Ancient aliens debunked


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Baltimore adjacent
When you hear "no one knows how they did it", don't believe it. This guy shows you can use simple techniques and only a few people to move huge weights.

I always loved the aliens taught us everything idea

mostly b/c I loved to ask; Who taught the aliens?

the responses are always a riot.

I want to put this politely but probably will not, but your question is nonsense.

A cause does not need a cause. In other words you happen upon a fire and wonder what caused the fire and you find out it was another hiker. You don't then need to know what created the hiker.

I don't agree with the Ancient Alien theories, at least not all of them. The development of the transistor can be easily traced and the resultant integrated circuit can be seen to be nothing more then developed through "building blocks." First the diode, then the transistor, then integrated circuits then the amazing things we have today. So I disagree that that technology was found at Roswell and reversed engineered.

THAT said. Even if the ancients could create large structures, which they obviously did, my question has always been, why? What was the purpose of Puma Puku? Why and how would giant stones be moved to that height and so precisely carved? With primitive tools. The answer has always been that there were two things the ancients had plenty of, time and people.
"Ancient Aliens" sucks. Done more harm for the UFO movement than all the cover-ups and ridicule by portraying every little kinda remarkable human achievement as being because of aliens.

Well they do have to make a series of it. I don't think they have harmed the UFO movement very much at all. Matter of fact I didn't know there was a movement. First they say that the ancients could not move rocks that big then they point to Coral Castle where one man did move giant rocks, alledgedly.

I think the question is perfectly valid, "how did they do it?" I think your protest is that they come up with the same conclusion, aliens. Take this for an example. It has been estimated that there are 2.7 million stones placed for the great pyramid. Calculation of the Number of Stones in the Great Pyramid
It is also estimated that it was built in 20 years, so simple math tells us 2.7million/20 = 135000/ year or 369/ day or 15/hour or one stone about every 4 minutes 24/7 for 20 years. That just seems incredible. But we know they did it, which makes it more incredible.

The damage they may be doing is overexposure. Such as the big foot shows we are seeing. They ALWAYS come up with the same stuff. A bunch of nothing.
Well they do have to make a series of it. I don't think they have harmed the UFO movement very much at all. Matter of fact I didn't know there was a movement. First they say that the ancients could not move rocks that big then they point to Coral Castle where one man did move giant rocks, alledgedly.

I think the question is perfectly valid, "how did they do it?" I think your protest is that they come up with the same conclusion, aliens. Take this for an example. It has been estimated that there are 2.7 million stones placed for the great pyramid. Calculation of the Number of Stones in the Great Pyramid
It is also estimated that it was built in 20 years, so simple math tells us 2.7million/20 = 135000/ year or 369/ day or 15/hour or one stone about every 4 minutes 24/7 for 20 years. That just seems incredible. But we know they did it, which makes it more incredible.

The damage they may be doing is overexposure. Such as the big foot shows we are seeing. They ALWAYS come up with the same stuff. A bunch of nothing.

Great bit from "Red Dwarf"

Rimmer: What about the pyramids? How did they move such massive pieces of stone without modern technology?

Lister: They had massive whips Rimmer. Massive massive whips. :)
Great bit from "Red Dwarf"

Rimmer: What about the pyramids? How did they move such massive pieces of stone without modern technology?

Lister: They had massive whips Rimmer. Massive massive whips. :)

Here is something I do find interesting, Tesla and his communications with aliens. Which I believe kept Tesla from the acclaim of acedamia. After all Tesla was first to claim light acted like a wave and a particle, yet Eienstein won a nobel prize. He also proposed that atoms act like little galazies, to which Neal Boors won an nobel prize.

Thing I don't like about the Ancient Aliens episodes is how as above, they credit aliens for human achievements. Plus every episode is pure speculation and conjecture. Not an ounce of proof anywhere ever. It's complete crap.
Saw a show long ago, done by scientists a few years after "Chariots of the Gods" came out. They explained the Nazca lines, the Easter Island statues, and a host of other "mysteries" that the ancient alien crowd likes to point to.

There are no aliens, there hasn't been any aliens, and there won't be any aliens. Except the illegal kind.
I want to put this politely but probably will not, but your question is nonsense.

A cause does not need a cause. In other words you happen upon a fire and wonder what caused the fire and you find out it was another hiker. You don't then need to know what created the hiker.

I don't agree with the Ancient Alien theories, at least not all of them. The development of the transistor can be easily traced and the resultant integrated circuit can be seen to be nothing more then developed through "building blocks." First the diode, then the transistor, then integrated circuits then the amazing things we have today. So I disagree that that technology was found at Roswell and reversed engineered.

THAT said. Even if the ancients could create large structures, which they obviously did, my question has always been, why? What was the purpose of Puma Puku? Why and how would giant stones be moved to that height and so precisely carved? With primitive tools. The answer has always been that there were two things the ancients had plenty of, time and people.

the answer was always other aliens or older races and so on.
Saw a show long ago, done by scientists a few years after "Chariots of the Gods" came out. They explained the Nazca lines, the Easter Island statues, and a host of other "mysteries" that the ancient alien crowd likes to point to.

There are no aliens, there hasn't been any aliens, and there won't be any aliens. Except the illegal kind.
I'm sure there are aliens , they just avoid coming here. somewhere outside our solar system a gigantic sign reads "thar be cannibals, beware."....

the answer was always other aliens or older races and so on.

Look at it this way. When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock they knew lots of stuff the Indians didn't know, as did the Indian know stuff the Pilgrims didn't know. I am not saying that you didn't receive dumb answers only that your question really doesn't prove anything.
I can see why there are people that support the fact that aliens built the pyramids and things like that. In all honesty though I think there is no way that they could have done things like that. There are too many facts that go into supporting the fact that the ancient Egyptians built those pyramids. Also there would have been a monumental amount of writings about an alien building a pyramid. That's not something that would have fallen by the way side. That's something that would have been written about countless times over. A lot of the math we have today has been proven to be used in building the pyramids. People in some cases may have invented some math principles in order to be able to even build these pyramids. Plus all the countless writings we have about the Jewish slaves being used to build the different monuments of the Egyptian empire. The stories of how hard they pushed these people to build these great buildings. The other thing is the stuff about the Jews doesn't come from just the bible. These are things that we have learned about in history class all the way through school. So all in all I don't think there is any way that the aliens had anything to do with things like the pyramids. I think there is too much evidence pointing toward the fact that the slaves of Egypt did it. I think the reason people sometimes say things like this is because they don't want to believe the fact that there were great invasions being made in the math and science world even back then all of the those years ago. I understand some skeptics may say that with the amount of technology they had, there is no way they could have don't things like that. In reality there is and that's just one of the things that makes the human race so impressive.

I don't believe aliens built the pyramids, lol. But I do consider the strong possibility that many religions may have have had extraterrestrial encounters with forces beyond our comprehension.


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