An example of how Trump supporters get manipulated.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Anthony Fauci goes sideways
Fauci repeatedly dismissed Ingraham’s dodgy premises in an interview that reinforced how punditry like Ingraham’s has flown in the face of what health officials are saying.

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Dr. Phil is getting all the attention this morning. But it might have been her interview Thursday with an actual medical doctor, Anthony S. Fauci, that best spotlighted conservative media’s odd, speculative and suspect coverage of the coronavirus.
Ingraham has been one of the leading conservative skeptics of health officials’ response to the virus. She has repeatedly attacked the models used to project death tolls and argued that those officials have oversold the threat and ruined the economy by hijacking public policy.
So welcoming Fauci to her show would have seemed a good opportunity to press perhaps the most preeminent figure on these issues. For Ingraham, though, it didn’t turn out so well."
In order to understand the dynamic here, in other words what Faux was trying to achieve, we need to put aside how Fauci turned Laura inside out with the responses to her questions.

Because this interview was never about getting to the truth. Faux has little interest in that. The purpose of the interview was to reinforce the notion of Fauci as the foil to re-opening the economy. Something Trumpworld has been trying to achieve ever since Tony began contradicting the infallible Supreme Leader weeks ago. Trump needs the minions to have a target of their ire. It can't be him for dropping the response ball. So he needs to find an alternative. Entire Fauci.

For an added theatrical touch Fauci's interview was put in stark contrast by using one of Faux's favorite ploys, giving equal weight to the opinions of non-experts compared to those of real ones. Enter (Dr?) Phil........who offered quite a few suspect analogies but no factual information. Who cares! That wasn't his job. His job was to throw shade on Tony. To leave gullible pawns with the misguided notion there are experts who disagree on the efficacy of doing what Trumpleton #1 is trying to goad governors in to doing. How is Don planning to achieve that end? By getting members of the The Following to hit the streets and put pressure on state and local governments to do the wrong thing too quickly.

'Work conquers all': Protests erupt in state capitals nationwide over coronavirus restrictions

I'll say this. Team Trump are master manipulators. They have cultists wrapped around their fingers.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Anthony Fauci goes sideways
Fauci repeatedly dismissed Ingraham’s dodgy premises in an interview that reinforced how punditry like Ingraham’s has flown in the face of what health officials are saying.

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Dr. Phil is getting all the attention this morning. But it might have been her interview Thursday with an actual medical doctor, Anthony S. Fauci, that best spotlighted conservative media’s odd, speculative and suspect coverage of the coronavirus.
Ingraham has been one of the leading conservative skeptics of health officials’ response to the virus. She has repeatedly attacked the models used to project death tolls and argued that those officials have oversold the threat and ruined the economy by hijacking public policy.
So welcoming Fauci to her show would have seemed a good opportunity to press perhaps the most preeminent figure on these issues. For Ingraham, though, it didn’t turn out so well."
In order to understand the dynamic here, in other words what Faux was trying to achieve, we need to put aside how Fauci turned Laura inside out with the responses to her questions.

Because this interview was never about getting to the truth. Faux has little interest in that. The purpose of the interview was to reinforce the notion of Fauci as the foil to re-opening the economy. Something Trumpworld has been trying to achieve ever since Tony began contradicting the infallible Supreme Leader weeks ago. Trump needs the minions to have a target of their ire. It can't be him for dropping the response ball. So he needs to find an alternative. Entire Fauci.

For an added theatrical touch Fauci's interview was put in stark contrast by using one of Faux's favorite ploys, giving equal weight to the opinions of non-experts compared to those of real ones. Enter (Dr?) Phil........who offered quite a few suspect analogies but no factual information. Who cares! That wasn't his job. His job was to throw shade on Tony. To leave gullible pawns with the misguided notion there are experts who disagree on the efficacy of doing what Trumpleton #1 is trying to goad governors in to doing. How is Don planning to achieve that end? By getting members of the The Following to hit the streets and put pressure on state and local governments to do the wrong thing too quickly.

'Work conquers all': Protests erupt in state capitals nationwide over coronavirus restrictions

I'll say this. Team Trump are master manipulators. They have cultists wrapped around their fingers.
Open the economy and have younger people shop for older people...problem solved.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Anthony Fauci goes sideways
Fauci repeatedly dismissed Ingraham’s dodgy premises in an interview that reinforced how punditry like Ingraham’s has flown in the face of what health officials are saying.

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Dr. Phil is getting all the attention this morning. But it might have been her interview Thursday with an actual medical doctor, Anthony S. Fauci, that best spotlighted conservative media’s odd, speculative and suspect coverage of the coronavirus.
Ingraham has been one of the leading conservative skeptics of health officials’ response to the virus. She has repeatedly attacked the models used to project death tolls and argued that those officials have oversold the threat and ruined the economy by hijacking public policy.
So welcoming Fauci to her show would have seemed a good opportunity to press perhaps the most preeminent figure on these issues. For Ingraham, though, it didn’t turn out so well."
In order to understand the dynamic here, in other words what Faux was trying to achieve, we need to put aside how Fauci turned Laura inside out with the responses to her questions.

Because this interview was never about getting to the truth. Faux has little interest in that. The purpose of the interview was to reinforce the notion of Fauci as the foil to re-opening the economy. Something Trumpworld has been trying to achieve ever since Tony began contradicting the infallible Supreme Leader weeks ago. Trump needs the minions to have a target of their ire. It can't be him for dropping the response ball. So he needs to find an alternative. Entire Fauci.

For an added theatrical touch Fauci's interview was put in stark contrast by using one of Faux's favorite ploys, giving equal weight to the opinions of non-experts compared to those of real ones. Enter (Dr?) Phil........who offered quite a few suspect analogies but no factual information. Who cares! That wasn't his job. His job was to throw shade on Tony. To leave gullible pawns with the misguided notion there are experts who disagree on the efficacy of doing what Trumpleton #1 is trying to goad governors in to doing. How is Don planning to achieve that end? By getting members of the The Following to hit the streets and put pressure on state and local governments to do the wrong thing too quickly.

'Work conquers all': Protests erupt in state capitals nationwide over coronavirus restrictions

I'll say this. Team Trump are master manipulators. They have cultists wrapped around their fingers.
laura ingraham?....there is your problem.....
Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Anthony Fauci goes sideways
Fauci repeatedly dismissed Ingraham’s dodgy premises in an interview that reinforced how punditry like Ingraham’s has flown in the face of what health officials are saying.

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Dr. Phil is getting all the attention this morning. But it might have been her interview Thursday with an actual medical doctor, Anthony S. Fauci, that best spotlighted conservative media’s odd, speculative and suspect coverage of the coronavirus.
Ingraham has been one of the leading conservative skeptics of health officials’ response to the virus. She has repeatedly attacked the models used to project death tolls and argued that those officials have oversold the threat and ruined the economy by hijacking public policy.
So welcoming Fauci to her show would have seemed a good opportunity to press perhaps the most preeminent figure on these issues. For Ingraham, though, it didn’t turn out so well."
In order to understand the dynamic here, in other words what Faux was trying to achieve, we need to put aside how Fauci turned Laura inside out with the responses to her questions.

Because this interview was never about getting to the truth. Faux has little interest in that. The purpose of the interview was to reinforce the notion of Fauci as the foil to re-opening the economy. Something Trumpworld has been trying to achieve ever since Tony began contradicting the infallible Supreme Leader weeks ago. Trump needs the minions to have a target of their ire. It can't be him for dropping the response ball. So he needs to find an alternative. Entire Fauci.

For an added theatrical touch Fauci's interview was put in stark contrast by using one of Faux's favorite ploys, giving equal weight to the opinions of non-experts compared to those of real ones. Enter (Dr?) Phil........who offered quite a few suspect analogies but no factual information. Who cares! That wasn't his job. His job was to throw shade on Tony. To leave gullible pawns with the misguided notion there are experts who disagree on the efficacy of doing what Trumpleton #1 is trying to goad governors in to doing. How is Don planning to achieve that end? By getting members of the The Following to hit the streets and put pressure on state and local governments to do the wrong thing too quickly.

'Work conquers all': Protests erupt in state capitals nationwide over coronavirus restrictions

I'll say this. Team Trump are master manipulators. They have cultists wrapped around their fingers.

So, his impressive argument is that he dismissed them? I kept looking for the point, but there never was one was there?
That is hilarious at best. Listen for yourselves. Anything but
Washington Compost opining on anyone else's commentary is as Hillaryous as Joe Bidum claiming he doesn't know about his kid's paychecks from Ukraine.
Allow me to compliment you on your efficient use of idiocy, a lie, and sophomoric behavior all within the confines of a short post. Well done.
That is hilarious at best. Listen for yourselves. Anything but
I already listened to it. It's exactly as reported by the Post. Anything else?
That is hilarious at best. Listen for yourselves. Anything but
I already listened to it. It's exactly as reported by the Post. Anything else?
No, it’s not. Others can now see for themselves. Carry on, but realize the truth sits right in front of others now.
“But, look, the fact of the matter is we have people dying — 45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents,” McGraw said. “480,000 from cigarettes. 360,000 a year from swimming pools, but we don’t shut the country down for that. But yet we’re doing it for this? And the fallout is going to last for years because people’s lives are being destroyed.”

How many people do you know who drown in a pool by contracting it from someone else?
That is hilarious at best. Listen for yourselves. Anything but
I already listened to it. It's exactly as reported by the Post. Anything else?
No, it’s not. Others can now see for themselves. Carry on, but realize the truth sits right in front of others now.
Your truth is not the truth.
“But, look, the fact of the matter is we have people dying — 45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents,” McGraw said. “480,000 from cigarettes. 360,000 a year from swimming pools, but we don’t shut the country down for that. But yet we’re doing it for this? And the fallout is going to last for years because people’s lives are being destroyed.”

How many people do you know who drown in a pool by contracting it from someone else?

If you don't have your own swimming pool. Then you died in someone else's I would guess. You contracted drowning.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Anthony Fauci goes sideways
Fauci repeatedly dismissed Ingraham’s dodgy premises in an interview that reinforced how punditry like Ingraham’s has flown in the face of what health officials are saying.

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Dr. Phil is getting all the attention this morning. But it might have been her interview Thursday with an actual medical doctor, Anthony S. Fauci, that best spotlighted conservative media’s odd, speculative and suspect coverage of the coronavirus.
Ingraham has been one of the leading conservative skeptics of health officials’ response to the virus. She has repeatedly attacked the models used to project death tolls and argued that those officials have oversold the threat and ruined the economy by hijacking public policy.
So welcoming Fauci to her show would have seemed a good opportunity to press perhaps the most preeminent figure on these issues. For Ingraham, though, it didn’t turn out so well."
In order to understand the dynamic here, in other words what Faux was trying to achieve, we need to put aside how Fauci turned Laura inside out with the responses to her questions.

Because this interview was never about getting to the truth. Faux has little interest in that. The purpose of the interview was to reinforce the notion of Fauci as the foil to re-opening the economy. Something Trumpworld has been trying to achieve ever since Tony began contradicting the infallible Supreme Leader weeks ago. Trump needs the minions to have a target of their ire. It can't be him for dropping the response ball. So he needs to find an alternative. Entire Fauci.

For an added theatrical touch Fauci's interview was put in stark contrast by using one of Faux's favorite ploys, giving equal weight to the opinions of non-experts compared to those of real ones. Enter (Dr?) Phil........who offered quite a few suspect analogies but no factual information. Who cares! That wasn't his job. His job was to throw shade on Tony. To leave gullible pawns with the misguided notion there are experts who disagree on the efficacy of doing what Trumpleton #1 is trying to goad governors in to doing. How is Don planning to achieve that end? By getting members of the The Following to hit the streets and put pressure on state and local governments to do the wrong thing too quickly.

'Work conquers all': Protests erupt in state capitals nationwide over coronavirus restrictions

I'll say this. Team Trump are master manipulators. They have cultists wrapped around their fingers.
Open the economy and have younger people shop for older people...problem solved.
Yes kind of like what everyone has been doing anyway.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Anthony Fauci goes sideways
Fauci repeatedly dismissed Ingraham’s dodgy premises in an interview that reinforced how punditry like Ingraham’s has flown in the face of what health officials are saying.

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s interview with Dr. Phil is getting all the attention this morning. But it might have been her interview Thursday with an actual medical doctor, Anthony S. Fauci, that best spotlighted conservative media’s odd, speculative and suspect coverage of the coronavirus.
Ingraham has been one of the leading conservative skeptics of health officials’ response to the virus. She has repeatedly attacked the models used to project death tolls and argued that those officials have oversold the threat and ruined the economy by hijacking public policy.
So welcoming Fauci to her show would have seemed a good opportunity to press perhaps the most preeminent figure on these issues. For Ingraham, though, it didn’t turn out so well."
In order to understand the dynamic here, in other words what Faux was trying to achieve, we need to put aside how Fauci turned Laura inside out with the responses to her questions.

Because this interview was never about getting to the truth. Faux has little interest in that. The purpose of the interview was to reinforce the notion of Fauci as the foil to re-opening the economy. Something Trumpworld has been trying to achieve ever since Tony began contradicting the infallible Supreme Leader weeks ago. Trump needs the minions to have a target of their ire. It can't be him for dropping the response ball. So he needs to find an alternative. Entire Fauci.

For an added theatrical touch Fauci's interview was put in stark contrast by using one of Faux's favorite ploys, giving equal weight to the opinions of non-experts compared to those of real ones. Enter (Dr?) Phil........who offered quite a few suspect analogies but no factual information. Who cares! That wasn't his job. His job was to throw shade on Tony. To leave gullible pawns with the misguided notion there are experts who disagree on the efficacy of doing what Trumpleton #1 is trying to goad governors in to doing. How is Don planning to achieve that end? By getting members of the The Following to hit the streets and put pressure on state and local governments to do the wrong thing too quickly.

'Work conquers all': Protests erupt in state capitals nationwide over coronavirus restrictions

I'll say this. Team Trump are master manipulators. They have cultists wrapped around their fingers.
So where exactly did Fauci dispute her summary that all his initial projections were wrong?
The predictions of the amount of infected and dead were way off. Fauci said nothing to change that fact.

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