Another Land Grab By Obama

WASHINGTON – Local officials in New Mexico warn a move by the Obama administration to designate nearly a half-million acres as a national monument could open up a crime corridor making it easier for illegal immigrants to cross the border and for drug cartels to operate undetected

Like Obama gives a shit.

In fact, if i were a conspiracy theorist, i would say this was the real motive behind this land grab. Making things easier for future Democ...i mean illegal immigrants is what he has been doing for the last couple of years.
WASHINGTON – Local officials in New Mexico warn a move by the Obama administration to designate nearly a half-million acres as a national monument could open up a crime corridor making it easier for illegal immigrants to cross the border and for drug cartels to operate undetected

Like Obama gives a shit.

In fact, if i were a conspiracy theorist, i would say this was the real motive behind this land grab. Making things easier for future Democ...i mean illegal immigrants is what he has been doing for the last couple of years.
Not to mention making it easier for the drug cartels to bring their meth into the country. He already gave them all the weapons they need.
Dumb fucks aren't mentioning that the land is already federally owned. This just gives more protection to the area. And will be a plus for the businesses there that are tourist dependent. A bunch of real shitheads, just going to scream no matter what the President does.
Agenda 21. Read about it, study up. New Mexico is almost entirely off limits. I notice the area just south of Las Cruces, N.M is slated to be off limits. You ever read the Hunger Games? Yeah, imagine a future like that. :eek:

Agenda 21. Read about it, study up. New Mexico is almost entirely off limits. I notice the area just south of Las Cruces, N.M is slated to be off limits. You ever read the Hunger Games? Yeah, imagine a future like that. :eek:


jesus christ the conspiracy theory is strong with this one.
Agenda 21. Read about it, study up. New Mexico is almost entirely off limits. I notice the area just south of Las Cruces, N.M is slated to be off limits. You ever read the Hunger Games? Yeah, imagine a future like that. :eek:


Really? Perhaps a few links on that? And since when is a National Monument Area off limits? Maybe you should actually read what the designation implies, rather than just believing the fruitloops that post out of there assholes.
Obviously you liberals turds didn't read the link. It's a half million acres of land that is known as a corridor for drug traffickers and illegals sneaking across the border, and will restrict access by law enforcement, opening the door for violent criminals to come into our country with impunity. Of course, liberal fucks probably like the idea of criminals flooding the country. It means more votes for the Democrats.
Obviously you liberals turds didn't read the link. It's a half million acres of land that is known as a corridor for drug traffickers and illegals sneaking across the border, and will restrict access by law enforcement, opening the door for violent criminals to come into our country with impunity. Of course, liberal fucks probably like the idea of criminals flooding the country. It means more votes for the Democrats.

is it a land grab?
Obviously you liberals turds didn't read the link. It's a half million acres of land that is known as a corridor for drug traffickers and illegals sneaking across the border, and will restrict access by law enforcement, opening the door for violent criminals to come into our country with impunity. Of course, liberal fucks probably like the idea of criminals flooding the country. It means more votes for the Democrats.

is it a land grab?
Uh, YEAH. The Federal government is taking control of the land. That's known as a "land grab".
Obviously you liberals turds didn't read the link. It's a half million acres of land that is known as a corridor for drug traffickers and illegals sneaking across the border, and will restrict access by law enforcement, opening the door for violent criminals to come into our country with impunity. Of course, liberal fucks probably like the idea of criminals flooding the country. It means more votes for the Democrats.

is it a land grab?
Uh, YEAH. The Federal government is taking control of the land. That's known as a "land grab".

it's federal land.

so is it a land grab?
Hey, like I said, I'm not a partisan. I don't give two shits what you believe. I'm here to open minds and help people become free thinkers.
If that's too much to read, here's a summation at a city council meeting. . .

Did you know that when you watch TV, your mind slips into Alpha waves?

In an experiment in 1969, Herbert Krugman monitored a person through many trials and found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person's brainwaves switched from Beta waves-- brainwaves associated with active, logical thought-- to primarily Alpha waves. When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves reverted to Beta waves.

One thing this indicates is that most parts of the brain, parts responsible for logical thought, tune out during television viewing. The impact of television viewing on one person's brain state is obviously not enough to conclude that the same consequences apply to everyone; however, research involving many others, completed in the years following Krugman's experiment, has repeatedly shown that watching television produces brainwaves in the low Alpha range.

What does this mean? It means that when folks regurgitate talking points they heard on TV they are essentially mimicking their hypnosis. Their minds have not been freed.

DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. READ. If you don't like what I am telling you, rather than throw ad hominem insults my way because it causes cognitive dissonance, do a little research. It is SO EASY to defend the televised hypnotic paradigm by calling out, "conspiracy theorist." It's what you've been hypnotized to do. Instead, try reading an article or two, maybe even a book.
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Hey, like I said, I'm not a partisan. I don't give two shits what you believe. I'm here to open minds and help people become free thinkers.
If that's too much to read, here's a summation at a city council meeting. . .

Did you know that when you watch TV, your mind slips into Alpha waves?

In an experiment in 1969, Herbert Krugman monitored a person through many trials and found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person's brainwaves switched from Beta waves-- brainwaves associated with active, logical thought-- to primarily Alpha waves. When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves reverted to Beta waves.

One thing this indicates is that most parts of the brain, parts responsible for logical thought, tune out during television viewing. The impact of television viewing on one person's brain state is obviously not enough to conclude that the same consequences apply to everyone; however, research involving many others, completed in the years following Krugman's experiment, has repeatedly shown that watching television produces brainwaves in the low Alpha range.

What does this mean? It means that when folks regurgitate talking points they heard on TV they are essentially mimicking their hypnosis. Their minds have not been freed.

DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. READ. If you don't like what I am telling you, rather than throw ad hominem insults my way because it causes cognitive dissonance, do a little research. It is SO EASY to defend the televised hypnotic paradigm by calling out, "conspiracy theorist." It's what you've been hypnotized to do. Instead, try reading an article or two, maybe even a book.

research into agenda 21, like research into all conspiracy theories, is pointless. it's not real.
the great thing about it, though, like all conspiracy theories, is that since you can't prove a negative, the 'true believers' will keep on posting their youtube videos and blogs and whatever else they can find to connect the dots in their mind and validate their paranoia.
Which part of "yes" do you not understand?

who is the land being 'grabbed' from?
Hey man, the article isn't that long. Do you have a short attention span or are you just lazy?

i read it. it's a simple question, one you should be able to answer and a central element for anything to be considered a land grab.

from whom is the land being 'grabbed?'

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