Anne coultier rails against false fiction film 2000 mules. And says the grift goes on.

How bad is this mess if a right wing nutjob like Coulter disavows it...
You are the poster boy for the duopoly.

Coulter has been very vocal about her opposition to dumb Don for many years. Crazed lefties like you can’t even get along with righties when you have common ground. You still must denigrate and criticize.
Yes! Now we believe lying bitch satan spawn from hell.

You know this, right?
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Trump running again might be a really good thing. It just might blow up the R Party resulting in it’s wonderful demise.
I think we need a strong third party candidate, the respect for the two parties is at an all time low with independents. The fear is anyone who runs will take the brunt of billions of dollars by the two parties smear tactics.
I think we need a strong third party candidate, the respect for the two parties is at an all time low with independents. The fear is anyone who runs will take the brunt of billions of dollars by the two parties smear tactics.
That’s always going to be the problem as long as we allow so much private money to run the show.
Get rid of Citizens United and scale allowable donations way back.
That’s always going to be the problem as long as we allow so much private money to run the show.
Get rid of Citizens United and scale allowable donations way back.
McCain and Feingold created the bill that led to the Citizens United BS. There were a few of us that said the CFR would open Pandora’s box and it did just that. Congress passed a bill that helped get them re-elected. After that I never respected McCain or Fiengold, they ruined America.
McCain and Feingold created the bill that led to the Citizens United BS. There were a few of us that said the CFR would open Pandora’s box and it did just that. Congress passed a bill that helped get them re-elected. After that I never respected McCain or Fiengold, they ruined America.
Campaign finance reform is the only thing that will save us , IMO.
We need to force the candidates to do the hard work of actual campaigning and proving themselves through town halls and debates rather than relying on advertising. I believe that only the candidates with true character would survive that process.
Campaign finance reform is the only thing that will save us , IMO.
We need to force the candidates to do the hard work of actual campaigning and proving themselves through town halls and debates rather than relying on advertising. I believe that only the candidates with true character would survive that process.
I agree, we need real CFR, not what we were given. We need to stop big money and it will open the door to more and better candidates. What we have now is not working the winners are getting worse each cycle. We need to pressure our Congresspeople to start working on reforming the process.
Coulter then takes aim at 2000 Mules, which claims that cellphone tracking data shows 2000 people delivered numerous ballots at various drop boxes in five swing states.
She points out that the tracking data can’t distinguish between would-be election saboteurs and people with legitimate reasons for being near those boxes every day. Coulter further notes that even if liberal activists were dropping off ballots illegally, that would not make the ballots illegal, though the person doing so could face legal consequences.
Coulter says the movie seems to demand an explanation for why Trump lost. She points out that his own pollsters found that the only demo Trump did worse with in 2020 than in 2016 was White men.
“How did liberal activists pull off that?” she asks sarcastically.

“Most stunningly, Trump blew off the signature promise of his campaign: the wall,” she writes, giving an alternative explanation for his loss. “While he was busy sucking up to Wall Street, Kim Kardashian, RINOs, Silicon Valley, the gun-grabbers and illegal aliens, not one mile of wall got built.”

Coulter concludes, “Instead of a 49-state landslide and two decades of peace and prosperity, we’d have gotten a D’Souza conspiracy movie about how the Democrats cheated.”
Amazing, you Dims turn on one of your heroes in Musk, and pick up a hero in Coulter who you despised before. Tiny brains are easily manipulated.
You are the poster boy for the duopoly.

Coulter has been very vocal about her opposition to dumb Don for many years. Crazed lefties like you can’t even get along with righties when you have common ground. You still must denigrate and criticize.
Coulter worshipped at the alter if the God/King until she realized what a fascist POS he really was/is.
Coulter worshipped at the alter if the God/King until she realized what a fascist POS he really was/is.
A lot of people did my dear leftist friend. However unlike like many, she watched closely what dumb Don did and quickly realized he is a conman and a fraud. He’s not unlike most politicians including your beloved Messiah. Right?
Coulter worshipped at the alter if the God/King until she realized what a fascist POS he really was/is.

Ann Coulter supported Trump politically until he failed to deliver on his campaign promises.

That you need to use words like "worshipped at the alter" or " fascist", is just you being an asshole lefty troll.
Coulter has never been my hero.... I'm not in to snarky, shock jock, razor cutting or forked, tongues! Maybe I'm just lacking in a sense of humor???
She can be very witty, but too right wing for most. However she is right about a lot of things, including about Don

Bill Maher has her on regularly and she often points out the excesses of the left in a very witty manner, as does Maher.
I agree, we need real CFR, not what we were given. We need to stop big money and it will open the door to more and better candidates. What we have now is not working the winners are getting worse each cycle. We need to pressure our Congresspeople to start working on reforming the process.
Agreed, however I see no movement pushing campaign reform by the public or the political class. So, we’re fucked.

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