Amid soaring gas prices, Biden slashes oil and gas production in Gulf of Mexico.

APRIL 4, 2023

The Biden administration has agreed to auction off oil and gas leases for over 73 million acres of federal water in the Gulf of Mexico. The decision comes just after President Biden approved the Willow Project in Alaska, oil company ConocoPhillips' multi-billion dollar oil drilling proposal.

APRIL 4, 2023

The Biden administration has agreed to auction off oil and gas leases for over 73 million acres of federal water in the Gulf of Mexico. The decision comes just after President Biden approved the Willow Project in Alaska, oil company ConocoPhillips' multi-billion dollar oil drilling proposal.
It’s August, Dipsqueeze.

Try to keep up.
This should help working folks, right?

Once again he caves to the environmental lobby. What a disaster he is.

Let me get this straight. He is opening up lot 261 to further drilling where there was not, before, but with restrictions based on environmental issues? So, we get more oil, but protect the environment, the way the way the Environmental Protections under laws written by Republicans in the Nixon administration intended.

With the steadily increasing production at already being the planet's largest producer, I find it difficult to get too excited over it.
This should help working folks, right?

Once again he caves to the environmental lobby. What a disaster he is.

Haven't you heard? Inflation is under control. It is now only twice as high as when Trump was president. And we need to save the planet because the climate changed somewhere in the world today. Screw the little guy. The rich can still afford gas. Geeeeeeeeeeeee, I just don't see why 70% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. It must be a messaging problem. When we go to the grocery or buy gas we should be jumping with joy.
It’s August, Dipsqueeze.

Try to keep up.
The auction, called Lease Sale 259, was to be held "no later than March 30, 2023," and put up for sale an Italy-sized area for the purpose of oil drilling.

So much for slashing oil production in the gulf of Mexico you meant to say........
The auction, called Lease Sale 259, was to be held "no later than March 30, 2023," and put up for sale an Italy-sized area for the purpose of oil drilling.

So much for slashing oil production in the gulf of Mexico you meant to say........
Cool story, Simp. This thread is about a current event.

Try to keep up.
This should help working folks, right?

Once again he caves to the environmental lobby. What a disaster he is.

From your link,

Those recommendations will be introduced as stipulations to Lease Sale 261, an upcoming offshore oil and gas lease auction.

Wow, auctioning off more leases, so tell me, how is that reducing oil production? I mean why the hell didn't Trump auction off those leases? Oh wait,

In a federal stipulated stay agreement filed late last month, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) agreed to a number of conditions requested by four eco groups led by the Sierra Club which, in response, agreed to temporarily pause litigation in the related case. The case dates back nearly three years when, in October 2020, the environmental coalition sued the NMFS for failing to properly assess the oil industry impacts on endangered and threatened marine wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico.

They pursued the lawsuit after the NMFS coordinated a multiagency consultation studying the effects all federally regulated oil and gas activities would have on species listed under the Endangered Species Act in the Gulf of Mexico over the next 50 years. The groups argued in the original complaint that the NMFS' biological opinion resulting from its consultation was not based on the best science.

So, who was president back in October of 2020? Oh yeah, it was Trump and his administration got sued, that pretty much locked down those lease auctions. But here is the kicker,

The U.S. was a net exporter of petroleum, which includes crude oil, as of 2021, according to the latest U.S. Energy Administration figures.

PolitiFact - Joe Biden has approved more oil drilling. Why? And does it undo his efforts to fight climate change?

Did you get that, "as of 2021", in other words, SINCE BIDEN TOOK OFFICE.

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