Michael, listen carefully, Rush has it right this time! I speak for the untold millions of Americans alarmed at the direction this Administration is heading, a direction caused, in part, by the weakness of the Republican Party which has been trying to mold its imagine into everything for everybody. A GOP that thinks it needs to moderate its tone and work in the middle because of a mistaken belief it needs to be more liberal to attract more diverse crowds. I used to be a Republican, in fact I am still a Reagan Republican. Im not, however, affiliated anymore with this latest version, Democrat Lite, which tries to be everything to everybody. Why are you so apologetic for Obama? I never see Democrats ever chastise their members for insulting Republicans! There are no niceties in war and we are in a war for the heart and soul of our nation! Be a Warrior!
I agree with Rush! Let me be loud and clear when I say I dont want to Obama to succeed! I dont want him to inject socialism as the cure for our economic ills! I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer. Obama promises much more than economic recovery, his plans are no more than the social restructuring of our entire culture. I dont want to see my freedoms erode, liberal social values jammed down my throat! I want the American people to see first hand that liberal policies are dead wrong and the answer is a 2nd Reagan Revolution which gets the government the hell out of our way and lets the American people and their ingenuity restore the economy!
We Americans have become so fat and lazy. We feel economic prosperity is a right, everyone should be in a two car garage house, luxury cars, college educations paid for all of our kids, paid much more than our worth at work. We have forgotten the pain it took for so many of our ancestors to make this nation what it is. We have forgotten it takes hard work and sacrifice to be successful. We know no longer look at ourselves as Americans but prefer hyphenating our culture into African-American, Hispanic-American, European-American, etc. keeping us separate. Damn it, we are just Americans! We no longer remember why our parents and grandparents left their homes when they came to these shores. It was opportunity, reward, and freedom. Reagan made us believe in ourselves over government, why is this not hard to understand? This economy is not the worst in history as Obama wants us to believe. I remember the late 70s and it was much worse, the problem here is not the downturn it is the American naivety to believe what the press and liberals are saying, all of which is a ploy to get the people to go along with the program. As World War II brought forth the greatest generation out of the ashes of the Depression, I am confident the American people can come out of any economic downturn stronger than ever.
You need to wake up and realize that low income wage earners are quite content with looking to the government for as many handouts and support as they can find. Unless the GOP decides to endorse welfare, you will NEVER get their votes so quit trying. Envy of those that are more well off has been with the human race since the notion of wealth was born, you will never get rid of it. Dont try to pander to those who look to others to enrich themselves. The Democrats know this and use it to an art form.
Do you think they really care a whit for the poor?
Do you know of any liberal politician who grew up in poverty?
Do any ever tell us how welfare was able to pick their families up and they are the living proof it succeeds?
I can find alot more people (myself included) who can tell stories how poor they were when they grew up and crawled out of that life through hard work and opportunity. The liberals know full well that the more programs they create, the more they can hook, and the more votes they reserve for themselves, thats the motivation. Class warfare is a classis liberal tool. Liberals crave power and the riches they generate. Socialism is their ideal tool as it entraps the citizenry to become slaves of the government.
You will NEVER get the vote of the homosexuals, or the abortionists, or the liberal professors, or the union bosses so QUIT TRYING TO APPEASE THEM! Our fundamental ideology is antithesis to their agenda so lets not pretend anymore ok? Appeal to the core who seek to benefit the most from a pure GOP agenda, show the middle and upper classes that they will gain from a conservative platform.
Show us how you will no longer raid our pockets to pay for government largess.
Show us how you will reign in the federal government.
Show us how you will fight to retain our rights.
Show us how you will reduce government in our lives.
Show us how you will not allow social engineering to intrude into our beliefs.
Show us how you will reward hard work and opportunity.
The energized middle and upper income population is way more powerful than any voting block in this nation. We just arent as noisy as the liberal neocon screamers as we are too busy working for a living to go out and protest. We are there though, quiet and waiting for you to give us a reason to vote for you. You want us to have faith in you, why not have faith in us? Bring us the 2nd Contract with America and not let the corrupt politicians who get elected abuse it again.
My daddy used to say you are defined more by your failures than your successes. Let the last two elections serve as that education. People dont care about complaints liberals make whenever we challenge their agenda. That can call us haters all they want. Remember, conservatives vote on principle, liberals vote to win. Give us the reason to vote and we will retake our country.
I agree with Rush! Let me be loud and clear when I say I dont want to Obama to succeed! I dont want him to inject socialism as the cure for our economic ills! I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer. Obama promises much more than economic recovery, his plans are no more than the social restructuring of our entire culture. I dont want to see my freedoms erode, liberal social values jammed down my throat! I want the American people to see first hand that liberal policies are dead wrong and the answer is a 2nd Reagan Revolution which gets the government the hell out of our way and lets the American people and their ingenuity restore the economy!
We Americans have become so fat and lazy. We feel economic prosperity is a right, everyone should be in a two car garage house, luxury cars, college educations paid for all of our kids, paid much more than our worth at work. We have forgotten the pain it took for so many of our ancestors to make this nation what it is. We have forgotten it takes hard work and sacrifice to be successful. We know no longer look at ourselves as Americans but prefer hyphenating our culture into African-American, Hispanic-American, European-American, etc. keeping us separate. Damn it, we are just Americans! We no longer remember why our parents and grandparents left their homes when they came to these shores. It was opportunity, reward, and freedom. Reagan made us believe in ourselves over government, why is this not hard to understand? This economy is not the worst in history as Obama wants us to believe. I remember the late 70s and it was much worse, the problem here is not the downturn it is the American naivety to believe what the press and liberals are saying, all of which is a ploy to get the people to go along with the program. As World War II brought forth the greatest generation out of the ashes of the Depression, I am confident the American people can come out of any economic downturn stronger than ever.
You need to wake up and realize that low income wage earners are quite content with looking to the government for as many handouts and support as they can find. Unless the GOP decides to endorse welfare, you will NEVER get their votes so quit trying. Envy of those that are more well off has been with the human race since the notion of wealth was born, you will never get rid of it. Dont try to pander to those who look to others to enrich themselves. The Democrats know this and use it to an art form.
Do you think they really care a whit for the poor?
Do you know of any liberal politician who grew up in poverty?
Do any ever tell us how welfare was able to pick their families up and they are the living proof it succeeds?
I can find alot more people (myself included) who can tell stories how poor they were when they grew up and crawled out of that life through hard work and opportunity. The liberals know full well that the more programs they create, the more they can hook, and the more votes they reserve for themselves, thats the motivation. Class warfare is a classis liberal tool. Liberals crave power and the riches they generate. Socialism is their ideal tool as it entraps the citizenry to become slaves of the government.
You will NEVER get the vote of the homosexuals, or the abortionists, or the liberal professors, or the union bosses so QUIT TRYING TO APPEASE THEM! Our fundamental ideology is antithesis to their agenda so lets not pretend anymore ok? Appeal to the core who seek to benefit the most from a pure GOP agenda, show the middle and upper classes that they will gain from a conservative platform.
Show us how you will no longer raid our pockets to pay for government largess.
Show us how you will reign in the federal government.
Show us how you will fight to retain our rights.
Show us how you will reduce government in our lives.
Show us how you will not allow social engineering to intrude into our beliefs.
Show us how you will reward hard work and opportunity.
The energized middle and upper income population is way more powerful than any voting block in this nation. We just arent as noisy as the liberal neocon screamers as we are too busy working for a living to go out and protest. We are there though, quiet and waiting for you to give us a reason to vote for you. You want us to have faith in you, why not have faith in us? Bring us the 2nd Contract with America and not let the corrupt politicians who get elected abuse it again.
My daddy used to say you are defined more by your failures than your successes. Let the last two elections serve as that education. People dont care about complaints liberals make whenever we challenge their agenda. That can call us haters all they want. Remember, conservatives vote on principle, liberals vote to win. Give us the reason to vote and we will retake our country.