And just like that American world leadership ends with a whimper


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
China, France companies complete first cross-border Yuan settlement of LNG trade - Daily Times

Our long standing Ally, France, first realized they could no longer trust America under Biden and the democrat Party after they changed USA into Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan.

Now to turn the knife, they have agreed to settled their LNG trade not in US dollars, but in Chinese Yuan.

China has been dumping US Treasuries and using the proceeds to buy gold

Russia will set up a gold exchange to compete against the absolutely, completely corrupt LBMA, the Ukraine of commodity exchanges. They have actively suppressed the value of precious metals for decades.

This will end with blood in the streets in the USA, not today, and not tomorrow. But when people realize how completely our corrupt government fucked us - the kindling pile will ignite
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The end of the petro dollar is close & our economic house of cards will crumble.

It will go slowly at first, like it is now. First the Saudis announced they will settle for non-dollars on oil trades, now other countries following.
Brics has been grabbing up the global south & the Asian version is out there as well.

Down the road it's going to go much more quickly. The rest of the world is sick of America being the bully on the block with a fake halo as cover.
That will crash us worse than the Great Depression
China has been dumping US Treasuries and using the proceeds to buy gold

Russia will set up a gold exchange

I've a poor understanding of how global fiats are created , or fail for that matter
Isn't there a central point, world bank that dictates a benchmark?
How are rare earths able to factor in, when in finite quantities?
Where does this whole digital dollar fit in?

Why do you think the Demonicreeps are "cleansing" the Ukraine and money laundering our money into Yuans, Euros, and Pounds?

The Ukraine will be their safe haven once they've demolished us. "Take the money and run" is what they are doing, if their oligarchy takeover doesn't work.

Obozo sold off most of our gold reserves to Jinping when he was in slithering around in the White House. Fort Knox is just an empty building now.
Since when has anybody floated the thought that they do or are expected to ? Apart from you ?

And floated an irrelevance as great as asking about the price of cabbage as though an answer had geo political relevance?
Frankly, other nations have traded in whatever currency they want, there is no law that states a nation must use the dollar. Having a foreign currency in other nations devalues their currency.
I've a poor understanding of how global fiats are created , or fail for that matter
Isn't there a central point, world bank that dictates a benchmark?
How are rare earths able to factor in, when in finite quantities?
Where does this whole digital dollar fit in?

Wonder if you are over intellectualising .
Fiat currencies are just an expression of convenience bartering .
They persist as long as those using the system are happy that the system is fair and honest.
One way users fall out is when debts cannot be met. Current or reasonably projected .
The USA .
Or when Trust has disappeared.
The USA .
Digitalisation is just an expression of convenience and control .
Rare earths are just an asset class but can be fluid to the extent that their value is / isn't accurately known or declared.
There is no such thig as a World Bank other than a created organisation that is universally trusted by all of its clients .
If the Fed is seen as the ultimate bank , its days are numbered . It is a private entity and exists on imaginary money .
Just a matter of time before it disappears and the petrodollar is replaced.
Wonder if you are over intellectualising .
moi? doubtful.....
One way users fall out is when debts cannot be met. Current or reasonably projected .
The USA .
Ok, so Janet Yellen is yammering on and on.....we've assumed so many trillions in much that there are not enough 'buyers' ???
Digitalisation is just an expression of convenience and control .
I was just listening to Tucker prattle on over this.......he did have a point


Well, that's funny.

I don't remember the Trumpsters screaming about the MASSIVE investment agreement China signed with the ENTIRE EU when their ignorant, isolationist deity was in office and the EU knew it couldn't depend on us.

Fortunately the deal fell through, coincidentally (or not) after Biden won.

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moi? doubtful.....

Ok, so Janet Yellen is yammering on and on.....we've assumed so many trillions in much that there are not enough 'buyers' ???

I was just listening to Tucker prattle on over this.......he did have a point


Funny how debt was not an issue from 2017-2021.
Well, that's funny.

I don't remember the Trumpsters screaming about the MASSIVE investment agreement China signed with the ENTIRE EU when their ignorant deity as in office.

Fortunately the deal fell through, coincidentally after Biden won.

They do have very short memories because they are so myopic.
Frankly, other nations have traded in whatever currency they want, there is no law that states a nation must use the dollar. Having a foreign currency in other nations devalues their currency.
So why not say something like that in the first place , and in English?
But you state what we all know . Nations prefer to have a commmon system for convenience and efficiency primarily .
The extent you tie your fiat currency to others , or , a common standard (gold for example ) again primarily reflects convenience plus risk management.
So why not say something like that in the first place , and in English?
But you state what we all know . Nations prefer to have a commmon system for convenience and efficiency primarily .
The extent you tie your fiat currency to others , or , a common standard (gold for example ) again primarily reflects convenience plus risk management.
Now that we have the futures market controlling prices the oil dollar is insignificant. Again, sending US dollars to other nations devalues their money and creates inflation which is why we have done it for years and other big dollar nations want in on it.
China, France companies complete first cross-border Yuan settlement of LNG trade - Daily Times

Our long standing Ally, France, first realized they could no longer trust America under Biden and the democrat Party after they changed USA into Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan.

Now to turn the knife, they have agreed to settled their LNG trade not in US dollars, but in Chinese Yuan.

China has been dumping US Treasuries and using the proceeds to buy gold

Russia will set up a gold exchange to compete against the absolutely, completely corrupt LBMA, the Ukraine of commodity exchanges. They have actively suppressed the value of precious metals for decades.

This will end with blood in the streets in the USA, not today, and not tomorrow. But when people realize how completely our corrupt government fucked us - the kindling pile will ignite
Trump did the fucking, pal. and the world is thankful that he is no longer. Trump set the Afghan thing up by not including the Afghan government in the negotiations, and the French are aware of that.
The Afghan army disbanded, leaving a huge mess for the President to deal with.
The West discriminates against people it does not like, robs, napalm-fries, kills them with radioactive shells, destroys their temples and mosques.
The rest of the time, the West loves to lecture others, talking about democracy, freedom of speech, and human rights.

Model scum of the earth.

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