Ann Coulter nails it...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page
The NRA is gaurenteeing that the mentally ill have access to military grade weopons. Why is it such a big thing that all sales of such weopons, private included, have a background check? But sanity is not something valued by the Conservatives.
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

MISTER Hasan was a religous extremist. Writing off people like that as being mentally ill is a fatal mistake. James Holmes was mentally ill, but I never got te impression he was suffering some kind of break when he did his crimes. Was too methodical. Just because you're mentally ill, it doesn't necessarily follow you're not responsible for a crime. You'd have to be way gone to not know mass murder is a no-no.

My point simply being blaming mental illness is just as stupid as blaming guns or magazine capacity. Many people suffer mental illnesses, less than 1% go off the reservation. Far more to fear from perfectly sane people.
The NRA is gaurenteeing that the mentally ill have access to military grade weopons. Why is it such a big thing that all sales of such weopons, private included, have a background check? But sanity is not something valued by the Conservatives.

Why won't Democrats open up NCIS to allow public call in verification for private transactions ?
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

Ann Coulter always nails it.

[ame=]Ann Coulter on Muslims - YouTube[/ame]
The NRA is gaurenteeing that the mentally ill have access to military grade weopons. Why is it such a big thing that all sales of such weopons, private included, have a background check? But sanity is not something valued by the Conservatives.

That was either a failure of reason or a simple cop out on your part. The NRA might have no problem adding dangerous psychotics to the no gun list.. But civil libertarians WILL have a problem with violating privacy issues. And a lot of reasonable folks like me dont believe the wimpy science of psychiatry has the TOOLS to make those calls.

You want to disarm mentally ill folks??? Then you need to be willing to create a criminally ill category where doctors refer names to law enforcement.. If you LIKE that can of worms, im sure the NRA would consider a VIABLE and well conceived way to do that. Complete with legal appeals and all. Your hasty indictment of the NRA doesnt do anything to Design such a system.
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

The question then becomes, since other countries have crazy people too, why are mentally handicapped people in America more likely to shoot up a mall or a school than elsewhere? Is it because guns are more readily available or is it because of other factors?
I don't have any faith in psychiatry either....but when we determined that crazy people must be mainstreamed, we made a really bad mistake. Crazy people can't be mainstreamed, they're crazy. And when they're as crazy as those guys were (and everybody knew they were nuts) we should be able to lock them the fuck up without WAITING for them to nut out and kill huge numbers of people.
I don't have any faith in psychiatry either....but when we determined that crazy people must be mainstreamed, we made a really bad mistake. Crazy people can't be mainstreamed, they're crazy. And when they're as crazy as those guys were (and everybody knew they were nuts) we should be able to lock them the fuck up without WAITING for them to nut out and kill huge numbers of people.

In the case of the Conn. Shooter, it appears his mother paid a huge price for enabling his aggression. We fail on every count of identifying these people and plans to have law enforcement invovled. Coulter may be right.. But the concept of declaring folks mentally incompetent or dangerous is a basket of snakes.. Perhaps we ought to just deny gun sales to anyone under psych care for a period of time. And ask for family cooperation in removing existing guns. Not many seriously ill folks are gonna rank gun ownership as more important then the relief of drugs or treatment. IMO...

But BECAUSE these diagnosticians are winging it so much---- needs to be simple and quick legal apppeal....If a parole board is trusted to decide if an offender is dangerous --- theyll do just as well as the battling shrinks.

Ps in the case of minors, PARENTS who have weapons should be held responsible if their kids have been diagnosed withnsevere mental issues.
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"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

Are you suggesting we create prisons for anyone who acts crazy. Don't you understand that most of the 'conservatives' who post on this message board are nuts, hypocrites and deranged? Many people who suffer from major psychotic episodes are harmless and when those who are acting strange when provided counseling and medication are no threat to humanity.
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I don't have any faith in psychiatry either....but when we determined that crazy people must be mainstreamed, we made a really bad mistake. Crazy people can't be mainstreamed, they're crazy. And when they're as crazy as those guys were (and everybody knew they were nuts) we should be able to lock them the fuck up without WAITING for them to nut out and kill huge numbers of people.

WOW. And you go by "koshergrl"?
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

The question then becomes, since other countries have crazy people too, why are mentally handicapped people in America more likely to shoot up a mall or a school than elsewhere? Is it because guns are more readily available or is it because of other factors?

Good question, watch how the gun lovers spin it.
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

MISTER Hasan was a religous extremist. Writing off people like that as being mentally ill is a fatal mistake. James Holmes was mentally ill, but I never got te impression he was suffering some kind of break when he did his crimes. Was too methodical. Just because you're mentally ill, it doesn't necessarily follow you're not responsible for a crime. You'd have to be way gone to not know mass murder is a no-no.

My point simply being blaming mental illness is just as stupid as blaming guns or magazine capacity. Many people suffer mental illnesses, less than 1% go off the reservation. Far more to fear from perfectly sane people.

koshergrl is a "religious extremist"

as far as her
Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people.

wasn't raygun (R) the one who emptied-out the psych wards to save money :confused:
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

MISTER Hasan was a religous extremist. Writing off people like that as being mentally ill is a fatal mistake. James Holmes was mentally ill, but I never got te impression he was suffering some kind of break when he did his crimes. Was too methodical. Just because you're mentally ill, it doesn't necessarily follow you're not responsible for a crime. You'd have to be way gone to not know mass murder is a no-no.

My point simply being blaming mental illness is just as stupid as blaming guns or magazine capacity. Many people suffer mental illnesses, less than 1% go off the reservation. Far more to fear from perfectly sane people.

agree 100%. If one takes into consideration that all the examples were also the ones where the signs of INSTABILITY were simply IGNORED, including by medical professional (!!!) then it narrows the "mental illness" to a very thin layer of dangerous individuals.

I am absolutely against the labeling of any problem ( and the DSM V deems a caffeine withdrawal to be "mental disorder") as a contraindication for the citizen's 2nd Amendment rights.
I would say - if you can vote - you can own a gun.
"Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.

But in every instance, Democrats' response was: Let's ban high-capacity magazines! Let's limit private gun sales! Let's publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Mass shootings don't correlate with any of these things. They correlate with not locking up crazy people. We're not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We're worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight.

Ann Coulter - Official Home Page

Now I'm still pissed at Annie for going gonzo for Christie for president, but most times she's bang on the money.

She nails this one.
I don't have any faith in psychiatry either....but when we determined that crazy people must be mainstreamed, we made a really bad mistake. Crazy people can't be mainstreamed, they're crazy. And when they're as crazy as those guys were (and everybody knew they were nuts) we should be able to lock them the fuck up without WAITING for them to nut out and kill huge numbers of people.

In the case of the Conn. Shooter, it appears his mother paid a huge price for enabling his aggression. We fail on every count of identifying these people and plans to have law enforcement invovled. Coulter may be right.. But the concept of declaring folks mentally incompetent or dangerous is a basket of snakes.. Perhaps we ought to just deny gun sales to anyone under psych care for a period of time. And ask for family cooperation in removing existing guns. Not many seriously ill folks are gonna rank gun ownership as more important then the relief of drugs or treatment. IMO...

But BECAUSE these diagnosticians are winging it so much---- needs to be simple and quick legal apppeal....If a parole board is trusted to decide if an offender is dangerous --- theyll do just as well as the battling shrinks.

Ps in the case of minors, PARENTS who have weapons should be held responsible if their kids have been diagnosed withnsevere mental issues.

I can understand where the mother was trying to "make her son".

When you learn to shoot it's a big deal. The gun comes out of the safe place. We are talking ritual here. I can see where the mother was going with this. You take the gun. You hold the gun. You clean your baby. et al.

You do this. I can understand the mother thinking albeit really really wrongly for this kid "if I do it enough times" he'll learn this.
wasn't raygun (R) the one who emptied-out the psych wards to save money :confused:

nope. one more of the leftards myths.

It's not a myth, and Vox is either ignorant or a liar. Which is it, Vox? As Governor of California Reagan changed how the mentally ill were treated in our state. I'll leave it to Vox to explain the change honestly or I'll expose Vox for the lying partisan moron I believe s/he is!
wasn't raygun (R) the one who emptied-out the psych wards to save money :confused:

nope. one more of the leftards myths.

Do some homework or I'll expose you for a liar and/or as the ignorant partisan moron I believe you to be. See Post #19 - I promise you I will go after you as long as you continue to lie or parrot lies, on this message board.

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