And Now, A Message From Jesus...

The reason all these folks want to go to Heaven is because they know Carla won't be there.

Carla won't be there, and neither will you. :banana:
If matter cannot be destroyed, we all meet at the end becomming one big glob of matter smooshed together. The particles which make up our bodies remain after we die. As our bodies decompose the particles become part of other things. Evenetually the Sun'll enter its' red giant phase, expand and swallow up the first three planets of the solar system. As the Earth is incinerated and all the particles of every living and non-living thing float out into space or get vaporized by the Sun they'll break down into elementary particles. A big cloud of them, all of us, together at last. :)

Yikes! :biggrin:

No, I'll be here brushing Crisco on you and throwing you into that (gasp, shudder, shake, quake) Lake of Fire. We'll all have a tailgate part and roast some marsh mellows and wieners. Have a cold one or two.

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