates, the private prison industry, the bail industry and law enforcement unions — all organizations that profit off taking away your liberties — they sold us a false narrative that more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer,” he said, according to a copy of the speech.

I don't see how law enforcement unions profit off taking away anyone's liberties, and just because a private prison or bail companies make a profit, that doesn't mean that they're doing anything wrong. The clincher is when Gascon says that the idea of having more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer, is a "false narrative". This guy is truly off his rocker.

More police, stiffer penalties, and more people locked up in prison OF COURSE make us more safe. I'll even add to that, having prisons be tougher, with chain gangs, and tight restrictions of amenities & privileges, would also make us more safe, by making them more of a place people will want to avoid going to.

Heaven help all of us, wherever fools like this manage to get degrees of power. And why bother having a legislature at all, to make laws. when nuts like this can come along and just obliterate them ?

Liberal 'Prosecution' List Leaks -- And It's Horrifying
George Gascon institutes a new 'prosecutorial approach' George Gascon, Los Angeles County's new head prosecutor, unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system by his refusal to prosecute
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.
1. that doesn't mean you shouldn't punish/jail etc criminals
2. they just keep committing crimes--like jackass Garner-30 arrests!!
criminalize poverty? wtf is that?
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.
Of course it has made society safer. With the criminals in prison, they aren't on the street to mug you and kill you. That's why prisons exist. Duh!

When they let large numbers of criminals out of jail in California, the crime rate skyrocketed. Practically every one of the released criminals was arrested again.

You are repeating the same dangerous liberal mindset the OP is referring to. Marching orders from lib media, universities, think tanks, etc.
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.

Been fighting the "War on Poverty" for almost 60 years, how's that worked out?
Who knew a single government flunky could declare "open season" on honest people!

But considering where.....then where's the surprise?
No surprise to me. I lived in that looney tune state for 12 years. I know it only too well. It's even worse now.

PS- people are moving OUT of LA and California in droves.
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.

So ya just want to let em go so they cost the law abiding citizens even more.
Here's an idea,stop the revolving door prison system.
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.

Been fighting the "War on Poverty" for almost 60 years, how's that worked out?
Most people living in poverty do not commit crime. If they can avoid it, so can the criminals. Some people even manage to live through poverty and become successful.

George Gascon institutes a new ‘prosecutorial approach’

George Gascon, Los Angeles County’s new head prosecutor, has unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system. This
new ‘prosecutorial approach’ includes a refusal to prosecute certain crimes, on top of other sweeping changes.

As of Tuesday, many misdemeanor cases will be declined or dismissed prior to arraignment unless “factors for considerations” exist. This is a baldfaced slap in the face to all those legislators who worked to get those laws passed, and the voters who elected them. This jerk ought to have been fired from his job, on his first day on it.

Prosecutors will not seek the death penalty, and those accused of misdemeanors and low-level felonies will be referred to community-based programs. Hear that kids ? Wanna paw that pretty girl you've been eyeing ? Punch out that guy you hate ? Now you can. No repercussions beyond community service.

Generosity George also has something to say about the insane. He said many misdemeanor cases will be dismissed, and that nearly half of those incarcerated on pre-trial misdemeanor offenses suffer from mental illness. Well, they're not the only ones suffering from mental illness. Apparently George Gascon is in that group too.

“Our prosecutorial approach should be biased towards keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system and when they must become involved, our system must employ the “lightest touch” necessary in order to provide public safety,” Gascon also said.

The fact is, that warped idea of "lightest touch", and the idea of "keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system" is exactly the same as the bonehead Obama "Promise Program" enacted in Broward county, Florida, which resulted in keeping Nicolas Cruz out of the Florida juvenile justice system, kept his records concealed, enabled him to buy guns, and then use them to kill 14 people in the Parkland Massacre.

A copy of Gacon's speech showed this horrifying piece of lunacy >> “For decades tough-on-crime advocates, the private prison industry, the bail industry and law enforcement unions — all organizations that profit off taking away your liberties — they sold us a false narrative that more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer,” he said, according to a copy of the speech.

I don't see how law enforcement unions profit off taking away anyone's liberties, and just because a private prison or bail companies make a profit, that doesn't mean that they're doing anything wrong. The clincher is when Gascon says that the idea of having more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer, is a "false narrative". This guy is truly off his rocker.

More police, stiffer penalties, and more people locked up in prison OF COURSE make us more safe. I'll even add to that, having prisons be tougher, with chain gangs, and tight restrictions of amenities & privileges, would also make us more safe, by making them more of a place people will want to avoid going to.

Heaven help all of us, wherever fools like this manage to get degrees of power. And why bother having a legislature at all, to make laws. when nuts like this can come along and just obliterate them ?

Liberal 'Prosecution' List Leaks -- And It's Horrifying
George Gascon institutes a new 'prosecutorial approach' George Gascon, Los Angeles County's new head prosecutor, unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system by his refusal to prosecute

It's high time we turn our inner cities into the democrat run Hellholes they were supposed to become before Trump's economy starting lifting everybody up! Poor folk and minorities NEED to be terrified in order to have them keep turning to Daddy Government.
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.
Of course it has made society safer. With the criminals in prison, they aren't on the street to mug you and kill you. That's why prisons exist. Duh!

When they let large numbers of criminals out of jail in California, the crime rate skyrocketed. Practically every one of the released criminals was arrested again.
Please inform yourself on issues before you knee jerk react to them. Mass incarceration has done nothing except create a brutal industry that feeds on human misery. Most of it is the stupid drug war. We throw people in jail by the thousands and Americans can still get all the drugs they want. It is both cheaper and more effective to treat addiction but that's too nice for you law and order types. Gotta have the jails packed. Gotta justify the police state.
And eliminating the death penalty causes more crimes, including murder, as the convicted criminal then goes on to murder more people. Could/Would have been avoided if he had been executed.
George Gascon institutes a new ‘prosecutorial approach’

George Gascon, Los Angeles County’s new head prosecutor, has unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system. This
new ‘prosecutorial approach’ includes a refusal to prosecute certain crimes, on top of other sweeping changes.

As of Tuesday, many misdemeanor cases will be declined or dismissed prior to arraignment unless “factors for considerations” exist. This is a baldfaced slap in the face to all those legislators who worked to get those laws passed, and the voters who elected them. This jerk ought to have been fired from his job, on his first day on it.

Prosecutors will not seek the death penalty, and those accused of misdemeanors and low-level felonies will be referred to community-based programs. Hear that kids ? Wanna paw that pretty girl you've been eyeing ? Punch out that guy you hate ? Now you can. No repercussions beyond community service.

Generosity George also has something to say about the insane. He said many misdemeanor cases will be dismissed, and that nearly half of those incarcerated on pre-trial misdemeanor offenses suffer from mental illness. Well, they're not the only ones suffering from mental illness. Apparently George Gascon is in that group too.

“Our prosecutorial approach should be biased towards keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system and when they must become involved, our system must employ the “lightest touch” necessary in order to provide public safety,” Gascon also said.

The fact is, that warped idea of "lightest touch", and the idea of "keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system" is exactly the same as the bonehead Obama "Promise Program" enacted in Broward county, Florida, which resulted in keeping Nicolas Cruz out of the Florida juvenile justice system, kept his records concealed, enabled him to buy guns, and then use them to kill 14 people in the Parkland Massacre.

A copy of Gacon's speech showed this horrifying piece of lunacy >> “For decades tough-on-crime advocates, the private prison industry, the bail industry and law enforcement unions — all organizations that profit off taking away your liberties — they sold us a false narrative that more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer,” he said, according to a copy of the speech.

I don't see how law enforcement unions profit off taking away anyone's liberties, and just because a private prison or bail companies make a profit, that doesn't mean that they're doing anything wrong. The clincher is when Gascon says that the idea of having more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer, is a "false narrative". This guy is truly off his rocker.

More police, stiffer penalties, and more people locked up in prison OF COURSE make us more safe. I'll even add to that, having prisons be tougher, with chain gangs, and tight restrictions of amenities & privileges, would also make us more safe, by making them more of a place people will want to avoid going to.

Heaven help all of us, wherever fools like this manage to get degrees of power. And why bother having a legislature at all, to make laws. when nuts like this can come along and just obliterate them ?

Liberal 'Prosecution' List Leaks -- And It's Horrifying
George Gascon institutes a new 'prosecutorial approach' George Gascon, Los Angeles County's new head prosecutor, unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system by his refusal to prosecute
George Gascon institutes a new ‘prosecutorial approach’

George Gascon, Los Angeles County’s new head prosecutor, has unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system. This
new ‘prosecutorial approach’ includes a refusal to prosecute certain crimes, on top of other sweeping changes.

As of Tuesday, many misdemeanor cases will be declined or dismissed prior to arraignment unless “factors for considerations” exist. This is a baldfaced slap in the face to all those legislators who worked to get those laws passed, and the voters who elected them. This jerk ought to have been fired from his job, on his first day on it.

Prosecutors will not seek the death penalty, and those accused of misdemeanors and low-level felonies will be referred to community-based programs. Hear that kids ? Wanna paw that pretty girl you've been eyeing ? Punch out that guy you hate ? Now you can. No repercussions beyond community service.

Generosity George also has something to say about the insane. He said many misdemeanor cases will be dismissed, and that nearly half of those incarcerated on pre-trial misdemeanor offenses suffer from mental illness. Well, they're not the only ones suffering from mental illness. Apparently George Gascon is in that group too.

“Our prosecutorial approach should be biased towards keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system and when they must become involved, our system must employ the “lightest touch” necessary in order to provide public safety,” Gascon also said.

The fact is, that warped idea of "lightest touch", and the idea of "keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system" is exactly the same as the bonehead Obama "Promise Program" enacted in Broward county, Florida, which resulted in keeping Nicolas Cruz out of the Florida juvenile justice system, kept his records concealed, enabled him to buy guns, and then use them to kill 14 people in the Parkland Massacre.

A copy of Gacon's speech showed this horrifying piece of lunacy >> “For decades tough-on-crime advocates, the private prison industry, the bail industry and law enforcement unions — all organizations that profit off taking away your liberties — they sold us a false narrative that more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer,” he said, according to a copy of the speech.

I don't see how law enforcement unions profit off taking away anyone's liberties, and just because a private prison or bail companies make a profit, that doesn't mean that they're doing anything wrong. The clincher is when Gascon says that the idea of having more police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer, is a "false narrative". This guy is truly off his rocker.

More police, stiffer penalties, and more people locked up in prison OF COURSE make us more safe. I'll even add to that, having prisons be tougher, with chain gangs, and tight restrictions of amenities & privileges, would also make us more safe, by making them more of a place people will want to avoid going to.

Heaven help all of us, wherever fools like this manage to get degrees of power. And why bother having a legislature at all, to make laws. when nuts like this can come along and just obliterate them ?

Liberal 'Prosecution' List Leaks -- And It's Horrifying
George Gascon institutes a new 'prosecutorial approach' George Gascon, Los Angeles County's new head prosecutor, unveiled an agenda Monday that will usher in changes to the local criminal justice system by his refusal to prosecute
Hummm it seems to me that if this asshole has refused to perform the duties of the office for which he has sworn by oath to perform then he has already effectively removed himself from that office. Next!
Please inform yourself on issues before you knee jerk react to them. Mass incarceration has done nothing except create a brutal industry that feeds on human misery. Most of it is the stupid drug war. We throw people in jail by the thousands and Americans can still get all the drugs they want. It is both cheaper and more effective to treat addiction but that's too nice for you law and order types. Gotta have the jails packed. Gotta justify the police state.
FALSE! Mass incarceration has kept the society outside the prison, safe from the prisoners inside it. Ask your local 10 years olds. They can tell you.

We would have MORE drugs on the street if pushers were not being arrested. As for treatment of addicts, that's already being done, and has been for decades, Did you just arrive from the moon ?

Yes, the jails DO have to be packed, for as much as it takes to keep criminals off the street. Hard to believe I have to explain this. This is how warped the liberal mind has become.
You've probably never thought about what it costs society to criminalize poverty. We've been throwing the same people in jail for decades and it has done nothing to make the country safer or alleviate the underlying problems.
Stop letting them out.
Police state advocates turn into libertarians as soon as one of their loved ones is at jeopardy. Can't have it both ways.
Hummm it seems to me that if this asshole has refused to perform the duties of the office for which he has sworn by oath to perform then he has already effectively removed himself from that office. Next!
Trouble is, he's STILL THERE.

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