An Apology to African Americans

Dear Closet Racist OP.....

You should also go ahead and apologize to Japanese Americans, Jewish Americans, Hispanic Americans, Chinese Americans, Italian Americans, American Indians.....

Oh snap I get it....... You hate white Anglo Americans !!!!

PS...If you're REALLY is some sincerity and donate your paychecks to them for the next 20 years.
I think whoever is making this an issue owes us all an apology, it's a waste of bloody time and space on the servers. Apologize for WHAT? I am sorry you and your kin were so moronic as to be put into slavery and even after you were released, use it as an excuse to act like blood thirsty animals and destroy each other in record numbers? (but we blame racism or bad cops)? It's racism if WE NOTICE? Really? Somebody needs a ( to use black parlance) bitch slap. I am so fed up with the ambivalent neurotic hyper critical mixed up misogynistic rhetoric of the left.
Myth 1: The only way to create a color-blind society is to adopt color-blind policies.
Although this statement sounds intuitively plausible, the reality is that color-blind policies often put racial minorities at a disadvantage. For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.
Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.
Trump & Sessions are already working to put a stop to it, but that's not enough.

Reparations$$$ will have to be paid to all the whites who have suffered huge losses $$$ from AA. Even in retirement, we still suffer due to reduced social security from all reduced wages
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
Everything you say is a myth
Deep in denial, huh ? Well Affirmative Action is no myth. Blacks are the beneficiaries; Whites are the victims. Been that way for 56 years.

Welcome to the real world.
There is no such thing as white privilege. That is a myth that blacks are conned into thinking to get them to vote Democrat

Quite amazing after 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, that somebody could not recognize all this black privilege, and massive victimization of whites

How dumb

If you're black and can't make it in America, with all the advantage of Affirmative Action going for you, you're a loser
Everything you say is a myth
Deep in denial, huh ? Well Affirmative Action is no myth. Blacks are the beneficiaries; Whites are the victims. Been that way for 56 years.

Welcome to the real world.

Lol...... Right. 56 years ago it was 1961. If you had been black in this country in 1961 you would have probably committed suicide.
I was 15 years old in 1961. Lots of blacks in my high school. They were OK. Same as everyone else.

And in 1961, YOUR parents and other white people like them were being displaced in colleges as well as the workplace all over America?

His daddy and 30 other whites applied for a job and a black guy got the job because of aa. But before aa blacks never got the job. How was that fair?

So aa says companies have to have 12% of their staff black. Same as the population %

These guys want to go back to 100% white
His daddy and 30 other whites applied for a job and a black guy got the job because of aa. But before aa blacks never got the job. How was that fair?
So aa says companies have to have 12% of their staff black. Same as the population %
These guys want to go back to 100% white

Maybe you should insist that your next surgeon be chosen based on race...rather than qualification.....
Roll the dice....

Personally, I don't care if the surgeon is pink and green or rainbow colored even as long as he or she is the best QUALIFIED SURGEON
Here the one to a study that was able to give a nice hard number to HOW MUCH discrimination is found in Ivy League college admissions.

NOrmally I would like to link to a report about the article, to make it more readable, BUT all the ones I find that are NOT found conservative sites, seem solely concerned with the impact on Asians, without reference to whites. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"Based on complete data for three applicant cohorts to three of the most academically selective research universities, we show that admission bonuses for athletes and legacies rival, and sometimes even exceed, the size of preferences for underrepresented minority applicants. Being African American instead of white is worth an average of 230 additional SAT points on a 1600-point scale, but recruited athletes reap an advantage equivalent to 200 SAT points. Other things equal, Hispanic applicants gain the equivalent of 185 points, which is only slightly more than the legacy advantage, which is worth 160 points. Coming from an Asian background, however, is comparable to the loss of 50 SAT points. As sizeable as these preferences are, we provide evidence that their magnitudes are biased down by relying on SAT scores as the sole indicator of academic merit. When such additional measures as high school GPA and class rank are included, being a recruited athlete has an even greater impact on one’s chances of admission. The African-American and Hispanic advantage also increases, as does the disadvantage if one has an Asian background."

I don't want to hear about athletes and legacies. I want to strictly talk about blacks. Because adding in athletes taints the results big time! And I'm sorry but people want to go to UofM because they have a good football program.

Fact is, less than 1% of whites are affected by aa. I'm guessing MUCH less than 1%. What about the small minority that suffers? It's worth the price. But I'll never convince you guys that so do away with it and show black people how fair you are going to be to them after AA is gone.

THe study covered different issues, but the fact that the number for athletes and legacies are listed there does not change teh fact that the effective sat bonus for black skin was 230 points.

Indeed, even if you don't about it, it gives you a sense of the size of the problem when having black skin is 15 % more valuable than being a competitive athlete?

On a 1600 point scale, 160 points is ten percent. 230 points?That's a big hill for a poor white kid hoping for a scholarship to climb.

No dreams for you, stupid white kid. Go work in the mills. Oops, they are all closed. While, whatever.

Or go to another school. I don't know why I didn't get into UofM. How many white kids don't get into these colleges because of AA? A very small number. But how many blacks who should have got hired didn't just because they are black? Lots. You seem to not care to fix that problem. I guess why should you care? You aren't black.

I think/hope Republicans end it. I want blacks to know definitively that conservatives and Republicans are much worse than liberals and Democrats.
Where are you getting your information from ? CNN ? MSNBC ? Your stuff is BS.
It's called reality. What part did you disagree with exactly?
Touching.I have never owned slaves, My great grand parents immigrated legally from Europe in the 'teens. And,I am part Jewish. It sickens me that people isolate themselves and create a bubble and call that a culture. Blacks do that, we can't question that? That is the problem. Insular group think. Blacks have their own form of hate, and racism and liberals can't get their heads around that. Who's stopping you?
When I see blacks act like the lowest racial stereotypical denominator, as a human being, it makes me wonder. Nobody is twisting their arm but then they still chose to act like a negative racial stereotype. BUT, (always a big fat BUT here), if you notice blacks acting like a negative racial stereo type? Racism. Is it? Or is it in the eye of the beholder, or the actor were in the fault lay?
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When I see blacks act like the lowest racial stereotypical denominator, as a human being, it makes me wonder. Nobody is twisting their arm but then they still chose to act like a negative racial stereotype. BUT, (always a big fat BUT here), if you notice blacks acting like a negative racial stereo type? Racism. Is it? Or is it in the eye of the beholder, or the actor were in the fault lay?

Yes....there IS a difference.....

Here the one to a study that was able to give a nice hard number to HOW MUCH discrimination is found in Ivy League college admissions.

NOrmally I would like to link to a report about the article, to make it more readable, BUT all the ones I find that are NOT found conservative sites, seem solely concerned with the impact on Asians, without reference to whites. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"Based on complete data for three applicant cohorts to three of the most academically selective research universities, we show that admission bonuses for athletes and legacies rival, and sometimes even exceed, the size of preferences for underrepresented minority applicants. Being African American instead of white is worth an average of 230 additional SAT points on a 1600-point scale, but recruited athletes reap an advantage equivalent to 200 SAT points. Other things equal, Hispanic applicants gain the equivalent of 185 points, which is only slightly more than the legacy advantage, which is worth 160 points. Coming from an Asian background, however, is comparable to the loss of 50 SAT points. As sizeable as these preferences are, we provide evidence that their magnitudes are biased down by relying on SAT scores as the sole indicator of academic merit. When such additional measures as high school GPA and class rank are included, being a recruited athlete has an even greater impact on one’s chances of admission. The African-American and Hispanic advantage also increases, as does the disadvantage if one has an Asian background."

I don't want to hear about athletes and legacies. I want to strictly talk about blacks. Because adding in athletes taints the results big time! And I'm sorry but people want to go to UofM because they have a good football program.

Fact is, less than 1% of whites are affected by aa. I'm guessing MUCH less than 1%. What about the small minority that suffers? It's worth the price. But I'll never convince you guys that so do away with it and show black people how fair you are going to be to them after AA is gone.
Nonsense! Almost ALL whites suffer losses from AA. Liberals claim the darndest things.

How is this possible? I just explained to you the number of blacks is so small that way less than 1% of whites would be affected by it. And the purpose is to make up for all the whites who won't hire blacks. There are way more blacks that are affected by racist hiring managers than there are whites who've been hurt by affirmative action.

I bet none of you have been hurt by AA. I haven't.

By the way, I just got a huge raise today. I thought I would get it in January but the president said he wants to reward me for all the great work I'm doing now, not next year.
Your posts are crazy. The opposite of what's true. ALL whites are discriminated against by AA.

There are no blacks being discriminated against. They are all benefiting from AA.

In my case, my WHOLE LIFE was ruined by AA. Had to drop out of grad school. For 40 years, never made more than $12/hour. Occasionally worked for minimum wage, just to get the rent paid.

Even now, I suffer from the reduced social security payments.

"ALL Whites are discriminated against by AA"?

Judging from what you post, its not a surprise at all that you never made more than 12.00 an hour. You ruined your own life by being ill prepared to compete in an ever changing world.

What about the current POTUS? What about the billionaires in his administration?

They are are all victims of AA like you?
I was NOT ill prepared. I was in graduate school. Can you read ? It was the AA that impeded me, not the preparation.
Here the one to a study that was able to give a nice hard number to HOW MUCH discrimination is found in Ivy League college admissions.

NOrmally I would like to link to a report about the article, to make it more readable, BUT all the ones I find that are NOT found conservative sites, seem solely concerned with the impact on Asians, without reference to whites. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"Based on complete data for three applicant cohorts to three of the most academically selective research universities, we show that admission bonuses for athletes and legacies rival, and sometimes even exceed, the size of preferences for underrepresented minority applicants. Being African American instead of white is worth an average of 230 additional SAT points on a 1600-point scale, but recruited athletes reap an advantage equivalent to 200 SAT points. Other things equal, Hispanic applicants gain the equivalent of 185 points, which is only slightly more than the legacy advantage, which is worth 160 points. Coming from an Asian background, however, is comparable to the loss of 50 SAT points. As sizeable as these preferences are, we provide evidence that their magnitudes are biased down by relying on SAT scores as the sole indicator of academic merit. When such additional measures as high school GPA and class rank are included, being a recruited athlete has an even greater impact on one’s chances of admission. The African-American and Hispanic advantage also increases, as does the disadvantage if one has an Asian background."

I don't want to hear about athletes and legacies. I want to strictly talk about blacks. Because adding in athletes taints the results big time! And I'm sorry but people want to go to UofM because they have a good football program.

Fact is, less than 1% of whites are affected by aa. I'm guessing MUCH less than 1%. What about the small minority that suffers? It's worth the price. But I'll never convince you guys that so do away with it and show black people how fair you are going to be to them after AA is gone.
Nonsense! Almost ALL whites suffer losses from AA. Liberals claim the darndest things.

How is this possible? I just explained to you the number of blacks is so small that way less than 1% of whites would be affected by it. And the purpose is to make up for all the whites who won't hire blacks. There are way more blacks that are affected by racist hiring managers than there are whites who've been hurt by affirmative action.

I bet none of you have been hurt by AA. I haven't.

By the way, I just got a huge raise today. I thought I would get it in January but the president said he wants to reward me for all the great work I'm doing now, not next year.
Your posts are crazy. The opposite of what's true. ALL whites are discriminated against by AA.

There are no blacks being discriminated against. They are all benefiting from AA.

In my case, my WHOLE LIFE was ruined by AA. Had to drop out of grad school. For 40 years, never made more than $12/hour. Occasionally worked for minimum wage, just to get the rent paid.

Even now, I suffer from the reduced social security payments.

"ALL Whites are discriminated against by AA"?

Judging from what you post, its not a surprise at all that you never made more than 12.00 an hour. You ruined your own life by being ill prepared to compete in an ever changing world.

What about the current POTUS? What about the billionaires in his administration?

They are are all victims of AA like you?
Entrepreneur, not wage earner
I have seen blacks slaughtering each other, shooting off guns at each other or any one else. Pop pop pop. There is this free floating aura of black self righteousness, when you see it up close it makes a mockery of black lives maters as so much empty and nihilistic rhetoric.. Blacks deserve respect. But they better get their collective heads out of their asses. Nobody is going to take the issue seriously if blacks don't practice what they preach.
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Myth 1 is not a Myth; however, it takes time. Over time, years or perhaps over 2 or 3 generations a color-blind society can be reached by adopting color-blind policies. Policies such as AA may help in the short term, but in the long term if continued will prevent having a color-blind society.
It's time to end AA and adopt color-blind policies now.
Trump & Sessions are already working to put a stop to it, but that's not enough.

Reparations$$$ will have to be paid to all the whites who have suffered huge losses $$$ from AA. Even in retirement, we still suffer due to reduced social security from all reduced wages
Everything you say is a myth
Deep in denial, huh ? Well Affirmative Action is no myth. Blacks are the beneficiaries; Whites are the victims. Been that way for 56 years.

Welcome to the real world.
Everything you say is a myth
Deep in denial, huh ? Well Affirmative Action is no myth. Blacks are the beneficiaries; Whites are the victims. Been that way for 56 years.

Welcome to the real world.

Lol...... Right. 56 years ago it was 1961. If you had been black in this country in 1961 you would have probably committed suicide.
I was 15 years old in 1961. Lots of blacks in my high school. They were OK. Same as everyone else.

And in 1961, YOUR parents and other white people like them were being displaced in colleges as well as the workplace all over America?

His daddy and 30 other whites applied for a job and a black guy got the job because of aa. But before aa blacks never got the job. How was that fair?

So aa says companies have to have 12% of their staff black. Same as the population %

These guys want to go back to 100% white

"People" like him and his buddy Correll, believe that ANY positive gain by ANYONE that is black is at the expense of white people.

What is so funny is that "Deflectionist" has been crying his "whoa is me" sob story for years here about how "AA ruined his life", when all one has to do is some very simple math based on relative population size, the black unemployment rate and the admission rate nationally for blacks in colleges which proves that it is impossible for white people to be displaced in the millions by blacks as he claims. Hes a failure due to his own shortcomings and nothing else..
I don't want to hear about athletes and legacies. I want to strictly talk about blacks. Because adding in athletes taints the results big time! And I'm sorry but people want to go to UofM because they have a good football program.

Fact is, less than 1% of whites are affected by aa. I'm guessing MUCH less than 1%. What about the small minority that suffers? It's worth the price. But I'll never convince you guys that so do away with it and show black people how fair you are going to be to them after AA is gone.
Nonsense! Almost ALL whites suffer losses from AA. Liberals claim the darndest things.

How is this possible? I just explained to you the number of blacks is so small that way less than 1% of whites would be affected by it. And the purpose is to make up for all the whites who won't hire blacks. There are way more blacks that are affected by racist hiring managers than there are whites who've been hurt by affirmative action.

I bet none of you have been hurt by AA. I haven't.

By the way, I just got a huge raise today. I thought I would get it in January but the president said he wants to reward me for all the great work I'm doing now, not next year.
Your posts are crazy. The opposite of what's true. ALL whites are discriminated against by AA.

There are no blacks being discriminated against. They are all benefiting from AA.

In my case, my WHOLE LIFE was ruined by AA. Had to drop out of grad school. For 40 years, never made more than $12/hour. Occasionally worked for minimum wage, just to get the rent paid.

Even now, I suffer from the reduced social security payments.

"ALL Whites are discriminated against by AA"?

Judging from what you post, its not a surprise at all that you never made more than 12.00 an hour. You ruined your own life by being ill prepared to compete in an ever changing world.

What about the current POTUS? What about the billionaires in his administration?

They are are all victims of AA like you?
Entrepreneur, not wage earner

You said "All whites" initially. Now you are waffling, because you know you're lying.

Make up your mind and get your stories straight.
His daddy and 30 other whites applied for a job and a black guy got the job because of aa. But before aa blacks never got the job. How was that fair?
So aa says companies have to have 12% of their staff black. Same as the population %
These guys want to go back to 100% white

Maybe you should insist that your next surgeon be chosen based on race...rather than qualification.....
Roll the dice....

Personally, I don't care if the surgeon is pink and green or rainbow colored even as long as he or she is the best QUALIFIED SURGEON
you bring up a good point. Who you gonna get to work in poor black inner cities? That's reason enough to admit 12% blacks. You're not going to work in that ghetto
When I see blacks act like the lowest racial stereotypical denominator, as a human being, it makes me wonder. Nobody is twisting their arm but then they still chose to act like a negative racial stereotype. BUT, (always a big fat BUT here), if you notice blacks acting like a negative racial stereo type? Racism. Is it? Or is it in the eye of the beholder, or the actor were in the fault lay?

Yes....there IS a difference.....

See, we aren't talking about people like that though. But the fact you and Mary talk about them says two things. You're proving you have negative feelings about black people. How much of a chance do blacks have interviewing with you racists?
I don't want to hear about athletes and legacies. I want to strictly talk about blacks. Because adding in athletes taints the results big time! And I'm sorry but people want to go to UofM because they have a good football program.

Fact is, less than 1% of whites are affected by aa. I'm guessing MUCH less than 1%. What about the small minority that suffers? It's worth the price. But I'll never convince you guys that so do away with it and show black people how fair you are going to be to them after AA is gone.
Nonsense! Almost ALL whites suffer losses from AA. Liberals claim the darndest things.

How is this possible? I just explained to you the number of blacks is so small that way less than 1% of whites would be affected by it. And the purpose is to make up for all the whites who won't hire blacks. There are way more blacks that are affected by racist hiring managers than there are whites who've been hurt by affirmative action.

I bet none of you have been hurt by AA. I haven't.

By the way, I just got a huge raise today. I thought I would get it in January but the president said he wants to reward me for all the great work I'm doing now, not next year.
Your posts are crazy. The opposite of what's true. ALL whites are discriminated against by AA.

There are no blacks being discriminated against. They are all benefiting from AA.

In my case, my WHOLE LIFE was ruined by AA. Had to drop out of grad school. For 40 years, never made more than $12/hour. Occasionally worked for minimum wage, just to get the rent paid.

Even now, I suffer from the reduced social security payments.

"ALL Whites are discriminated against by AA"?

Judging from what you post, its not a surprise at all that you never made more than 12.00 an hour. You ruined your own life by being ill prepared to compete in an ever changing world.

What about the current POTUS? What about the billionaires in his administration?

They are are all victims of AA like you?
I was NOT ill prepared. I was in graduate school. Can you read ? It was the AA that impeded me, not the preparation.

I likely read much better than you do.

How is it that people fall short of finishing grad school or even college frequently, but still manage to reinvent themselves and do well?

The fact that you made the choice to accept a meager hourly wage and not take advantage of the hundreds of options available to anyone with average intelligence and work ethic is on you.

It's not because you were a "victim" of "AA".
I have seen blacks slaughtering each other, shooting off guns at each other or any one else. Pop pop pop. There is this free floating aura of black self righteousness, when you see it up close it makes a mockery of black lives maters as so much empty and nihilistic rhetoric.. Blacks deserve respect. But they better get their collective heads out of their asses. Nobody is going to take the issue seriously if blacks don't practice what they preach.
Think about the good black person you see come in and interview then a white and you see the white hiring manager hire the white person Everytime. It's because this was happening that aa was first started.

I agree about slacker blacks but I feel bad for the ones tryin but the whites be denyin
I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.
Somebody's race does not make them wonderful, spiritual, warm, loving and forgiving.

Are you sure you really want to say that about these brothers?


Before you answer that take a look at this.


The 12 year old girl on the top right was a dear friend of mine. I heard what they did to her from one of the responding officers and a guy who worked for the M.E.

They kidnapped her and took her down into the dark cold creepy basement of an abandoned theater. Then they beat the crap out her, tortured her and raped her. They cut off her tits. They impaled her with a piece of rebar. Shoved it up her pussy and out her mouth. And the blood evidence indicates that she was still alive when they did all of that to her. Then they finished her off by flattening her head with a concrete block.

Do you still want to call them warm, loving and wonderful?
Why can't people forgive and get over the past? There is a level of absurdity to this that is almost comical.
I've read posts here from folks who feel they were hurt by Affirmative Action policies. It may have happened years ago, but they still bring it up and complain that their lives would have been different, if it weren't for AA. It's easy to tell other folks to forgive and forget, but we are not so good at doing it ourselves either.

The other thing is that individual grievances do not speak to the broader, institutional racism that exists today and affects people daily. If we do not live with and know people personally who are affected, it is easy to say that it's all over. Maybe it is in our minds, but not for some.
Trump & Sessions are already working to put a stop to it, but that's not enough.

Reparations$$$ will have to be paid to all the whites who have suffered huge losses $$$ from AA. Even in retirement, we still suffer due to reduced social security from all reduced wages
Deep in denial, huh ? Well Affirmative Action is no myth. Blacks are the beneficiaries; Whites are the victims. Been that way for 56 years.

Welcome to the real world.
Deep in denial, huh ? Well Affirmative Action is no myth. Blacks are the beneficiaries; Whites are the victims. Been that way for 56 years.

Welcome to the real world.

Lol...... Right. 56 years ago it was 1961. If you had been black in this country in 1961 you would have probably committed suicide.
I was 15 years old in 1961. Lots of blacks in my high school. They were OK. Same as everyone else.

And in 1961, YOUR parents and other white people like them were being displaced in colleges as well as the workplace all over America?

His daddy and 30 other whites applied for a job and a black guy got the job because of aa. But before aa blacks never got the job. How was that fair?

So aa says companies have to have 12% of their staff black. Same as the population %

These guys want to go back to 100% white

"People" like him and his buddy Correll, believe that ANY positive gain by ANYONE that is black is at the expense of white people.

What is so funny is that "Deflectionist" has been crying his "whoa is me" sob story for years here about how "AA ruined his life", when all one has to do is some very simple math based on relative population size, the black unemployment rate and the admission rate nationally for blacks in colleges which proves that it is impossible for white people to be displaced in the millions by blacks as he claims. Hes a failure due to his own shortcomings and nothing else..
Many blacks are without jobs because they don't want them.

Nobody does more sob stories than blacks. Constantly bitching even when they have AA.

I was NOT a failure. I just said I never made more than $12/hr, but that was when working for others. I also owned my own business for 10 years in the 1980s, and netted over $100K/yr 6 straight years. That,s about $350K/year in 2017 dollars

I also made good $$ playing with a rock band for 11 years.

And if the college admission rate is low for blacks, its because, just like the jobs, they're just too lazy to show up.
I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.
Somebody's race does not make them wonderful, spiritual, warm, loving and forgiving.

Are you sure you really want to say that about these brothers?


Before you answer that take a look at this.


The 12 year old girl on the top right was a dear friend of mine. I heard what they did to her from one of the responding officers and a guy who worked for the M.E.

They kidnapped her and took her down into the dark cold creepy basement of an abandoned theater. Then they beat the crap out her, tortured her and raped her. They cut off her tits. They impaled her with a piece of rebar. Shoved it up her pussy and out her mouth. And the blood evidence indicates that she was still alive when they did all of that to her. Then they finished her off by flattening her head with a concrete block.

Do you still want to call them warm, loving and wonderful?
Yeah, I've head and seen lots of these types of "pick and choose" pics and videos. I still believe in my heart that African Americans as a people are misrepresented and stereotyped. I know far too many folks who are as I described to think otherwise.

I could find stories of scary individual white folks with no problem. However, going way back when Europeans invaded Africa, it can be said that an organized, vicious system of capitalism and colonialism puts white folks way ahead in the overall not so nice and not so spiritual category.

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