And POOF, it was gone....

Well then we have a lot of morons out there because most far........don't think climate change is caused by humans!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I thought you didn't believe in the tyranny of the majority. More people? What does that even mean? I bet most people in Green Bay think the Packers are going to win today. And they might. Then again, they might not. Most people? RAFLMAO...must be true then!
Show us some quantifiable science then. Not a computer model, mind you, but a real piece of empirical data.

It is all done on modelling. That is how they work it out. You know that. Empirical data? Arctic ice shelf is melting. Fact.

What do you think melting ice proves beyond the fact that it is warmer?....whether the climate changes...warmer and cooler isn't a contentious point....whether or not man is responsible is the argument and again...there isn't the first piece of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural variation...

This gold standard ice core temperature reconstruction taken above the arctic circle shows the temperature for the past 10,000 years...looking at the temperature over the past 10,000 years, how do you think the present arctic ice looks compared to most of the period shown in the graph?


Keep telling yourself that s0n........maybe it'll remove some of the stinginess from that vast bumpy cucumber that resides in your backside this fine day!!!

But wait'll tomorrow comes get some KY refills because this shit is gonna get beyond hysterical, especially the climate change shit!!:deal::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

IE = "you're right Grump. I have nothing."

I know, Kook. I know..

Keep telling yourself that s0n........maybe it'll remove some of the stinginess from that vast bumpy cucumber that resides in your backside this fine day!!!

But wait'll tomorrow comes get some KY refills because this shit is gonna get beyond hysterical, especially the climate change shit!!:deal::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

IE = "you're right Grump. I have nothing."

I know, Kook. I know..

So now you are just making up arguments to rail against?...guess that's easier than facing the fact that you have no actual evidence to support your beliefs...much better for you to tilt against windmills and rail against straw men.

And taking bows least I don't have a ghey cat in my avatar!:2up:

The crazy guy is watching the political landscape and laughing hysterically while progressive heads explode daily!! The WINNING is almost getting boring at this point.........but the fun hasn't even started.

Tomorrow starts the assault on progressivism that will be epic.........and the size of the already giant bumpy cucumbers in the progressives behinds are going to get even more bulbous. Might as well paint the ENVIRONMENT forum title red s0ns!!

Oh and Mammoth........don't forget to pick up some extra KY this weekend!:bye1:

That doesn't make his point any less so. I assume you have Kook in your user name because it about sums you up.

What about my avatar? Like getting a woodie just looking at it (after taking your viagra of course)...

Only total morons don't believe humans are causing climate change. Are you a total moron? (rhetorical question. I don't need an answer)

I love the hyperbole... no facts... just lots of unprovable BS..
I love the hyperbole... no facts... just lots of unprovable BS..

I'm bringing just as many 'facts' as the other side to the debate. All their stuff is unprovable....

Actually, the only fact you are bringing is the fact that you have been duped into believing in a bunch of pseudoscience without the first bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence to back it up...

What's the matter Dr. seemed so sure that such evidence existed in abundance...claimed that your climate scientist buds had reams of it...what's the matter...can't they help you out?...won't they set you up with a single shred of such evidence?
Show us some quantifiable science then. Not a computer model, mind you, but a real piece of empirical data.

It is all done on modelling. That is how they work it out. You know that. Empirical data? Arctic ice shelf is melting. Fact.

Do you understand that modelling isn't science, but science fiction? Do YOU understand that?
I thought you didn't believe in the tyranny of the majority. More people? What does that even mean? I bet most people in Green Bay think the Packers are going to win today. And they might. Then again, they might not. Most people? RAFLMAO...must be true then!
So, when a simpleton study says most scientist believe in man made global warming, you agree, it is tyranny of the majority, and it does not prove a thing.
Show us some quantifiable science then. Not a computer model, mind you, but a real piece of empirical data.

It is all done on modelling. That is how they work it out. You know that. Empirical data? Arctic ice shelf is melting. Fact.

But nobody is caring..............:spinner:

Show me where anybody is giving a fuck s0n?:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You might as well be standing at the north pole screaming "FIRE!".......nothing could be of less interest to the public in 2017......every poll shows it. Only gun control is more of a snoozefest.:bye1:
Show us some quantifiable science then. Not a computer model, mind you, but a real piece of empirical data.

It is all done on modelling. That is how they work it out. You know that. Empirical data? Arctic ice shelf is melting. Fact.

But nobody is caring..............:spinner:

Show me where anybody is giving a fuck s0n?:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Huh? Literally 10s of millions, if not 100s of millions do. What? You live under a rock or something Kookie?
I thought you didn't believe in the tyranny of the majority. More people? What does that even mean? I bet most people in Green Bay think the Packers are going to win today. And they might. Then again, they might not. Most people? RAFLMAO...must be true then!
So, when a simpleton study says most scientist believe in man made global warming, you agree, it is tyranny of the majority, and it does not prove a thing.

Oh please. One minute one of you loons (Kookie) says the majority rules. The next you say it doesn't. Get on the same page.
Yeah, I believe scientists instead of loons on a messageboard. Gee, I wonder why?
Oh, please, you are far less believable when you say what you believe...even if you pop out with a emo proof of 'concern'. Concern trolling intense? Is that what you are now?

Americans are more concerned now, than ever before? You believe this and post crap to prove it?

Because you're so wrong when you believe lies.

You end up screwing good people with your belief of the lies of others...since you take the lies too far without f'n verification.

I've seen you screw people up just for a 'thanks' from a skirt...when you knew you were wrong.
Oh please. One minute one of you loons (Kookie) says the majority rules. The next you say it doesn't. Get on the same page.
Yeah, I believe scientists instead of loons on a messageboard. Gee, I wonder why?
Sorry, we are individuals and will not "lock step", as you demand. So you believe majority makes a hypothesis a fact? Based on a study that one man made, claiming the studies he looked out, speak for a majority of scientists? Yea, I get it, you believe. Me, I require proof, which is Science. You follow a study that speaks to what you believe. Good to know.
Oh please. One minute one of you loons (Kookie) says the majority rules. The next you say it doesn't. Get on the same page.
Yeah, I believe scientists instead of loons on a messageboard. Gee, I wonder why?
Sorry, we are individuals and will not "lock step", as you demand. So you believe majority makes a hypothesis a fact? Based on a study that one man made, claiming the studies he looked out, speak for a majority of scientists? Yea, I get it, you believe. Me, I require proof, which is Science. You follow a study that speaks to what you believe. Good to know.

Ah yes. It's all about 'me. me. me!!"

You might as well be standing at the north pole screaming "FIRE!".......nothing could be of less interest to the public in 2017......every poll shows it. Only gun control is more of a snoozefest.:bye1:

Oh, lookie. Kookie is wrong....for a change <rolls eyes>

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High
right! according to a poll! that is a year old! stupidity sites an old poll by gallup

Well, why don't you and Kookie loon show me a more recent poll supporting your POV?

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