Angry Americans!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I'm 67 and have lived though no less than 9 Presidential administrations. The job opportunities, justice system, and opportunities for growth didn't change radically from one administration to another, So - - Why are Americans so angry? Both Liberal and Conservative media outlets spew out hatred for the "other side" families are divided over political issues, and no matter which party controls our government polls indicate most Americans think we're headed in the wrong direction 95% of the time. Are things really that bad? Is all this anger really warranted? I just don't think so....
I'm 67 and have lived though no less than 9 Presidential administrations. The job opportunities, justice system, and opportunities for growth didn't change radically from one administration to another, So - - Why are Americans so angry? Both Liberal and Conservative media outlets spew out hatred for the "other side" families are divided over political issues, and no matter which party controls our government polls indicate most Americans think we're headed in the wrong direction 95% of the time. Are things really that bad? Is all this anger really warranted? I just don't think so....

The only difference is when Progressive Maoist /DSA Democrats are angry cities burn, and people are injured or killed.
Congress persons and Senators calling for insurrection should be driven out of D.C. on a rail, or be tried for sedition and be hung.
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Liberals are willing to let and let live, while conservatives demand complete control over every aspect of everyone's life. That really ticks off freedom-minded people.

And liberals have to pay the welfare of the conservative leeches.

And most conservatives openly support terrorist political violence against the USA. Liberals dislike traitor scum.

Finally, normal people don't like whiny snowflakes, so they don't like conservatives.
The only difference is when Progressive Maoist /DSA Democrats are angry cities burn, and people are injured or killed.
Congress persons and Senators calling for insurrection should be driven out of D.C. on a rail.

Yep.....7 months.....the democrat party, to win the election and beat Trump turned loose their brown shirts, blm and antifa to burn, loot and primarily black neighborhoods, controlled by the democrats, with extreme gun control laws............while the democrat party mayors told the police to stand down and do nothing to stop it..........court houses and police stations burned and gutted, police injured, Americans murdered.......all by democrats...for 7 months......

They have crossed the line, and they will no longer tolerate dissent.....

The democrat mayors also locked down their destroy their state's hurt Trump to win the election....

That is some sick freaking crap....
Liberals are willing to let and let live, while conservatives demand complete control over every aspect of everyone's life. That really ticks off freedom-minded people.

And liberals have to pay the welfare of the conservative leeches.

And most conservatives openly support terrorist political violence against the USA. Liberals dislike traitor scum.

Finally, normal people don't like whiny snowflakes, so they don't like conservatives.
^^ *somebody* sounds pretty sour today. :laughing0301:
I'm 67 and have lived though no less than 9 Presidential administrations. The job opportunities, justice system, and opportunities for growth didn't change radically from one administration to another, So - - Why are Americans so angry?

Overt Stalinism being practiced by the party in power.

The DNC funded eight months of racial riots.

Their weaponized Department of Injustice arrests conservatives and lets liberal terrorists go

. Are things really that bad?


Is all this anger really warranted?


I just don't think so....

Sweep the problem under the carpet?
You know, I think you'd be surprised to find out that most conservatives are just live & let live type people who prefer happiness & peace to anger & strife.
What makes us mad is when the other side won't stay in their own lane.
If the progressives just left us alone & stopped trying to run our lives or tell us what to do, we wouldn't really care what they did as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.
Is that so much to ask?
You know, I think you'd be surprised to find out that most conservatives are just live & let live type people who prefer happiness & peace to anger & strife.
What makes us mad is when the other side won't stay in their own lane.
If the progressives just left us alone & stopped trying to run our lives or tell us what to do, we wouldn't really care what they did as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.
Is that so much to ask?

Liberals are willing to let and let live, while conservatives demand complete control over every aspect of everyone's life. That really ticks off freedom-minded people.

And liberals have to pay the welfare of the conservative leeches.

And most conservatives openly support terrorist political violence against the USA. Liberals dislike traitor scum.

Finally, normal people don't like whiny snowflakes, so they don't like conservatives.
You know, I think you'd be surprised to find out that most conservatives are just live & let live type people who prefer happiness & peace to anger & strife.
What makes us mad is when the other side won't stay in their own lane.
If the progressives just left us alone & stopped trying to run our lives or tell us what to do, we wouldn't really care what they did as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.
Is that so much to ask?
tick tock
Liberals are willing to let and let live,
Progressives are not liberals then.

while conservatives demand complete control over every aspect of everyone's life.
That would make them democrat progressives. You only seem to mind that control when it ISN'T coming from the Left! Now you fear a right being given BACK to you as a LOSS of liberty! :cuckoo:

That really ticks off freedom-minded people.
That is the Right. See ya in November.

And liberals have to pay the welfare of the conservative leeches.
Welfare? Most people on welfare are DEMOCRATS, stooge!

And most conservatives openly support terrorist political violence against the USA.
Must be why all of the violence and riots are coming from the Left. :smoke:

Liberals dislike traitor scum.
So you hate Biden, Pelosi and Cheney?

Finally, normal people don't like whiny snowflakes
Must be why I keep you on IGNORE. :auiqs.jpg:
Progressives are not liberals then.

That would make them democrat progressives. You only seem to mind that control when it ISN'T coming from the Left! Now you fear a right being given BACK to you as a LOSS of liberty! :cuckoo:

That is the Right. See ya in November.

Welfare? Most people on welfare are DEMOCRATS, stooge!

Must be why all of the violence and riots are coming from the Left. :smoke:

So you hate Biden, Pelosi and Cheney?

Must be why I keep you on IGNORE. :auiqs.jpg:
I think it's time that I decided to do the same. There is nothing of value in anything that comes out of that gaping hole.
Liberals are willing to let and let live, while conservatives demand complete control over every aspect of everyone's life. That really ticks off freedom-minded people.

And liberals have to pay the welfare of the conservative leeches.

And most conservatives openly support terrorist political violence against the USA. Liberals dislike traitor scum.

Finally, normal people don't like whiny snowflakes, so they don't like conservatives.
You are so full of shit after your Covid bullshit. Control over lives....lololol
I'm 67 and have lived though no less than 9 Presidential administrations. The job opportunities, justice system, and opportunities for growth didn't change radically from one administration to another, So - - Why are Americans so angry? Both Liberal and Conservative media outlets spew out hatred for the "other side" families are divided over political issues, and no matter which party controls our government polls indicate most Americans think we're headed in the wrong direction 95% of the time. Are things really that bad? Is all this anger really warranted? I just don't think so....
Libturds are the angry ones. Their personal lives are a disaster and they hate happy well adjusted people
Liberals are willing to let and let live, while conservatives demand complete control over every aspect of everyone's life. That really ticks off freedom-minded people.

And liberals have to pay the welfare of the conservative leeches.

And most conservatives openly support terrorist political violence against the USA. Liberals dislike traitor scum.

Finally, normal people don't like whiny snowflakes, so they don't like conservatives.
Are there any 'Red Flag' laws we can invoke to stop mamooth from posting?
You know, I think you'd be surprised to find out that most conservatives are just live & let live type people who prefer happiness & peace to anger & strife.
What makes us mad is when the other side won't stay in their own lane.
If the progressives just left us alone & stopped trying to run our lives or tell us what to do, we wouldn't really care what they did as long as it doesn't cause harm to others.
Is that so much to ask?

Does same sex marriage hurt you? How about abortion rights?

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