And POOF, it was gone....

I thought you didn't believe in the tyranny of the majority. More people? What does that even mean? I bet most people in Green Bay think the Packers are going to win today. And they might. Then again, they might not. Most people? RAFLMAO...must be true then!
So, when a simpleton study says most scientist believe in man made global warming, you agree, it is tyranny of the majority, and it does not prove a thing.
LOL So you have 20 cancer specialists that state that the blemish on your hide is melanoma, but your mechanic tells you not to worry, consensus doesn't mean a thing, it is just a blemish. LOL Some people are stupid beyond belief.

How about we use a proper analogy shall we? You have 20 cancer specialists, and they concoct this fabulous new imaging program that allows you to see what's inside you. The problem is it doesn't work, so they tell you you need to do the procedure anyway because it "might" be dangerous. Ignoring the fact that you might die from the operation, that it costs you tons of money (which they, of course, get to pocket) and which has no actual supporting evidence other than their failed imaging program.
Do you understand that modelling isn't science, but science fiction? Do YOU understand that?


You want to know what's truly funny, I can teach any level of climatology class all the way up to graduate level. A PhD climatologist, on the other hand, is totally lost at the graduate level and unless they are really, really good, there are third and fourth year geology classes that will be beyond them. That's how a PhD in climatology stacks up against my field.

What's even funnier is i dont believe you.

And it doesn't matter in the slightest. What I stated is a fact. Geologists are far more capable than a climatologist. Ours is an exact science, and climatology isn't. It is a "soft" science, in the same vein as sociology. In other words it is all about opinion, and not hard, measurable, facts and observations.

Some day you might be clever enough to understand the difference.

A degree in geology demands far less math than does a degree in atmospheric physics. And far less physics. Your claim that you can teach on the same level as Dr. Hansen, Dr. Mann, or Dr. Alley is beyond laughable.

Yes. I worked on LANDSAT silly boy. Look it up.
Trump nominated Rick Perry for energy secretary, who admits that global warming is occurring and admits that at least some of it is manmade.

it is amuzing when a leftard has to lay his hopes for continued global warming polices on rick perry

I really don't know if we have much to worry about with this new admin. They seem too busy claiming that 1/4 the number of people at their inauguration are more than the number of people at President Obama's inauguration. LOL The orange clown looks seriously like he is going off the rails. They are going to be much to busy crying about all those subversive women, like 4 million of them, that marched yesterday to worry about a few scientists that are showing us the evidence for climate change going on right now.
i like it folks like you don't get the game yet.

And taking bows least I don't have a ghey cat in my avatar!:2up:

The crazy guy is watching the political landscape and laughing hysterically while progressive heads explode daily!! The WINNING is almost getting boring at this point.........but the fun hasn't even started.

Tomorrow starts the assault on progressivism that will be epic.........and the size of the already giant bumpy cucumbers in the progressives behinds are going to get even more bulbous. Might as well paint the ENVIRONMENT forum title red s0ns!!

Oh and Mammoth........don't forget to pick up some extra KY this weekend!:bye1:

That doesn't make his point any less so. I assume you have Kook in your user name because it about sums you up.

What about my avatar? Like getting a woodie just looking at it (after taking your viagra of course)...

Only total morons don't believe humans are causing climate change. Are you a total moron? (rhetorical question. I don't need an answer)
wow dude, you really are pissed off ain't you? that's all about some butt hurt squabbling there.

And again, Poof it was gone.
And it doesn't matter in the slightest. What I stated is a fact. Geologists are far more capable than a climatologist. Ours is an exact science, and climatology isn't. It is a "soft" science, in the same vein as sociology. In other words it is all about opinion, and not hard, measurable, facts and observations.

Some day you might be clever enough to understand the difference.

Old Rocks just schooled you a lot better than I ever could....over and over again. You've got nothing but opinion.

And you attempt to appeal to authority is laughable.
wow dude, you really are pissed off ain't you? that's all about some butt hurt squabbling there.

And again, Poof it was gone.

Pissed off? I'm, laughing fella. The last time I saw something this dumb he was pulling out of the TPPA...
And it doesn't matter in the slightest. What I stated is a fact. Geologists are far more capable than a climatologist. Ours is an exact science, and climatology isn't. It is a "soft" science, in the same vein as sociology. In other words it is all about opinion, and not hard, measurable, facts and observations.

Some day you might be clever enough to understand the difference.

Old Rocks just schooled you a lot better than I ever could....over and over again. You've got nothing but opinion.

And you attempt to appeal to authority is laughable.

Actually silly boy it is you who are making the laughable appeals to authority or hadn't you noticed olfrauds 98% bullshit meme. Face it junior, it's all you have. I trotted out one of the finest minds in science who, in a little over one minute shows what an abject failure AGW "science" is.
Actually silly boy it is you who are making the laughable appeals to authority or hadn't you noticed olfrauds 98% bullshit meme. Face it junior, it's all you have. I trotted out one of the finest minds in science who, in a little over one minute shows what an abject failure AGW "science" is.

Who did you trot out? I haven't seen all the threads or posts....

You might as well be standing at the north pole screaming "FIRE!".......nothing could be of less interest to the public in 2017......every poll shows it. Only gun control is more of a snoozefest.:bye1:

Oh, lookie. Kookie is wrong....for a change <rolls eyes>

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High
right! according to a poll! that is a year old! stupidity sites an old poll by gallup

so we should believe what rightwingnuts make up in their little uneducated heads?
Actually silly boy it is you who are making the laughable appeals to authority or hadn't you noticed olfrauds 98% bullshit meme. Face it junior, it's all you have. I trotted out one of the finest minds in science who, in a little over one minute shows what an abject failure AGW "science" is.

Who did you trot out? I haven't seen all the threads or posts....

One minute and three seconds that shows how the AGW theory has failed. Pay especial attention to second number 54 of the video.


You might as well be standing at the north pole screaming "FIRE!".......nothing could be of less interest to the public in 2017......every poll shows it. Only gun control is more of a snoozefest.:bye1:

Oh, lookie. Kookie is wrong....for a change <rolls eyes>

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High
right! according to a poll! that is a year old! stupidity sites an old poll by gallup

so we should believe what rightwingnuts make up in their little uneducated heads?

You demand that we pay attention to leftwingnuts. How about we pay attention to both sides but apply the scientific method to it.
Hey this not the shit? Weve been abusing these k00ks for years in here but the last 8 weeks has been off the hook.

In 2017.........climate change is basically irrelevant!!:boobies::boobies::deal:

While not irrelevant, it will no longer be the reason to steal vast amounts of cash from the US taxpayer. And that is a good thing.

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