Ann Coulter is part of the problem.

Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
I’ve never understood why people take her seriously.
I think it's easy to get sucked into the head winds when you mostly agree.
For some reason there are people who, for whatever reason, can not bring themselves to call out people they mostly agree with when they step out of line.
Tunnel vision
The guy is a master of appearances and PR, and this is all about that, IMO.

Yesterday's address is on the net Odd one , it's also been critiqued by R wing think tanks .

Not good reviews

So what we're seeing is Trump's inner circle revolving door extend itself to his constituency , his media base , his supporters ,watching him twist in the wind....

His approval #'s are following suit

He's backed himself into a political corner , which no 'master' in his/her right mind would do

The guy is a master of appearances and PR, and this is all about that, IMO.

Yesterday's address is on the net Odd one , it's also been critiqued by R wing think tanks .

Not good reviews

So what we're seeing is Trump's inner circle revolving door extend itself to his constituency , his media base , his supporters ,watching him twist in the wind....

His approval #'s are following suit

He's backed himself into a political corner , which no 'master' in his/her right mind would do

I heard the address....It was a yawner.

I didn't expect righty "think" tanks to like it....They're nearly all prop players for the swamp, as are the reptiles in his inner circle.

I'm not looking this through an ideological lens - I've stated openly that I don't like the idea of a wall....That said, I don't believe that yapping little chihuahuas like Coulter (though she looks more like an Afghan) are necessarily his base.....As I said, I think this is a ploy to create buzz, because he can't not know that Chucky n Nan will oppose anything with his name on it....And brother, is there a shit ton of buzz.
It was extreme hardliners like Ann Coulter who brought us to this mess in the first place by screaming against the very good compromise immigration bill, S.744, that passed the Senate with 68 votes, including 14 Republican votes, in 2013. The bill would have passed the Senate virtually unanimously a week or so earlier, but Demagogue in Chief Ted Cruz and his media allies, such as Ann Coulter, began to blast the bill as a sellout, which it most certainly was not. The hard right demonized the bill so loudly that Speaker of the House John Boehner decided he would not even let the House vote on it, because he knew it would pass. By the way, Obama, although he had strong misgivings about parts of the bill, had publicly pledged to sign it.

The far left, like the far right, was furious over the bill and was glad to see it defeated. I don't know that we'll ever again get a bill as good as S.744 given today's political climate.
It was extreme hardliners like Ann Coulter who brought us to this mess in the first place by screaming against the very good compromise immigration bill, S.744, that passed the Senate with 68 votes, including 14 Republican votes, in 2013. The bill would have passed the Senate virtually unanimously a week or so earlier, but Demagogue in Chief Ted Cruz and his media allies, such as Ann Coulter, began to blast the bill as a sellout, which it most certainly was not. The hard right demonized the bill so loudly that Speaker of the House John Boehner decided he would not even let the House vote on it, because he knew it would pass.

The far left, like the far right, was furious over the bill and was glad to see it defeated. I don't know that we'll ever get a bill as good as S.744 given today's political climate.
Actually accurate.

And in December the GOP Senate passed a unanimous bill to keep the government open and Coulter killed THAT.

SHE shut down the government because Trump is afraid of her
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It was extreme hardliners like Ann Coulter who brought us to this mess in the first place by screaming against the very good compromise immigration bill, S.744, that passed the Senate with 68 votes, including 14 Republican votes, in 2013. The bill would have passed the Senate virtually unanimously a week or so earlier, but Demagogue in Chief Ted Cruz and his media allies, such as Ann Coulter, began to blast the bill as a sellout, which it most certainly was not. The hard right demonized the bill so loudly that Speaker of the House John Boehner decided he would not even let the House vote on it, because he knew it would pass.

The far left, like the far right, was furious over the bill and was glad to see it defeated. I don't know that we'll ever get a bill as good as S.744 given today's political climate.
Actually accurate.

And in December the GOP Senate passed a unanimous bill to keep the government open and Coulter killed THAT.

SHE shut down the government because Trump is afraid of her

Well, I think Trump was right to follow Ann's lead in this case, because there is no excuse for the Democrats' refusal to spend 0.0998% of the federal budget to secure our southern border. He's asking for the equivalent of $57 out of $44,000, a drop in the bucket.

However, Ann's latest comments--her statements about Trump's compromise offer--are absurd and misleading.
He is asking for a blank check. No planning. Nothing to support the request.

He was offered 1.6 and turned it down.

He HAD 1.2 from last year and never spent it.

What exactly does he want to spend five BILLION dollars on? No one knows.

And mAnn Coulter shut THIS down by claiming that offering DACA (which is in the courts and NOT something Trump can actually offer) is "amnesty"
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He asking for a blank check. No planning. Nothing to support the request.

He was offered 1.6 and turned it down.

He HAD 1.2 from last year and never spent it.

What exactly does he want to spend five BILLION dollars on? No one knows.

And mAnn Coulter shut THIS down by claiming that offering DACA (which is in the courts and NOT something Trump can actually offer) is "amnesty"

I believe he did spend the money allocated in the first budget, since some construction was done on the wall. That money must have come from somewhere in the DHS budget.

1.6 is not enough. That is not a feasible amount.

I disagree that Trump is asking for a blank check. He is simply going to let DHS, the experts in this area, determine how to use the barrier funding. He has outlined a general approach: fencing in most areas, virtual fencing and drones in a few areas where appropriate. But he will leave the specifics to DHS once/if he gets the funding.
I believe he did spend the money allocated in the first budget, since some construction was done on the wall.
You'd be wrong. He spent only 10% of it
1.6 is not enough.

For WHAT? There are no plans. It is a blank check with NO real plan

I disagree that Trump is asking for a blank check. He is simply going to let DHS, the experts in this area, determine how to use that barrier funding

Oddly no one has said word one about any actual plan. That is the definition of a blank check
It was extreme hardliners like Ann Coulter who brought us to this mess in the first place by screaming against the very good compromise immigration bill, S.744, that passed the Senate with 68 votes, including 14 Republican votes, in 2013. The bill would have passed the Senate virtually unanimously a week or so earlier, but Demagogue in Chief Ted Cruz and his media allies, such as Ann Coulter, began to blast the bill as a sellout, which it most certainly was not. The hard right demonized the bill so loudly that Speaker of the House John Boehner decided he would not even let the House vote on it, because he knew it would pass.

The far left, like the far right, was furious over the bill and was glad to see it defeated. I don't know that we'll ever get a bill as good as S.744 given today's political climate.
Actually accurate.

And in December the GOP Senate passed a unanimous bill to keep the government open and Coulter killed THAT.

SHE shut down the government because Trump is afraid of her

How on Earth did Coulter shut down the government?
The sweet bacon of racism??

Are you a retard??

Nope, just pointing out how the GOP killed the White Middle Class with their help.

If the GOP went out and said, "We think you should work harder with less rights at worker and less money to make the rich richer" you guys wouldn't give them the time of day.

BUt they talk about Welfare queens or Willy Horton or Mexican Rapists at the border, and you guys eat that up.
It was extreme hardliners like Ann Coulter who brought us to this mess in the first place by screaming against the very good compromise immigration bill, S.744, that passed the Senate with 68 votes, including 14 Republican votes, in 2013. The bill would have passed the Senate virtually unanimously a week or so earlier, but Demagogue in Chief Ted Cruz and his media allies, such as Ann Coulter, began to blast the bill as a sellout, which it most certainly was not. The hard right demonized the bill so loudly that Speaker of the House John Boehner decided he would not even let the House vote on it, because he knew it would pass.

The far left, like the far right, was furious over the bill and was glad to see it defeated. I don't know that we'll ever get a bill as good as S.744 given today's political climate.
Actually accurate.

And in December the GOP Senate passed a unanimous bill to keep the government open and Coulter killed THAT.

SHE shut down the government because Trump is afraid of her

How on Earth did Coulter shut down the government?
Good question. I'd like to pull her pants down and make sure
I also find it the vast majority of it you either acquire by the time your'e 7 or 8 years old or you never acquire at all. I'm almost 45 at this point. I live a very closed and private life. I interact with a very small group of people, who think and live the same way I do.

You acquired your beliefs at 8 years old, only hang out with people who think the same way, and you're bragging about this?

Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.

She is attempting a soft "coercion".

She's intimidating Trump and he's a big enough pussy coward to allow her to do so.

Mitt was right, Trump is a con man and a fraud.

Rex Tillerson was right. Trump is a fucking moron.

Jim Mattis was right. Trump is an idiot.

And Ann Coulter is LOVING it that she can fuck with his empty, yellow-dyed head.

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