Another Flip Flop from Rick Perry (D) Texas

"Flip-Flopping" does not disqualify anyone from holding political office. And this just looks like the Left's latest smear-campaign against Perry anyway. If Flip-Flopping really is such a bugaboo for them,why aren't they calling for the immediate Impeachment of their Hopey Changey One? Cause no one Flip-Flops like that Dude. Is he against raising Debt Limits or not? Even his own sheep are confused on that one. "Flip-Flopping" doesn't disqualify anyone and it wont be much of an issue in 2012. It's the Economy Dummies.
"Flip-Flopping" does not disqualify anyone from holding political office. And this just looks like the Left's latest smear-campaign against Perry anyway. If Flip-Flopping really is such a bugaboo for them,why aren't they calling for the immediate Impeachment of their Hopey Changey One? Cause no one Flip-Flops like that Dude. Is he against raising Debt Limits or not? Even his own sheep are confused on that one. "Flip-Flopping" doesn't disqualify anyone and it wont be much of an issue in 2012. It's the Economy Dummies.

It is simply amazing. The Left is smearing someone who isn't even an announced candidate. The fear is palpable. They know that Obama is toast anyway. The GOP could nominate Cheetah the Monkey and still win by a wide margin.
They have nothing but fear.
I agree Perry is not the ideal Conservative Candidate. But he does deserve props for creating a lot of Jobs in Texas. His Job-Creation Numbers are second to none. No one even comes close,and that includes The One.
If the oil industry was based in Rhode Island, Rhode Island would have more jobs created than anyone else. Having industries in your state posting record high profits is the ONLY reason that there are jobs being created in Texas. But you tend to reap those benefits if you're the governor...right or wrong.


Actually both PA and NY have an oil industry. They could be creating thousands of jobs and bringing in tons of revenue. Instead, high regulations and taxes have people fleeing both those states.
TX is the destination for a lot of companies fleeing CA.

But wow. Perry hasn't even announced yet and already the Left is trying to smear him. The best is that he's--gasp--not really a conservative. If that's the case, all the Lefties here ought to be voting for him. Right?

The commercial petroleum market is dominated by Texas based companies.

Smearing to you is telling the truth?

He flip flopped on his political party--while taking money from one to get elected.
He flip flopped on gay marriage just now.
If you want to get extreme about it, he flip flopped on Texas succession.

Can't wait to see what he's for next week that he's against this week.

Just keeping it real.
Ame®icano;3936775 said:
I'm sorry....he's not a Democrat? I thought that I had read somewhere that he was.

And that's how much you know about US politics.


Translation: I'm so fucking clever.

Actually you aren't. Lots of people didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left them. Count among them Reagan, Joe Lieberman, and Zell Miller. At one time the DemParty actually was open to all kinds of ideas and actually practiced pluralism rather than just proclaiming it. Now it is the tool of the unions, the Leftists, and the intellectual homosexuals.
If the oil industry was based in Rhode Island, Rhode Island would have more jobs created than anyone else. Having industries in your state posting record high profits is the ONLY reason that there are jobs being created in Texas. But you tend to reap those benefits if you're the governor...right or wrong.


Actually both PA and NY have an oil industry. They could be creating thousands of jobs and bringing in tons of revenue. Instead, high regulations and taxes have people fleeing both those states.
TX is the destination for a lot of companies fleeing CA.

But wow. Perry hasn't even announced yet and already the Left is trying to smear him. The best is that he's--gasp--not really a conservative. If that's the case, all the Lefties here ought to be voting for him. Right?

The commercial petroleum market is dominated by Texas based companies.

Smearing to you is telling the truth?

He flip flopped on his political party--while taking money from one to get elected.
He flip flopped on gay marriage just now.
If you want to get extreme about it, he flip flopped on Texas succession.

Can't wait to see what he's for next week that he's against this week.

Just keeping it real.

Changing the subject again? As mentioned, NY and PA have vast petroleum reserves that pols there have largely put off limits.
He changed political parties. Nothing unusual there.
He did not flip flop on gay marriage any more than Obama has.
I don't know what the fuck "Texas Succession" means. Texas is succeeding quite well. The Left is failing badly.
Dream on.
And 10% of the population is gay. Don't forget that myth.

We don't know what percentage of the population is gay or lesbian. It is anywhere from 4-10%.

Pacific Islanders account for roughly 4% of the US population. Does "low numbers" somehow effect minority status?

You may not LIKE that gays and lesbians are a recognized minority, but it is pretty much universally excepted that they ARE a minority.

The "majority" should never be able to vote on the fundamental rights of a minority, period.

I can look at a Fiji islander and tell that's what he is. I can't look at someone and tell he's gay. Therefore gays are not a minority.
Gays do not ahve any fundamental right, or any right at all, denied to them. None.

God you're fucking stupid.

Gee, the minister/justice of the peace/Judge marrying them can probably tell when two dudes or ladies show up to get hitched..don't ya think?

So marriage isn't a "fundamental right" to you?

As stated: God, you are fucking stupid. If that is not an infringement on free assembly, what is?
I agree Perry is not the ideal Conservative Candidate. But he does deserve props for creating a lot of Jobs in Texas. His Job-Creation Numbers are second to none. No one even comes close,and that includes The One.
If the oil industry was based in Rhode Island, Rhode Island would have more jobs created than anyone else. Having industries in your state posting record high profits is the ONLY reason that there are jobs being created in Texas. But you tend to reap those benefits if you're the governor...right or wrong.

And his Democrat past might actually benefit him in the General Election. There are many Independent Democrat-leaning Voters who are desperate for an alternative to this President. Perry could be what they're looking for.

Not likely. They don't want forced injections of a potentially deadly drug for their daughters or a Constitutional amendment forcing you to get the Government's blessing for your marriage.

Thanks but no thanks.
What do you mean by "the oil industry"? Do you imply exploration and production? Or the petro-chemical industry?
In any event, Texas is a huge growth state due to a business friendly tax climate, no or little union issues, climate, transportation system higher education, etc. On the other hand, States like Rhode Island with cold wet winters, very high taxes, well documented political corruption and a business unfriendly climate, lose out.
Your comparison is kind of silly. That's like saying the Indianapolis Colts wouldn't be a good football team if they didn't have Peyton Manning as their quarterback.
In other words, it's the fault of the State of Texas that Rhode Island cannot compete in the jobs market.....face palm.

I'll grant you that there is a business friendly climate in Texas; it always has. However, if those business that had re-located there were suffering more than others; the "friendly climate" means squat.

Oil is booming so Texas may be experiencing some inordinate benefits; but you have to appreciate that Perry put the welcome mat out. He also may have for other businesses that are not posting record profits quarter after quarter.
We don't know what percentage of the population is gay or lesbian. It is anywhere from 4-10%.

Pacific Islanders account for roughly 4% of the US population. Does "low numbers" somehow effect minority status?

You may not LIKE that gays and lesbians are a recognized minority, but it is pretty much universally excepted that they ARE a minority.

The "majority" should never be able to vote on the fundamental rights of a minority, period.

I can look at a Fiji islander and tell that's what he is. I can't look at someone and tell he's gay. Therefore gays are not a minority.
Gays do not ahve any fundamental right, or any right at all, denied to them. None.

God you're fucking stupid.

Gee, the minister/justice of the peace/Judge marrying them can probably tell when two dudes or ladies show up to get hitched..don't ya think?

So marriage isn't a "fundamental right" to you?

As stated: God, you are fucking stupid. If that is not an infringement on free assembly, what is?

But he cannot tell whether they are gay or not. Right?
You are an idiot of epic proportions. Probably taking it up the ass has addled your brain.
"Flip-Flopping" does not disqualify anyone from holding political office. And this just looks like the Left's latest smear-campaign against Perry anyway. If Flip-Flopping really is such a bugaboo for them,why aren't they calling for the immediate Impeachment of their Hopey Changey One? Cause no one Flip-Flops like that Dude. Is he against raising Debt Limits or not? Even his own sheep are confused on that one. "Flip-Flopping" doesn't disqualify anyone and it wont be much of an issue in 2012. It's the Economy Dummies.

It is simply amazing. The Left is smearing someone who isn't even an announced candidate. The fear is palpable. They know that Obama is toast anyway. The GOP could nominate Cheetah the Monkey and still win by a wide margin.
They have nothing but fear.

Sorry the truth is so painful for you. Would you like a band-aid? :lol:
I can look at a Fiji islander and tell that's what he is. I can't look at someone and tell he's gay. Therefore gays are not a minority.
Gays do not ahve any fundamental right, or any right at all, denied to them. None.

God you're fucking stupid.

Gee, the minister/justice of the peace/Judge marrying them can probably tell when two dudes or ladies show up to get hitched..don't ya think?

So marriage isn't a "fundamental right" to you?

As stated: God, you are fucking stupid. If that is not an infringement on free assembly, what is?

But he cannot tell whether they are gay or not. Right?
You are an idiot of epic proportions. Probably taking it up the ass has addled your brain.

Let me see....2 dudes show up to get married. And you think that the judge/minister can't tell that they are gay.

God, you are fucking stupid. You should stick to being just a racist moron.
Actually you aren't. Lots of people didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left them. Count among them Reagan, Joe Lieberman, and Zell Miller. At one time the DemParty actually was open to all kinds of ideas and actually practiced pluralism rather than just proclaiming it. Now it is the tool of the unions, the Leftists, and the intellectual homosexuals.

Lots of people didn't leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left them. Count among them John Lindsay, Leon Panetta, James Webb, and Arlen Specter. At one time the GOP actually was open to all kinds of ideas and actually practiced pluralism rather than just proclaiming it. Now it is the tool of the corporate special interests, the Rightists, and the anti-intellectual reactionaries.

The Political Sword – it cuts both ways.
Actually both PA and NY have an oil industry. They could be creating thousands of jobs and bringing in tons of revenue. Instead, high regulations and taxes have people fleeing both those states.
TX is the destination for a lot of companies fleeing CA.

But wow. Perry hasn't even announced yet and already the Left is trying to smear him. The best is that he's--gasp--not really a conservative. If that's the case, all the Lefties here ought to be voting for him. Right?

The commercial petroleum market is dominated by Texas based companies.

Smearing to you is telling the truth?

He flip flopped on his political party--while taking money from one to get elected.
He flip flopped on gay marriage just now.
If you want to get extreme about it, he flip flopped on Texas succession.

Can't wait to see what he's for next week that he's against this week.

Just keeping it real.

Changing the subject again? As mentioned, NY and PA have vast petroleum reserves that pols there have largely put off limits.
He changed political parties. Nothing unusual there.
He did not flip flop on gay marriage any more than Obama has.
I don't know what the fuck "Texas Succession" means. Texas is succeeding quite well. The Left is failing badly.

I'm sorry.

I must have misspelled it; he was in favor of Texas leaving the country at one time if you take him at his word. I tend to think he was just rattling the saber but who knows with this guy.

Obama was for a Federal Law banning gay marriage? Do you have a link for that or are you just making things up again.
Actually you aren't. Lots of people didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left them. Count among them Reagan, Joe Lieberman, and Zell Miller. At one time the DemParty actually was open to all kinds of ideas and actually practiced pluralism rather than just proclaiming it. Now it is the tool of the unions, the Leftists, and the intellectual homosexuals.

Lots of people didn't leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left them. Count among them John Lindsay, Leon Panetta, James Webb, and Arlen Specter. At one time the GOP actually was open to all kinds of ideas and actually practiced pluralism rather than just proclaiming it. Now it is the tool of the corporate special interests, the Rightists, and the anti-intellectual reactionaries.

The Political Sword – it cuts both ways.

Well, now switching parties is something that other political figures have done.

Perry however did it not because he felt X...he did so because he couldn't run as a Democrat for an office he wanted so get...he became a Republican to do so. I mean, he was Gore's campaign manager in Texas. You're telling me that he just decided one day that he was a Republican? Not buying it.

If you're the rep from the 1st district or whatever and you feel X; you should simply run in the next election in a different party. His was a "change of heart" due to an opportunity. The worst type of political chicanery. Arlen Specter; at least, tried to keep his seat in his thinly veiled "change of heart" moment; not elevate to another seat by switching parties.

Still, the people of Texas have had a chance to change their mind about Governor Perry what, twice now? They haven't done it. So they are either happy or apathetic. I would wager there is a lot of the latter and some of the former. From what I understand, the government in Texas is largely a part-time gig.
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Well which is it? Is Perry for ‘states’ rights’ (which never actually existed) or forcing the states to confirm to a national standard. Perry’s inconsistency is indicative of his ignorance.

Are you really that dense?

If states rights do not exist why was California able to impose more stringent emission standards on vehicles sold in that state than apply to other states? Wouldn't the federal air standards preempt any attempt by California to change the standards? If there is one thing even idiots should agree on it is that there are no walls between the states so that the air in California is different than the air in Arizona.

What Perry is doing is pointing out that, under the Constitution, it is perfectly reasonable for New York to have same sex marriage. If, on the other hand, there was a constitutional amendment that said states did not have that right, then it would wrong for New York to do so.

And a ‘marriage amendment’ would as much pollute the Constitution as a ‘balanced budget’ amendment.

How would either pollute the Constitution?

Not that I actually expect an answer, but I would love to see you attempt to justify that one.

18 states still had ‘anti-miscegenation’ statutes on the books as of 1967, not an insignificant number. Indeed, two states – Alabama and South Carolina – didn’t amend their state constitutions to repeal anti-miscegenation provisions until 2000 and 1998, respectively.

Of course one state with such a law would be one state too many.

Whinging again?

I think states that have laws that say you need to get 700 hours of training to file nails are way more over the top than states that tell you who and who you cannot marry. Do you see me whinging about them, or trying to argue that the Constitution prevents that? Nope, you just see me making sure I live in states that are more sensible.

It’s consequently incorrect to present Loving as a ‘moot decision,’ that all states were ‘on their way’ to repealing anti-miscegenation legislation, when that was clearly not the case – particularly with regard to Virginia, Alabama, and South Carolina.


Are you actually going to argue that, if SCOTUS had not ruled those laws were unconstitutional, there would still be states that had them? Is it remotely possible that, once those laws were invalid, those states moved on to other things which were actually worth their time until some whinges overpowered common sense and forced them to deal with said laws?

Your ‘principle’ is inconsistent with the Constitution and the rule of law. If a law is determined un-Constitutional by the courts, it is struck down, regardless what the majority wants. It’s the fundamental tenet protecting us from the tyranny of the majority.

As I have pointed out to you more than once, the rule of law does not protect anyone from anything, and it is actually more likely to nullify the Constitution and eliminate rights than it is to support them. Are you ever going to deal with the facts as they are, or will you continue to exist in a delusional world where the government cares more about you than it does its power?

And again, incorrect. .

Marriage law - like any other law - must be applied equally and the people given equal access to the laws per the 14th Amendment. Just as the majority does not decide who may have his rights and who many not, the majority also does not decide who may have access to a given law and who may not. See: West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943).

What does that mean?

Yet another wrong answer from the right.

Homosexuals are a protected class. See: Romer v Evans (1996).

You see it.

Kennedy said:
We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.

It prevented the impermissible targeting of a group to exempt them from rights. For the comprehension challenged, like yourself, that means that the state cannot single out a specific group of people and then deny them rights that exist for everyone already.

If I were you I would slink away in shame at such a blatant misrepresentation of the findings of a Supreme Court decision. Unfortunately,m you are not intelligent enough to understand just how egregiously you misstated the case even after it has been pointed out to you.
Actually you aren't. Lots of people didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left them. Count among them Reagan, Joe Lieberman, and Zell Miller. At one time the DemParty actually was open to all kinds of ideas and actually practiced pluralism rather than just proclaiming it. Now it is the tool of the unions, the Leftists, and the intellectual homosexuals.

Lots of people didn't leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left them. Count among them John Lindsay, Leon Panetta, James Webb, and Arlen Specter. At one time the GOP actually was open to all kinds of ideas and actually practiced pluralism rather than just proclaiming it. Now it is the tool of the corporate special interests, the Rightists, and the anti-intellectual reactionaries.

The Political Sword – it cuts both ways.

Arlen Specter? Really?
The commercial petroleum market is dominated by Texas based companies.

Smearing to you is telling the truth?

He flip flopped on his political party--while taking money from one to get elected.
He flip flopped on gay marriage just now.
If you want to get extreme about it, he flip flopped on Texas succession.

Can't wait to see what he's for next week that he's against this week.

Just keeping it real.

Changing the subject again? As mentioned, NY and PA have vast petroleum reserves that pols there have largely put off limits.
He changed political parties. Nothing unusual there.
He did not flip flop on gay marriage any more than Obama has.
I don't know what the fuck "Texas Succession" means. Texas is succeeding quite well. The Left is failing badly.

I'm sorry.

I must have misspelled it; he was in favor of Texas leaving the country at one time if you take him at his word. I tend to think he was just rattling the saber but who knows with this guy.

Obama was for a Federal Law banning gay marriage? Do you have a link for that or are you just making things up again.

"Secession" is the word you don't know.
Check my sig line.
Obama was not in favor of gay marriage.
[ame=]‪Barack Obama on Gay Marriage‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Actually listen to him and he invokes, gasp, G-d in his answer. Just like Perry!
Changing the subject again? As mentioned, NY and PA have vast petroleum reserves that pols there have largely put off limits.
He changed political parties. Nothing unusual there.
He did not flip flop on gay marriage any more than Obama has.
I don't know what the fuck "Texas Succession" means. Texas is succeeding quite well. The Left is failing badly.

I'm sorry.

I must have misspelled it; he was in favor of Texas leaving the country at one time if you take him at his word. I tend to think he was just rattling the saber but who knows with this guy.

Obama was for a Federal Law banning gay marriage? Do you have a link for that or are you just making things up again.

"Secession" is the word you don't know.
Check my sig line.
Obama was not in favor of gay marriage.
[ame=]‪Barack Obama on Gay Marriage‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Actually listen to him and he invokes, gasp, G-d in his answer. Just like Perry!

Nice try at moving the goal posts.

I'll remind you of what you said since you can't remember back that far:

He did not flip flop on gay marriage any more than Obama has

Rick Perry is calling for a Constitutional Amendment outlawing Gay Marriage which is what the DOMA is. Obama has never ever came anywhere near calling for the Constitution to be amended to outlaw marriage.

When Obama does that, you will experience an uncontrollable carom into having told the truth. I know you will be in unfamiliar territory if that happens so don't be afraid. There's not just help, there's hope.
Closing your eyes to the reality do not make the reality go away. We've all heard your ridiculous justification for discrimination...that because straight people can't marry people of the same sex, it isn't discrimination to deny the fundamental right of marriage to gay and lesbian couples.

We heard it in 1967 when it was argued that anti-miscegenation laws weren't discrimination because they applied equally to men and women. They were wrong and so are you. It was stupid then and it is twice as stupid to use it now.

Can you look at someone and tell they are Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist? Can we deny marriage equality to these groups simply because you can't tell they belong to that group?

Can you come up with an argument that isn't either blatantly bigoted or just plain ludicrous?

Gays aren't blacks. They aren't discriminated-against minorities. IN most cases they are totally anonymous in society. And they aren't even definable. What is a "gay" person? Someone who only has sex with the same sex? Someone who sometimes has sex with the same sex? Someone who one time had sex with the same sex? Someone who claims he is?
It's tough engaging in self-destructive behavior and opening yourself to crime and disease. But that doesn't entitle you to extra rights that the rest of us don't have.
Nor does it justify hijacking this thread.

They ARE discriminated against minorities. Your refusal to SEE it does not make it less true. When you can lose your job in dozens of states because of your sexual orientation, that IS discrimination.

Why do YOU need to "identify" anyone? What overriding societal harm is there in allowing non familial same sex couples the legal protections of civil marriage?

Who is hijacking the thread? It's about legal civil marriage. That IS what we are discussing, your red herrings not withstanding.
Which states are those?
You ask "why does anyone need to be identified"?
I would state that gays MUST identify themselves as such due to the rules of political correctness heterosexuals are not permitted to identify gays be mere appearance.
Therefore a gay person must declare either by their own words or actions.
Overriding social harm? Hmm. Not going to answer that.
I think there are traditions and rituals that are scared. Marriage is one of them.
I say allow gay people to form civil unions. Give them the rights of property, finance, insurance, allow them to function as married couples. Just don't call it marriage. Because it isn't . Marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman.
This is not a debate.

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