Ancient message in Genesis to the world

I thought we were talking about Ezekiel. There's no mention of Jesus in the Torah.

That's like saying.........there is no mention of Dinosaurs in the bible. Which is true because the term did not exist until centuries later, however the creatures are addressed in scripture under different titles.
Real slow.............

M E S S I A H: To Abraham was made the promise that his seed (the seed of Abraham) would be a gateway to the enemies of his descendants and a blessing to the entire world. (Genesis 22:17-18). Jesus fulfilled both the prophecies as being the Messiah. Jesus defeated the very nation that destroyed Israel.........ROME while Abraham's seed continues to be a blessing to the world, growing become the largest religion on earth as Christians are heirs to the promises made to father Abraham. (Gal. 3:28-29)
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Sorry, No Third Coming, Even for a Different Promised One

More proof that the Second Coming was guaranteed in the lifetime of the first Christians to get them all smug about how they would wind up. Only when that didn't happen did the Church's clerics claim that was a misinterpretation.

And if there is any Old Testament prophecy about the Second Coming, it was fulfilled when the Messiah came back from the dead on the first Easter Sunday.
Historically, God has judged Israel’s oppressors, such as when He sent the Medes to drive out the Babylonians (Is 13:17-19). He also often set Israel against foreign powers as judgment against her enemies. The Lord accompanied Israel in a cloud to judge Egypt (Is 19:1). Nahum referred to clouds as the dust of God’s feet when He judged Nineveh (1:3).

As with foreign nations, God had also judged Israel in the past. He set Assyria against Israel as judgment, and likewise Babylon against Judea. In His cloud of heaven, the Lord came in a final judgment against Jerusalem when He set Rome against it. He exhorted the church at Thyatira to “hold fast what you have until I come.” (Rv 2:25) The Lord was promising his presence amid this admonition, that he would be in Jerusalem on that final Day of Judgment when the temple burned, just as he had accompanied his armies in judgments past. Long before humbling himself to take on the form of a man, Jesus was the devoted rock who stood by his people, however grateful or ungrateful they might have been.

Christ was the Rock who followed the faithful in Israel (though the faithful among them were few and far between) (1 Cor 10:4-5). Third coming? According to Scripture, it has already happened.
That's like saying.........there is no mention of Dinosaurs in the bible. Which is true because the term did not exist until centuries later, however the creatures are addressed in scripture under different titles.
Real slow.............

M E S S I A H: To Abraham was made the promise that his seed (the seed of Abraham) would be a gateway to the enemies of his descendants and a blessing to the entire world. (Genesis 22:17-18). Jesus fulfilled both the prophecies as being the Messiah. Jesus defeated the very nation that destroyed Israel.........ROME while Abraham's seed continues to be a blessing to the world, growing become the largest religion on earth as Christians are heirs to the promises made to father Abraham. (Gal. 3:28-29)

Jesus didn't defeat Rome.
Jesus didn't defeat Rome.
Yeah..........Rome never capitulated to Christianity and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.....nor did Rome ever claim to be God's spokesman on earth in the form of the POPE and RCC. Never happened. The Roman Empire began to crumble just after Christianity was made the state religion...........Rome then attempted to use Christianity as a tool to replace the failing military might of the Empire and accomplish what the military could not, world conquest. Its just a "quinky dink" that the Western Roman Empire began to fall about the same time that Christianity consumed the Empire.....right........err........LEFT(radical)?

As I stated can't hide from history actual by presenting a few platitudes in place of facts.

1. Rome was the enemy of those descended from Abraham in the fact that the Roman Empire destroyed the nation of Biblical Israel from the face of the earth beginning around 66 AD when the Jews revolted against the Empire.

2. Rome continued to be the enemy of Abraham's descendants until Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman Empire, after having "legalized" Christianity in 313 AD, Christianity became the exclusive and formal state religion in 380 AD....strange is it not that the military might of Rome and the Empire began to fail about the same Of course taking on a religion that propagates a message of peace had nothing to do with Romes failing military might. :abgg2q.jpg:

Again..........Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection lines up to perfection concerning the prophecies of the O.T in the coming of the Messiah......just as predicted in (Jer.31-31-34)........the promise made to Abraham declared that his (Abraham's) seed would be the "GATEWAY" to defeating the enemies of his seed......(Genesis 22:15-18). Also note the promise to make the seed of Abraham as numberous as the visible stars in the sky......remind me, how many people on earth claim to be Christian.....when this religion began with one carpenters son and 12 friends? Over 1/3 the world's population are Christian proving the prophecy is true. Christianity is the largest religion on earth........ can't hide from FACTS
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Yeah..........Rome never capitulated to Christianity and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.....nor did Rome ever claim to be God's spokesman on earth in the form of the POPE and RCC. Never happened. The Roman Empire began to crumble just after Christianity was made the state religion...........Rome then attempted to use Christianity as a tool to replace the failing military might of the Empire and accomplish what the military could not, world conquest. Its just a "quinky dink" that the Western Roman Empire began to fall about the same time that Christianity consumed the Empire.....right........err........LEFT(radical)?

As I stated can't hide from history actual by presenting a few platitudes in place of facts.

1. Rome was the enemy of those descended from Abraham in the fact that the Roman Empire destroyed the nation of Biblical Israel from the face of the earth beginning around 66 AD when the Jews revolted against the Empire.

2. Rome continued to be the enemy of Abraham's descendants until Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman Empire, after having "legalized" Christianity in 313 AD, Christianity became the exclusive and formal state religion in 380 AD....strange is it not that the military might of Rome and the Empire began to fail about the same Of course taking on a religion that propagates a message of peace had nothing to do with Romes failing military might. :abgg2q.jpg:

Again..........Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection lines up to perfection concerning the prophecies of the O.T in the coming of the Messiah......just as predicted in (Jer.31-31-34)........the promise made to Abraham declared that his (Abraham's) seed would be the "GATEWAY" to defeating the enemies of his seed......(Genesis 22:15-18). Also note the promise to make the seed of Abraham as numberous as the visible stars in the sky......remind me, how many people on earth claim to be Christian.....when this religion began with one carpenters son and 12 friends? Over 1/3 the world's population are Christian proving the prophecy is true. Christianity is the largest religion on earth........ can't hide from FACTS

Rome destroyed the temple and forced the Jews into exile. There was no victory for the Jews. Christianity didn't take hold in the Roman empire for 300 years. Christianity not Judaism.

Jeremiah wasn't writing about Jesus. He was writing about the end of the Babylonian exile.
Rome destroyed the temple and forced the Jews into exile. There was no victory for the Jews. Christianity didn't take hold in the Roman empire for 300 years. Christianity not Judaism.
Of course. The primitive Christians regarded Rome as an ally of Christ's in the Jewish Wars, particularly in the first one when the Jewish culture collapsed.

Hard to imagine that as the Romans embraced Christianity in the third and fourth centuries while vanquishing paganism, Rome and Christ would have been at odds.

The Roman Empire did not fall at the hands of Christianity.
Of course. The primitive Christians regarded Rome as an ally of Christ's in the Jewish Wars, particularly in the first one when the Jewish culture collapsed.

Hard to imagine that as the Romans embraced Christianity in the third and fourth centuries while vanquishing paganism, Rome and Christ would have been at odds.

The Roman Empire did not fall at the hands of Christianity.

Would you say Jesus defeated Rome?
No. In the New Testament, Rome and Christ were allies. In the centuries following, Rome gradually fell of its own accord: invasions, plague, internal strife, etc.

Thank you. That's my thinking too.

Gog and Magog already invaded. There's no battle of Armageddon.. that's all in the past. Foreign armies already surrounded Jerusalem. The tribulation was over when the temple was destroyed.
the idea that the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD \ marked the END OF JUDAISM is a roman catholic
conceit-----thus the notion that the book of
revulsions is "history" contemporary to that event
No. In the New Testament, Rome and Christ were allies. In the centuries following, Rome gradually fell of its own accord: invasions, plague, internal strife, etc.
where in the NT are ROME AND JESUS "allies"?
In fact the notion of a "roman jesus" is roman
catholic, VERY STRAINED, sophistry
The glaciers took thousands of years to melt. The retreat of the glaciers caused desertification in Arabia and Africa.
????? the glaciers in my home state melted too
and SOMEHOW did not result in DESERTIFICATION.
Check other theories-----even the over grazing of
by all them sheep and goats. Ice melts in my house---even in the "ice bucket" ------in 20 minutes. I have
noticed that ON TV----the ice bucket on the living room side board------ALWAYS HAS INTACT CUBES---
even for people just home from a year in Europe
Of course they will, it just won't be you. You are a christian illiterate.
"epic myth" is a pejorative in suradie-speak. I am
fond of EPIC LITERATURE----from the Ramayana all
the way to Beowulf (beowulf--no so much) In
general----it seems to me to be the very sublime
technique of just about all "SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS"
Satan was bound for a thousand years. Ezekiel was writing to give the Jews hope of restoration during the Babylonian exile.
Good point-----as mushroom primed as he seems to be----Ezekiel seems to be repeating the theme of
eternal redemption of Israel
????? the glaciers in my home state melted too
and SOMEHOW did not result in DESERTIFICATION.
Check other theories-----even the over grazing of
by all them sheep and goats. Ice melts in my house---even in the "ice bucket" ------in 20 minutes. I have
noticed that ON TV----the ice bucket on the living room side board------ALWAYS HAS INTACT CUBES---
even for people just home from a year in Europe

Lolol. Arabia was once a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis. You really are an idiot. Ice bucket? Give me a break. Your insults and attacks are boring and pathetic.
Lolol. Arabia was once a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis. You really are an idiot. Ice bucket? Give me a break. Your insults and attacks are boring and pathetic.
your ability to discern is faulty-----AND the transformation of "arabia" (actually parts of arabia)
into arid wilderness, has nothing to do with melting ice. SOME environmental geniuses cite a LARGE
contribution being over grazing by ROOT GRABBING
herds of ruminants. ----the nomad grocery store
Rome destroyed the temple and forced the Jews into exile. There was no victory for the Jews. Christianity didn't take hold in the Roman empire for 300 years. Christianity not Judaism.

Jeremiah wasn't writing about Jesus. He was writing about the end of the Babylonian exile.

Always attempting to deflect away from your blatant lies and ignorance? :no_text11:

Attempting to "Feign" ignorance in order to deflect does not do away with the historical FACT that the "SEED" of ABRAHAM succeeded in doing what others had failed to do........bring an end to the military might of the Roman Empire.

The Jews were the path used by which the SEED of ABRAHAM would grow to numbers like the stars in heaven (sky). The GATE was Christ Jesus and His kingdom/church.....where today He still resides at the right hand of the Father in Heaven on David's throne as King of the Spiritual Kingdom known today as Christianity.

No where in the prophecy and promise made to the father Abraham was there a declartion made that stated that "THE JEWS" would be the Gateway to the eneimies of the seed. Read be enlightened: it states THE SEED of ABRAHAM would be the Gateway to overcome the faith's enemies (Genesis 22:17-18), ".........I (God) indeed will greatly bless you (Abraham) and I will multiply YOUR SEED as the stars of heavens (sky).........YOUR 'SEED' SHALL POSSESS 'THE GATE' TO 'THEIR' (whose enemies? theirs......the seeds of Abraham) ENEMIES......"

Jesus the founder and chief cornerstone of the Chrisian religion was "......a seed of Abraham......" Gal. 3:16 as is anyone who has been BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST...i.e., the church. (Gal. 3:28-29) For there is neither Jew nor Greek/gentile. All are one when baptized into Jesus and are JOINT HEIRS TO THE PROMISE...........
The victory came when Christianity consumed the Roman Empire and was made the state religion.........a religion that propagted peace. Abraham's SEED most certainly defeated the Roman Empire.....without propagating violence, the Roman Empire was consumed from the inside............the GATE of the enemy was opened by faith in the Living God and His promises made to father Abraham.

To address your 2nd blatant where in Jer. 31:31-34 is mentioned the city of Babylon.....but what is mentioned is the fact that what would change is the LAW (of Moses)......the law that was in effect when God lead the Jews out of Epypt and a NEW LAW........"UNLIKE" the LAW OF MOSES, a new covenant/law would go into effect....first to the JEWS. A law written on their hearts not on stone. Christianity and the covenant of Christ was preached exclusively to the Jews for the 1st 10 years of its existence, as in the promise..........

Show me BABLYON in the passage. This passage is not based upon symbolism but is a literal "prophecy"........there is no Covenant of Babylon existing today.....but there are over 3 Billion Christians.

Again.......attempting to deflect by simple platitudes and deciet does not do away with facts in evidence (3 billion Christians today) and HISTORY ACTUAL. Rome's military might began to fade once the Empire adopted Christianity as a state religion.......there was no time limit established in the promise to Abraham and his seed......not 1 minute, not 3 centuries......which you used as PLATITUDE......trite. AKA as the babblings of a fool. (2 Tim. 2:16). You present.......nothing but bigoted personal opinion, while the FAITH is defended by the actual content of the Holy Word of God.
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Resurrection = Second Coming
There were those in the 1st century tha taught there was only "1" resurrection, Paul found it strange that some in Corinth were claiming there was no resurrection at all.....this type of uninspired gossip spread among a few of the early churches. Paul had to tell some Thessalonias not to grieve over those who died in the faith (1 Thess. 4:13-14). "Hymeneus and Philetus" were teaching that the resurrection had already happened, over and done with (2 Tim.2:17-18).

Thankfully......the concept that there will be no other resurrection is a false ideology and is easily proven in scripture to be false. Its true Christ was rescurrected as the First Fruit (the first harvast) of those who have already died (Acts 26:23, Col. 1:18, Rev. 1:5). It was through one man that death came upon all men, entered the world (Adam). It is also true that by one man, Jesus, that life was returned to the dead (John 11:25, Romans 5:12-19).

The resurrections must take place in order........the term is a military term dealing with marching in ranks with order. Christ was the first....THE REST WILL BE RESURRECTED AT THE RETURN OF CHRIST (John 5:28-29, 1 Thess. 4:16, Col. 3:4). Its at this point comes the end........the final judgment.

Jesus will return the Kingdom and the autority given to Him by the Father.....Jesus will return the authority back to God. (Matthew 28:19, 1 Cor. 15:23-24)

All that Jesus ruled over will have been conquered by the time of the "resurrection" and judgment. (Luke 19:27, Col. 1:20, Phil. 2:10-11, 3:21). The very last thing that will be conquered will be death itself (Hosea 13:14, 2 Tim. 1:10, Heb. 2:14, Rev. 20:14). The implication is that Jesus is STILL RULING as we speak............and will be until He returns to judge the quick and the dead.

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