Ann Coulter is part of the problem.

Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
All RWNJ media is the problem. In fact one of the biggest problems the world is facing right now. Disinformation can be extremely harmful far

LOL Trump is playing you fools. He knew Dem's would reject his offer, why do you think he made the offer.

Who do you think he's playing for fools again?

You need a long hard look in the mirror my conservitard friend.

You libs just aren't in Trump's league, its quite satisfying for Team Trump to watch you people flail around in all directions.

Don's Wall could have been a done deal; he had 2 years of majorities in both houses. Team Trump blew it, quite astoundingly.
RINOs would have blocked the vote.
Actually tRump probably would have refused to sign it. I don't think he really wants a wall, I think he wants a fight.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
I think she's overreacting.

Trump has to know by now that none of them will accept anything with his name on it.....Now he can try to play the part the adult in the room.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ......
I said he can try, Karl.....I didn't say he'd be successful or anyone would buy it.

Now go stalk someone else.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
All RWNJ media is the problem. In fact one of the biggest problems the world is facing right now. Disinformation can be extremely harmful far
LOL Trump is playing you fools. He knew Dem's would reject his offer, why do you think he made the offer.

Who do you think he's playing for fools again?

You need a long hard look in the mirror my conservitard friend.

You libs just aren't in Trump's league, its quite satisfying for Team Trump to watch you people flail around in all directions.

Don's Wall could have been a done deal; he had 2 years of majorities in both houses. Team Trump blew it, quite astoundingly.
RINOs would have blocked the vote.
Actually tRump probably would have refused to sign it. I don't think he really wants a wall, I think he wants a fight.
Don needs all the distraction and chaos he can foment, so does the power structure overall.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Agree or disagree with Trumps proposal MATURE ADULTS can debate it without lying and misrepresenting the facts.
I think she's overreacting.

Trump has to know by now that none of them will accept anything with his name on it.....Now he can try to play the part the adult in the room.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ......
I said he can try, Karl.....I didn't say he'd be successful or anyone would buy it.

Now go stalk someone else.
Sorry, I still say Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ......, no, he can't. doesn't have it in him, but you can still claim he did regardless. It's the Reality America Show.
That is the dumbest thing I've read today.. Education comes in all forms not just a classroom.

You're right, education does come from places other than a classroom. In fact, I find that most truly useful education comes from the places furthest from the classroom. I also find it the vast majority of it you either acquire by the time your'e 7 or 8 years old or you never acquire at all. I'm almost 45 at this point. I live a very closed and private life. I interact with a very small group of people, who think and live the same way I do. The only "education" that would be available to me is from a classroon, and I finished that 25 years ago this sprint. I am who and what I am. No power, no man, and no God will ever change that.

That is the best description I have ever heard of having one's head up their ass.
I think ANYONE who goes to Washington to "serve" as an "elected or appointed" official is part of the swamp. If not at first, very soon afterward.
DC is the swamp and it's the Swamp vs the rest of "We The people" down here in the trenches.

Ann Coulter is not "The problem". Neither is rush Limbaugh. They are voices (earning a good of money, but then so are news anchors and commentators of ALL networks and sides of the political aisle)
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.
A bullet to the head.....


And no, she is not right. She is a radical far right angry bitch, nothing more.

Isnt that enough? Thank God for Coulter.
That is the best description I have ever heard of having one's head up their ass.

Nah, he's right to a large extent.
Many of the most inept people I ever met had high degrees. Especially from shithole indoctrination hen houses such as Hah-vaad and Yell.

It's not so much the education as the person receiving it that makes the difference.

Cops come out of Police Academy and couldn't survive a week on streets without a partner who knew the streets. A formal educations makes you "Aware" experience makes you Wise
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.
A bullet to the head.....


And no, she is not right. She is a radical far right angry bitch, nothing more.

Isnt that enough? Thank God for Coulter.
I know anger "sells" but that is not what we need.
Trump is doing the right thing and throughly exposing the left. Coulter is apparently completely clueless.
We have a divided government right now and stomping your feet while making demands as Coulter is doing serves no purpose
Yes, kinda, revist the Powell Memorandum. I don't use the term "deep state", but does concentrated wealth and power subvert the will of the people and representative democracy through policy? Absolutely. And the re-rigging of the economic system is a half century on now.

Can't really argue with that. Except it's a bit more than half century imo.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.
A bullet to the head.....


And no, she is not right. She is a radical far right angry bitch, nothing more.

Isnt that enough? Thank God for Coulter.
I know anger "sells" but that is not what we need.
Trump is doing the right thing and throughly exposing the left. Coulter is apparently completely clueless.
We have a divided government right now and stomping your feet while making demands as Coulter is doing serves no purpose

I see your point..but yes it serves a purpose. Trump is doing a fine job...but I suspect he would be getting wobbly without Coulter holding his feet to the fire.
She is reminding him what we elected him to do.
Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: ‘We voted for Trump and got Jeb!’

Her Tweet (crying) does not represent what Trump offered. Not even close. A 3 year reprieve is not amnesty.

Coulter is absolutely correct. It's a compromise, and giving those kids anything other than a direct flight back to their country of origin or a bullet to the head IS amnesty.

Look Obama screwed us on the DACA kids, he knew bleeding heart Americans would never ship these kids back to some shithole country. The best we can do now is get something in return.
Well i'm not one of them , maybe our deportation process needs a reboot , spend $5bil there ~S~

Why not spend where Border Patrol wants? Makes perfect sense to me.
No political commentator can be part of the problem, only part of your problem.

Dunno. Seems so many "political commentators" over at MSLSD and SinNN distort the truth so completely and then feed that BS to LOW IQ, easily mislead Millennials that it's reshaping our society. There's quite a few morons who actually think Oscasio is a genius for example
Coulter is R wing , when the right abandons Trump, he's done....~S~
Coulter is closer to neocon than anything else.....Say what you want about the man, but Cheeto isn't an ideologue like her....We had righty hardliners against pulling out of Syria and the recent prison reform, but he's gone ahead with them anyway.

In any event, I don't believe that he really expected Pelosi to accept yesterday's offer...The guy is a master of appearances and PR, and this is all about that, IMO.

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