An Apology to African Americans


I couldnā€™t focus at work today. My mind kept taking me back to Charlottesville.

I kept seeing the hate in the eyes of the KKK, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi protesters.

I kept hearing the voices of those who vowed to ā€œtake their country backā€ and rid it of all diversity and unity.

In my heart, I can find no other response but to apologize ā€“ for their hatred, for their violence, for their total ignorance of who you really are.

I am a white woman who has been married to a black man for 37 years.

I KNOW you are wonderful. I KNOW you are spiritual. I KNOW you are warm, loving and forgiving. I KNOW you deserve better. I KNOW you deserve an apology.

An apology from our nation, from our leaders and from every white person who has never spoken up against racism and the way you have been treated in this United States of America.

As one individual, I do apologize. Right here. Right now.

It may not help a lot. It may not change the course of history. It may not even make a crack in the wall that divides us. But still ā€“ I APOLOGIZE.

Delores Paulk

A police officer in Georgia is on administrative leave after a local television station aired dashcam video of his alarming message: "we only kill black people."

Georgia Cop's Horrifying Comment About Black People Highlights Racism In Policing | HuffPost
He was being sarcastic because according to a lot of black people, the cops do not kill whites.
Right now answer me this

What are Antifa going to do to black people that has not been done already ?
What are Antifa going to do to black people that the KKK and Alt-Right do not want to do ?

Disarm you.

They are still the KKK, just in a different stupid costume.

The "alt right" just wants you to pull up your pants.




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